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Prism Pipeline release - free

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Prism is an artist-friendly Pipeline, mainly for animation and VFX projects, but it can help anyone who works within the CG industry.

Prism does not only manage your scenefiles, exports and imports, but it also takes care of your playblasts, renderings and more.

Prism works with many industry standard tools out of the box. This includes Blender, Houdini, Maya, 3ds Max and Nuke.

And finally, Prism is free to use!

Here is a short introduction video of Prism:


You can download it for free on the website: https://prism-pipeline.com


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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.0.2 changelog

added: (3dsMax) Option in the Export state to show additional settings during the publish
added: Option to check for Prism updates in the “Help” menu of the “ProjectBrowser” and the “StateManager”
changed: The Empty 3dsMax scenes are not created by a student version of 3dsMax anymore
changed: Deadline jobsubmission “MachineLimit” parameter changed from 3 to 0 (unlimited)
fixed: (Maya) The creation of the Prism shelf could mess up other shelves (e.g. missing icons)
fixed: (Maya 2016) The RenderSettings dialog was opened every time the user clicked on the StateManager, when an ImageRender state existed
fixed: (3dsMax, Maya, Blender) Error when removing multiple objects from the Export state list at once
fixed: (3dsMax) Error when double clicking a renderpass in the ImageRender settings
fixed: (3dsMax) the force version option in the project settings didn’t recognize the configured version correctly in some cases
fixed: (Blender) Error when creating an empty blender scene from the ProjectBrowser and opening the StateManager
fixed: (Blender) Prism was not loaded correctly and prevented Blender from starting in some cases
fixed: Improved behaviour when sending bugs/feedback from within Prism (often the message could not be sent)
fixed: Error when rightclicking in an empty versions list of the “Select Task” dialog
fixed: Error when rightclicking on the preview in the ProjectBrowser in some cases

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  • 1 month later...


added: (Maya) support for exporting/importing Redshift proxies (.rs)
added: (Nuke) Option to create and open the outputfolder from the WritePipe node
added: Options, when submitting Deadline render jobs: “Concurrent tasks” and GPU affinity options for Redshift scenes
added: When creating shots you can keep the window open to create multiple shots quickly
added: DoubleClicking on a sequence in the ProjectBrowser toggles the expansion of the sequence
added: support for Pandora beta (v0.9.1)
fixed: (Maya) Error when objects, which should be exported were deleted before the publish in some cases
fixed: (3dsMax) Error when trying to set the startframe and the endframe of the timeline to the same value
fixed: Error when no “recent_projects” section exists in the preferences in some cases
fixed: Error when Prism has no write access to the project folder during project creation
fixed: Error when no “current project” setting exists in the preferences in some cases
fixed: Error when the ProjectBrowser or the StateManager couldn’t be loaded in some cases

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Version 1.1.1 makes Prism more customizable, has many minor workflow improvements and of course bugfixes.

Here is the changelog:


added: Support for custom plugins, which allow to modify various behaviours of Prism

added: Option to place Prism in any location and to use a central installation

added: Button in the Prism Settings to update Prism from a .zip file (downloaded from GitHub) or directly from GitHub (requires git installed)

added: Double clicking on a task in the "Select Task" dialog imports the latest version

added: Option to set the project fps in the current scene if there is a fps mismatch during the opening of a scenefile

added: (Houdini) Support for USD export/import

added: (3dsMax) Import options will be displayed when pressing "CTRL" during the import

changed: The "Send to dailies" option creates now links instead of .bat files on Windows

changed: Performance improvements

fixed: various bugs

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  • 1 year later...

Prism v1.2.0:

added: Option to add a screengrab preview image and a description text for scenefiles. Accessable from the "Save comment" shelf tool and in the State Manager
added: "Plugins" tab in the Prism Settings to reload/unload currently loaded Plugins and to create new plugins
added: Option to restore a shot/asset, which was omitted, when trying to create a new shot/asset with the same name
added: (Houdini) New HDA workflow (save multiple HAD definitions in one file or in incremented file, export project HDAs, blackboxes) (https://prism-pipeline.com/forum/topic/houdini-digital-asset-workflow/?part=1#postid-437)
added: (Houdini) Exporting editable ROPs inside locked HDAs is now possible
added: (Blender) Support for Blender 2.8 and latest 2.79 builds
added: (Maya) Option to preserve namespaces when exporting alembic files to other DCC apps
added: (Maya) Preserve references option on the export state when exporting as .ma, .mb or .rs
changed: (Blender) Prism tools are now available from the main menu bar of the Blender UI
changed: (Maya) Playblasts are now created without the resolution gate, even when it is enabled in the viewport
fixed many bugs and minor improvements



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  • 11 months later...

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