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I started using 3D Coat about a week ago, and I've run into this problem twice now.

I was working in the retopo room for a while and had most of my voxtree layers hidden. When I unhid them later, one object that was in surface mode was full of holes.

Corrupted Surface Object

Trying to convert it back to voxel mode only made it weirder.

Corrupted Voxel Object

At first it just looked like I had the surface hidden with the cell tool (even thought I never used it on that object), but as I tried to unhide it it only got worse. I've tried reconstructing it, using mesh doctor, resampling it, and nothing works. I think those triangles are just straight up gone.
Then I tried to import the object from an earlier save, but that would crash 3D Coat every time I'd try to edit it. I'd get an error saying the program was unstable and not to overwrite my work.

I've had similar problems with the cell tool not wanting to unhide cells and leaving square holes, but in those cases I was able to fix it with the fill tool.

Does anyone know what's happening here and how to avoid it? I've kinda resigned to my fate that I'll have to redo that object, but if there is a way to fix it I'd love to know.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 months later...
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I don't have an answer sorry, but I recently hid some faces of a retopo object, did some UV seams, then unhide the hidden faces. This corrupted the retopo object into a big mess (really large faces going in all directions).

I went back to a previous version and continued working. Two days later I see that all 40+ retopo objects were also corrupted in the same way. I believe it happened at the same time.

I'm currently in the process of building a new file with old (uncorrupted) retopo objects + the new ones created since. Its pretty frustrating, and I'm curious if anyone has any insight into why this happened and how to prevent it from happening again.

Also, if anyone knows, is there a maximum number of retopo objects - I'm going to merge them to some extent, but as of now there are about 50 objects.

Thanks, Shift Studio.


Edited by Shift Studio
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