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[Solved] Model shrink when imported back to Maya


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Hello everybody i work in a new animation studio and we are making tests about the pipeline and softwares to make a final decisions about what softwares we are going to buy, i am testing 3D coat to be our 3D texturing software, while i am testing i had some problems and i find solutions for them, i figure out some steps to do in order to send my model in 3D Coat, from this steps is to select all the model and Soften Edge then send it to 3D coat using the applink in maya 

this is the low poly model and the model in preview smooth 3 in maya


Then using the applink in maya send the model to 3D Coat for UV mapping and Object Per Pixel Painting, initial subd is applied


The Low poly model in 3D coat is same as in maya and subd is applied


Now my model is UV mapped and textured and ready to go back to maya using the Export Object and textures

Here is the problem as you see the new imported model is not the same as the original model, it is like as the model is scaled on 2 axis the X and Z

the original model is brown and the new imported model is white

6.JPG  8.JPG  7.JPG


               original model                                                   new model

2.JPG         9.JPG

Any one had this problem before? i not use obj export because i need to isolate my separate parts of the model and paint it alone in 3D coat

Thank you everybody  

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I do not know how the Maya app link works but when using the blender one, You would not use export model and textures under the file menu but instead choose to "Export to" to update your model in Blender.

Maybe this could be a source of the change of scale.  I do not use Maya so this is only a guess and might not be a solution to the problem.  


Just to let you know an exported obj can have sub-objects plus the materials. These will be recognized by 3DC

You have the ablity to hide the sub-objects and materials by name in 3DC to paint separately on each. shown on the right hand side of the picture...


If you do not see these tabs in the UI, Under the Windows menu, choose "Reset this page to default"

If you have changed the default layout and do not desire to revert back to the default layout, then under Windows / Popups--- choose the panels manually from the list. 

When auto-uv mapping even though it shows that two uv sets will be created only one will be. ATM "Treat materials as separate textures" is not working correctly. Selecting that should create two uv sets based off the materials you have. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.




appl link.jpg

Edited by digman
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11 hours ago, Carlosan said:

Hi !

Can you try using this settings ?



Hello Carlosan

Thank you for your reply, the settings you suggested will not apply subdivisions, you think applying subdivisions to the model in 3DC is why the shrink happen? 

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5 hours ago, digman said:

I do not know how the Maya app link works but when using the blender one, You would not use export model and textures under the file menu but instead choose to "Export to" to update your model in Blender.

Maybe this could be a source of the change of scale.  I do not use Maya so this is only a guess and might not be a solution to the problem.  


Just to let you know an exported obj can have sub-objects plus the materials. These will be recognized by 3DC

You have the ablity to hide the sub-objects and materials by name in 3DC to paint separately on each. shown on the right hand side of the picture...


If you do not see these tabs in the UI, Under the Windows menu, choose "Reset this page to default"

If you have changed the default layout and do not desire to revert back to the default layout, then under Windows / Popups--- choose the panels manually from the list. 

When auto-uv mapping even though it shows that two uv sets will be created only one will be. ATM "Treat materials as separate textures" is not working correctly. Selecting that should create two uv sets based off the materials you have. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.




appl link.jpg

Hello digman

Thank you for your reply, the Export to maya button open the window for Export objects and textures window B).....i made 4 separate spheres in maya, i applied lambert to 2 spheres and phong to the other 2, select all and export in .obj, import in 3DC for per pixel paint, in the paint objects tab i only have the default, i attached the .obj file  


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Tested the obj model in  Wings3D, Hexagon 2.5 and Blender.  They all import into these programs as one object with one material which leaves me to believe that 3DC is not at fault here...

Pictures includes wings3d and hexagon...

Last picture is an obj created and exported from Wings3D with 4 separate spheres and 4 separate materials imported into 3DC. I have 4 separate objects and materials. The materials are there, the colors to do not show as 3DC does not support Wings3D material colors. 

I do not use Maya so exporting out of Maya I am no help...  You could test exporting FBX... 

As a side note for the future once you get this working. If you are using Maya UV tiles, creating uvs outside the 0 and 1 UV space when importing into 3DC you will need to select "import as uv tiles" from the dialog box. Internally 3DC will create separate UVs for each tile. When exporting, you will need to export as UV tiles and 3DC will put the UVs back in tile format. 3DC still at this time does not support the UV tiling method





Edited by digman
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  • New Member
8 hours ago, digman said:

Tested the obj model in  Wings3D, Hexagon 2.5 and Blender.  They all import into these programs as one object with one material which leaves me to believe that 3DC is not at fault here...

Pictures includes wings3d and hexagon...

Last picture is an obj created and exported from Wings3D with 4 separate spheres and 4 separate materials imported into 3DC. I have 4 separate objects and materials. The materials are there, the colors to do not show as 3DC does not support Wings3D material colors. 

I do not use Maya so exporting out of Maya I am no help...  You could test exporting FBX... 

As a side note for the future once you get this working. If you are using Maya UV tiles, creating uvs outside the 0 and 1 UV space when importing into 3DC you will need to select "import as uv tiles" from the dialog box. Internally 3DC will create separate UVs for each tile. When exporting, you will need to export as UV tiles and 3DC will put the UVs back in tile format. 3DC still at this time does not support the UV tiling method





Hello digman

i got over the import and the export problem and the seperate objects, the applink do it for me, what you think about the shrink problem?

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Since I do not use Maya, I can only make educated guesses. 

Maya 2016 has several choices of Subdivision methods... which also includes now Open SubDiv Catmull-Clark, That is now the new default.


3DC still uses CatmulI-Clark so a possible reason for the difference. 

Another is that there was a possible scene scale problem in 3DC. I think Calosan mentioned this in another thread.I believe that has been fixed in the latest beta. If you are not using the latest beta, then you could test version 4.7.24

As a side note, I noticed in your picture that you are not creating any holding edges for the model before subdividing your model. Is that by design?

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