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Sculpting Microsurfaces


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Looks like poligonal modeling with lattice deformation.

Make one section, use radial symmetry to make a tube and then use pose tool lattice mode to deform. Sculpt fine details.

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There are a few different tools or techniques you could use. Carlos mentioned one way, but if you already have the collar formed and just want to sculpt the lines, I would enable Symmetry and use the Spline Stroke Draw mode from the E-Panel, to create splines on one side. If you did as Carlos mentioned, modeled the collar from a tube, you could employ multiple radial instances of one spline (like 30-40?) to create those indented creases (I would try using the PINCH brush with a depth value of 30 or so, because the depth actually indents while the brush pinches). Once you have all the details, you could then use the MOVE or POSE tool to help shape the collar. 

Don't forget, you can always use the FREEZE brush to mask areas of the shirt that you do not want to be deformed. So you could use the stencils with the FREEZE Brush, to paint the lines > turn off stencil > use another brush like EXPAND or GUM to sculpt the raised portions.


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