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[Solved] Curvature map


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Hey, I'm a new user with minimal lightwave/modo background. I'm basically just a hobbyist. I just started trying out 3D-Coat a few days ago. Most things feel really nice to me. I feel at home already. I have a quick question though: In the PAINT room I have tried calculating AO and curvature maps for models. Both worked fine. But while I was able to properly put the AO layer on top of a material in the layer stack, I could not do the same with the curvature map. I have set the blending to multiply (or similar), but it doesn't seem to have any effect? What am I doing wrong?

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Hi Carlosan,

Thanks. I remember trying that mode also. But no, it does not have the desired effect. As soon as I enable the curvature map on top of the layer stack the black and white map appears, but it completely masks the underlying things.

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It happens on everything. I just tried it with the stock male figure and stock head models. I apply some stock shaders to it and all is fine. I calculate and apply the AO: all is fine. But the correct (multiply/modulate2X) blending of the curvature map does not work. Or I'm doing something wrong. Maybe it is not working with advanced shaders? 

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Can you share some pics ? may be your model is very small ? Do you tested latest version ? Do you need to recalculate CM ? Are you using any default Smart Material ?

Im sharing my test.






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From your wording it appears you are unhiding the curvature map, Correct? If so read the below.

The curvature map is hidden by default. It should stay hidden. It will cover all layers if un-hidden.

Internally 3DC sees the curvature map when applying a smart material. Do not unhide the curvature map. 

If you need to export the curvature map, that is possible plus you can unhide it just to see how well of a job it has done. Re-hide it again.

Edited by digman
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Aah, thanks for the reply. So if I want to see the same smooth shading effect of the curvature map on my model, I have to apply it somehow through a material? How can I do that? As far as I can remember the cavity option gives me a slightly different result. But I will check as soon as I get home from work.

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The curvature map is conditional based upon the parameters that are set in the Smart Material.  Shown in Picture... 

Smart Materials can be simple or complex and use various projections. A Curvature map or a AO map is not required for a Smart Material creation but most use them, Whether you use a smart material with a curvature or AO map depends upon the model's end use of course. 



Edited by digman
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Thanks digman! I'll experiment wit the smart material settings. This seems really powerful. Probably a very newbie question, but what is the difference between a smart material  (applied from the PAINT room) and a shader applied from the SCULPT room?

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1 hour ago, dddstudio said:

Thanks digman! I'll experiment wit the smart material settings. This seems really powerful. Probably a very newbie question, but what is the difference between a smart material  (applied from the PAINT room) and a shader applied from the SCULPT room?

Smart Materials are based off Texture images or procedural noise. They are pixel based.

Voxel / surface mode Shaders I believe are glsl (opengl) and hlsl (direct x) and they are vertex based.  Not all shaders bake well to the paint room. Some are not designed for it. Generally they are good for rendering in the render room but you can bake some of them depending upon your need.

Pictures show the make up of the Copper shader in the sculpt room. Both the underlying works and the panel you see in the sculpt room. You can create your own shaders as well based off the current ones by selecting a shader and right clicking on it choosing (construct new shader). The panel will appear, you will choose a new name and adjust the settings to your liking.


shader works.JPG


Edited by digman
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