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[BUG?] Copy Clay performs action when toggling smooth


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I cannot post to bugs forum yet, please move to there.

When pressing shift or shift+ctrl to switch to one of the alternate brushes like smoothing, reduce or anti-bump, presumably it is not meant to take on the behaviour/effect of the active main/primary brush in use?(brush sizes/alpha etc yes, but not the properties that make a brush unique from others, like pinch or flatten)

Copy Clay when using either alternate brush will apply it's effect(sample or stamp mesh data to volume) then apply the alternate brush effect, such as smooth or add detail. Most tools don't seem to behave this way, so presumably it's a bug. I noticed with Freeze brush,  hold shift to toggle brush like reduce which clearly is not smoothing, it will smooth out any mask selection, actual intention of the alternate brush doesn't happen(neat that you can smooth freeze like this but caused some confusion of how these alternate brushes with shift/shift+ctrl weren't working), similar behaviour with Surface Hide, however it doesn't toggle hide/unhide with alternate brush modes, which is what I'd expect, hence I think Copy Clay is behaving incorrectly.

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Are you talking about Forum: SOS! Only for official urgent help

There isnt any restriction to post there. Which error do you have please ?

Usually if we found any bug using latest Beta version, we post the bug report following this thread to keep the information more organized and tracked it more effectively.



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I know of SOS, these bugs not an emergency. I'm not sure how to get rights to post in bug report and feature request sections. I have been user for a while and made quite a few posts, must require reputation or  become paid customer?

I just play with demo/trial from website, is it considered beta?

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