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[Feature] Dual screen support


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I love 3D-Coat every day more.
There's only one problem i cannot fix or not found a fix for.

3D-Coat need screen space. Now on 1920 screen you not have much sacreen space horizontal.
Espeically because the taskbar is on the side to get more space for programs.

With other proggrams you can easy move parts of the program to a seconbd monitor i have.
It would be so good if you can do that with 3D-Coat to, so materials , brushes etc.
can be docked togehter in new window on the second monitor.

But can 3D-Coat move parts to a second screen and how do that, or when is it add ?
People already asking about it since 2013 !

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That's a very neat trick !
Tricky to setup, but when you figured out how the windows respond it's very nice.

I used the navigator window as space between both screens.
To cover the space under my taskbar with something useless.



ADD: Only minimize 3D-Coat is something you need to get used to.. :)

Edited by CoatFly
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This trick, it's neat i like it. But it's very easy to screw and let it pop complete to your mean screen. Reset or reload it back is still tricky to.

Reload seems to fail in some way to move it back to 2 screen width.
Just don't move your windows taskbar with the idea to move a 3D-Coat window.
If it breaks you need to scale it back to 2 windows. Then it's fine again.

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On 4/27/2017 at 6:23 PM, Mystical said:

I would love native support for dual monitors in 3D Coat so I can undock panels and move them too. For now though this is a workaround way for those of us with multiple monitors:

Still using this trick, but it seems more buggy, 3d-coat seems also more unstable. now running on the DX version.
Still think GL better. but weird things happen.
On the DX version windows pop back to the main screen when importing FBX many times. (DX version) Lucky it's easy to restore by loading preset.

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No, i still run on 4.7.24. But i have the beta ready in case things go wrong again.
3D-coat crashed once. I did update graphics driver.

Still curious if something is changed between anniversary and creator version from windows 10.
Not seen the problems with anniversary.
Things start to get unstable with import, and later import other and do that a few times.

Edited by CoatFly
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