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3DCoat 4.8 BETA testing thread

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Features list of 3DCoat 4.8:


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winicon.pngWindows [4.8.42]:

3DCoat 64-bit - BETA

Alternative link (starts to works ~1 hour after uploading to main server)



Early build with sculpt layers, only for real enthusiasts - Use this build at your own risk! Download it here:


Alternative link (starts to works ~1 hour after uploading to main server)


"WinTab" library for tablet input for some reason doesn't work correctly under "Windows 10 Fall Creators Update" on Surface devices. Enable "TabletPC" inside "Edit > Preferences > Tablet Library > TabletPC".

osxicon.pngmacOS Mojave [4.9.02]: 


Ensure to check "System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the "lock" > select "App Store and identified developers" (when only "App Store" is selected error message is displayed "3DCoat" can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store)

3DCoat crashes on startup

3DC-printing 1.1.09 http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3DC-printing/3DC-printing-1.1.09.dmg

linuxicon.pngLinux CentOS 6 [4.8.23]:


We stopped to build "3DCoat" under old Linux CentOS 6 ("GCC" compiler from old CentOS 6 makes errors during optimizations). Soon we will try to make native "3DCoat" build under newest Ubuntu using its latest "GCC".

How to create shortcut

3DC-printing 1.1.09 http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3DC-printing/3DC-printing-1.1.09.tar.gz

linuxicon.pngLinux Ubuntu 19.04 x64

TestStroke http://pilgway.com/~sergyi/TestStroke/TestStroke.tar.xz

Changes list since 4.7.37C:

20.07.2019 4.8.44

- OpenGL version works correctly

 - Deleting selected faces in retopo room leads to boundary edges selection.

- Create retopo patch of quads in VoxLayer tool. A lot of refinement is VoxLayer, more accurate custom edge.

- Soft booleans for volumes accessible not only via picking but through menu for boolean operations as well.

- Correct split in surface mode with symmetry

- serious problem fixed - unselecting random vertices/faces

- Instability related to undo fixed

12.07.2019 4.8.42

 - CutOff in surface mode completely redone. Now the shape of cut is very uniform and accurate. Depth and back plane limitations produce accurate sharp cut. Soft booleans supported. This is how it looks - 

 - Better quality of the edge for curves filled inside with the polygons patch (in Coat tool).

- Much more stable and powerful Geometry->Close holes

- More stable autoretopology.

 - Set of pose selection issues fixed.

 - Text updater polished/ Press F2 to correct any text in 3D-Coat.

 - Moving smart materials to other folder takes less space in RMB menu, it is consolidated into the single line wit submenu.

- Generally I developed new quadrangulation routine for arbitrary closed contours. Now it is used in RFill tool, later it will be used for wide variety of tools. 

27.05.2019 4.8.40
- Essential improvement of the models array in curves/splines. Now models will be placed very uniformly along the spline. Full specification is there.

- Snapping for curves imporoved a lot - SHIFT snapping, distance snapping, vertical/horizontal alignment snapping.

- More safe zipping of 3B files. Now 3B file will be saved as is, without zipping. Then zipping thread starts. As soon as it will be finished, original file will be replaced with zipped one (rename, not copy). If crash will happen, unzipped version will remain.

 - IncRes subdivides mesh correctly, so that sculpting remains very fast after the operation. Generally, use Geometry->Cleanup memory if something start to lag during the sculpting process.

 - Soft booleans for free form primitives as well.

 - Soft booleans for volumes (in RMB menu)

 - Possibility to relocate 3D-Coat's data folder in Edit menu.

14.05.2019 4.8.39

- Support of language correction. Press F2 to correct any text in UI. You may also add new languages support within the UI and translate any UI elements. Beta feature, don't use for massive translation till this feature will be carefully tested.

- Multithreading optimization in UV/Retopo. Not everything multithreaded, but on big retopo meshes speed of manipulations grown.

- Fixed bug of switching to "Clay" when getting back to sculpt room from paint room.

- Correct brushing on the edge of the mesh (without blob)

- Fixed problem of numerical edit of gizmo position in curve transform toolset.

- Fixed problems related to toothpaste tool stability and quality.

- Brush along curve works correctly.

16.04.2019 4.8.38

 - Fixed problems related to tiling and filling layer with material.

 - Fixed a lot of errors related to curve modifiers and instancing volumes, loading/saving scenes with instances and modifiers.

 - Fixed "To uniform + Undo" problem.

 - Fixed problem of mesh exploding during extrude faces in retopo room.

2.04.2019 4.8.37

- Context sensitive RMB menu in retopo room, it is especially helpful in "Select" tool for low-poly modeling.

- Extrude-like tools in retopo room are more convenient and intuitive, similar to other 3d  editors.

- Sharp edges marking in Retopo room. Baking, import/export supported.

- In UV settings you may control the default unwrapping method.

- List of ghosted, isolated volumes stored into scene file (3B).

- Bunch of crashes fixed.

21.03.2019 4.8.36
 - Unwrap method "To stripe" polished and set as default within "Unwrap" command to be used when applicable. This method unwraps strips of quads into accurate and straight lines. Unwrap detects such cases automatically.

 - Voxelizing dialog offers new options - closing holes and additional subdivision before the voxelizing.

 - Options for automatic holes closing/additional subdivision during the voxelisation.

 - Pose tool angle snapping problem fixed, switching from other tools to Pose tool transforms freeze state to pose selection, Undo problems in pose + free form fixed.

- fixed various pose undo problems.

SL version:

 - New tool in surface toolset: Magnigy layers

 - Magnify depth tool works correctly for sculpt layers.

 - Clone tool for sculpt layers works correctly.

 - FillTool + sculpt layers are working correctly.

 - Enabled eraser tool for sculpt layers.

15.03.2019 4.8.35

- Possibility to unwrap stripe-like UV islands into straight lines. Use "UV->Selected->To Stripe".
- Store pose selection to layer, picking pose selection from the layer. Works similar (to some degree) to poly groups in ZB.
- Edge for all curve modifiers may be customized in really rich way.
- Less memory consumption during the export. It means possibility for stable 16K textures export.
- Unused locked textures will be deleted automatically to save disk space.
- Running several different versions of 3D-Coat will not interfere with each other. Previously it was causing problems with Undo, eliminating cached volumes.
- FBX import without vertices welding to preserve vertex order during the export/import
- Curves got really rich update. Now it is possibly to construct many different shapes using curves in non-destructive way. Click RMB over the curve and look at the list of modifiers. There are videos that describe how it works:
  Swept Surface 1 - https://youtu.be/8BCawmVqGK4
  Creating a surface of revolution - https://youtu.be/XdYuoaNIwsA
  Polyhedron - https://youtu.be/c7Xld8udEXM
  Swept Surface 2 - https://youtu.be/pLkBVx8vKPI
  Swept Surface 3 - https://youtu.be/p8g6pn_810s
  Sword - https://youtu.be/Qyy-aqPG1iY
  Goose - https://youtu.be/f9mY5wlvvwA

26.02.2019 4.8.34

- Very important! Possibility of resolution-independent texture locking over the layer. Importing or calculation of normalmap, occlusion, cavity will lock layer. Texture will be saved to disk. As soon as you will change resolution, the locked texture will be used instead of current layer state resampling. It is very important if you want to paint materials in low quality of texture and then get high quality at the end.

- Support of 16-bit PNG tor alphas

- Fixed polygon - painting mode (in E-panel) for materials painting in UV mode.

- "Ghost but this" corrected, it is not screwed by Undo anymore.

- Toggle UI visibility using TAB or Windows->Toggle Popup/Docked Windows.

- FBX export preserves vertex order

- Indication of ortho/perspective in right bottom corner

- Export presets listed in File->Create extension

- Correct loading scenes with transparency on Layer0

- Create alphas from 3D models updated - fast preview rendering (previously it was software rendering), so high-poly meshes allowed there.

- Image files recognized not by extension (that may be wrong) but by signature. It prevents multiple user errors. Sometimes files, downloaded from internet have wrong extension.

- Correct alpha channel visualization in paint mode for polygonal models (not voxels/surface!). Polygons sorted from back to front in real time for correct rendering. It works fast, but if you feel it is slow, you may turn it off in View menu.

- exr added to the list of extensions, acceptable for pen alpha.

- Importing models as alphas window is now hardware accelerated, big models acceptable too.

31.01.2019 4.8.33

- Edge width correction for Cube mapping, own settings panel for cube mapping

- EPS files import corrected.

- Fixed problem of 16/32 bit tiff/exr alphas importing.

- Fixed double undo problem in pose tool and lasso/rect selection

- Restored Rotate/scale controls in transform gizmo

- Correct undo after voxelization of the volume, attached to curve.

- Load/Save option for noise

- Fixed problem in curves tool - sometimes only one instance of the model was appearing.

- Importing multiple 3dcpacks  

- Enabled supports for printing

- Fixed negative alpha issue

11.01.2019 4.8.32

- more intuitive job with "Virtual mirror" in retepo room. By default the active side is where more polygons placed.

- Fixed crash when new shader created in empty Paint room

- Switching between camera shortcuts does not cancel chosen material.

- zipping scenes polished, but still requires testing.

- Enabled Reproject in SL version


29.12.2018 4.8.31

- Fixed many different undo issues.

- Drag & Drop multiple layers in VoxTree

- Better picking edges/points in retopo room even if pen radius is tiny.

- Ref images changes:

1) ESC closes guides

2) Edit plaсement and paint over ref images are separated to different menu commands to avoid unintentional painting.

3) Possibility to show plane only for exact views (option in references droplist)


25.12.2018 4.8.30

- Fixed problems related to pressure.

- FBX support up to FBX 2019

- Undo problems fixed.

21.12.2018 4.8.29

- Zipping-on-the-fly now optional, turn it on in Preferences->AutoZipScenes. Now it works safely, even huge scenes supported, no contradiction with undo. The problem with undo existed for a long time, now fixed. Generally need to test this feature before serious usage, but IMO it is now stable.

- Freeze state kept during resampling/res+

- Fixed hide tool issues, modifying hidden areas protected whenever possible.

- Fixed problem of scenes export/import where scale=1 and shift is non-zero

- Merge 3B file problem fixed

- autopo call in applinks fixed

- moved Subdivider to the bottom

 - Fixed problems related to measure tool with fixed length + curved mode

- Import raw voxels corrected (import extensions, auto-guess)

Sculpt layers:

- Fixed merge down command

21.11.2018 4.8.28

- Important! 3B scenes are zipped on the fly, so will take much less space on the disk! Saving does not lock main procss, so you may continue to work while 3D-Coat saves scene.

- Fixed crash related to screenshot in multi-display mode.

- Fixed problem related to picking volumes after scene loading

- "Naive" padding seamlessness improved essentially.

- stability of cutoff improved

- fixed crash in spike/muscle/etc tools

- Smooth all in surface mode works correctly with multiselection.

- Pose rect selection, gizmo at center mass

- fill layer problem fixed

-  fixed crash during DEL


- Possibility to save curves to separate files

- Support of multiple modifiers per curve

Sculpt Layers

- Remove stretching compatible with SL

24.10.2018 4.8.25

- Fixed baking issue from the surface mode (critical one, multiple shells was created in 23 build)

- Booleans in surface mode - more stable and faster. Soft booleans!

- rotate/scale buttons in transform tool.

- Generally faster brushing in surface mode because of faster picking algorithm.

- Renaming any layer to 2+2 will name it not 4 but 2+2

- The removed redundant offer of old-style occlusion baking.

- Pose tool multi-symmetry correct support

- The removed invisible close icon in UI that was leading to unexpected windows closing.

- New import option - sharp edges over seams

- Add joints manually in Joints tool

- Custom gamma correction in the viewport for different monitors support, look Preferences

- Better UI for export dialog.

- Multiple stability improvements, UI related bugs fixed.

Curves changes:

- You may display chunks length, double-click over the number will change it to the given value.

- Partial extrude, selected points only.

- Possibility to display length of chunks between sharp points (in curve RMB settings), double-click on the value will change the length without affecting neighbor lengths.

SculptLayers version:

  • Important improvement! Much less memory consumption for per-pixel painting. Stiil requires some testing if nothing is broken in PPP.

5.09.2018 4.8.23.

- Fixed the crash problem in the measure tool( point of the first click equals to point of the second click)

- Problem of flipping pen direction fixed.

- Fixed export crash

- Measurement units kepth between sessions

- fixed problem of scaling during fill (if scene has scale <> 1)

- fixed rare crash related to complex UI configurations.

Sculpt layers:

- Duplicate layer works correctly

- Reproject tool polished, correctly works with scale, well documented via tooltips, may project color and depth and keep all this in layers.


5.09.2018 4.8.22.

- Fixed painting with symmetry problems - incorrect alpha rotation.

- Correct lasso job in UV preview window.

- 3DC does not calculate cavity/occlusion for invisible objects.

- Solved problem of UI layout changes during new/import/applinks interaction.

- Fixed problems of RMB/LMB outside the curves window.

- Fixed Undo issue if you delete object from the vox tree using backet icon.

- Proxy additional warning to prevent loosing cached volumes.

- Doubleclick to delete point in curve window, correct edit of Tapering and other windows with curves on smaller screens.

- Correct name of volume after merging mesh with complex extension

- Highlight volume information correctly stored, not lost after Coat's restart.


Sculpt layers:

Reprojection tool! Yo may reproject using brush or whole scene

- fixed flickering of UI during depth opacity changing.


- correct points extrude function over partially selected curve.


25.08.2018 4.8.20

- Correct "Pick point1/2" picking in FIll tool

- solved different problems of volumes multiselection

- fixed script commands SetCurVolume, SelectVolume

- Open VDB codec enabled.

- baking corrected. There was a lot of problems of baking non-closed objects in surface representation.


- primitives for curves

- Curves->Modifiers menu

- Extrude points

- a lot of polishing of different tools.

- back side of curve visibility toggle.


- Merge Down, Merge Visible

- correct load/save of scene

- a lot of polishing and bugfix.

27.07.2018 4.8.20

- Polished Joints snapping tool.

- Continuous development of curves.

- Fixed Cut&Clone tool

- fixed different multiselection problems

- Correct volume highlight, there was problem with completely metallic shaders

- Correct "Run brush along curve" - it was not working for some UI layouts.

Fixed problem of metalness painting with custom alphas.

19.07.2018 4.8.19

- Snap joints tool introduced, this is kitbashing, lego-like modeling. It is suitable for children and for adults. Only a few models there, we will extend kit by the time. 

- Huge changes in curves. Filling curve by patch works stable and provides good quality. Filling with holes inside supported. Just add curve in sub-tree of filled curve and it will be treated as hole. Boolean operations between curves in 3D. Many changes related to curves.

- Tutorials/scripted missions for newbies introduced for fast diving in!

- Ghost All works correctly

- AppLink export corrected

- Import Raw Voxel data speeded up 10 - 20x.

9.06.2018 4.8.18

- Skip textures export if need (checkbox in export dialog).

- Axial rotation in text primitive.

- fixed problem of positioning Tool params window

- Select visible islands in UV/Retopo rooms with rectangle.

- Store camera/[panorama data to the preset.

- Curves "Apply" corrected to work in all tools.

- Possibility to click to fill in material editor (in fill tool)

- Better picking corners in all windows where curve edit required.

- Fixed problems with 8k curvature

6.05.2018 4.8.16

- Retopo via decimation works correctly with objects of non 1.0 scale.

- Lasso works correctly in fill tool

- Correct Transform+pick volumes. Use CTRL/SHIFT to select/unselect.

- fixed problem of some commands in space menu (at the end of list)

- Fixed potential instability in Light Baking Tool.

- RFill (Quad Fill) included into regular retopo toolset, corrected to work as expected.


- fill by patch remade. Should be faster and more accurate.

- joining points.

- reworked RMB menu

- projecting points on plane

- Correct EPS/spline import export. IGES supported. But IGES is not included in community version, if you need to test it, send me request I will send special key.

- possibility to link several points if snapping to points enabled. They will be moved together.

- many more small changes

24.04.2018 4.8.15D

- fixed several important bugs related to undo.

6.04.2018 4.8.15

- fixed scale of objects in Instant meshes
- AppLinks specifications updated
- Space Menu shortcuts bar problems fixed

3.04.2018 4.8.14

- Instant meshes integration. Press RMB over object, AUTOPO->..... It supports symmetry. Don't expect too much. It is about robustness and stability, but not about too great quality.

- Autopo density problems fixed.

- New curves are in very good state. Still need a lot of development, but now it is closer to Corel in 3D. Still beta. (Edit->Prefs->ShowNewCurvs)

- Posibility of 16-bit export for displacement in export constructor.

- Metall support in picture transform tool. If gloss enabled, imported image will be with metallness. You may vary it with slider.

- FlipX, FlipY, FlipZ for Tweak room

- CTRL+UnifyUV to unify UV sets with same names.

-  Import multiple objects for PPP.

11.03.2018 4.8.13

- Correct PSD export, correct dropping to PS with smart materials with masks. But still have problems with attached materials. Export is OK, getting back is sometimes problematic.

- Backface culling in retopo works correctly

- If 3D-Coat unable to start, it tries to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem.

- Prevenfing pivot to appear far from scene boundbox.

- To Global / To Uniform space works correctly with multiselection.

- Save VoxTree elements as 3B file works correctly with multiselection. And many other corrected to be compatimle with multiselection.

- Smart transtion between perspective and orthographic mode that keeps scale of scene near the pivot point.

- Correct pivot point management. Avoiding situation when it is randomly set somewhere outside the real scene. Left/Fromt/... views corrected to avoid - situations when you see nothing in scene after switching.

- Primitives in primitives history correct boolean operation type update.

- Curves modifiers got button "Attach to selected curves".

- Tablet pen pressure should be float to support more pressure levels

6.03.2018 4.8.12
- Fixed undercuts (was destroyed)

- Fixed symmetry painting bug (with unsymmetrical alphas).

- Painting with facture works after resampling

- Fixed problem of too bright border when you select VoxTree item in incremental rendering mode

- Constant growing in voxel "Airbrush" tool as written in description.

- Highlight tweaked to be less aggressive

1.03.2018 4.8.11
- VoxTree multiselection support. Still needs some testing if it works correctly for all mode. Please report where you see it fails. There are too much applications of multiselect, so something may be missed. Both VoxTre and Curves tree support CTRL, SHIFT, CTRL+SHIFT multiselection similar to explorer.

- New Curves are in good beta state. Enable it in Edit->Preferences->ShowNewCurves. Pay attention to RMB menu over curves.

- Calculator in each input field. You may enter expressions instead of nubber anywhere, where you need numerical input. For example, enter 1+2 or sin(1.5) or any arithmetic operation incliding trygonometry.

- Highlighting for selected objects. When you select object it flashes shortly a little to locate it easily.

- By default Auto Pick enabled, more easy switching between objects.

- Faster Bas-relief & undercuts.

- "Paste merged" in "Rect/Transform" tool enabled. Seems it works correctly in PPP.

- Fixed mesh exposion during baking with mesh extrusion

- a lot of small corrections in primitives

20.01.2018 4.8.10

- Possibility to pack selected islands into rectangle in UV Settings tool..

- Snap selected only in retopo room works correctly.

- Add Layer 1 automatically when trying to paint over voxel volume.

- Problem of depth when filling with Smart Materials fixed.

- Save/Load multiple splines, extrude, duplicate for curves (I mean new curves).

- Fixed problems of Rect/Transform tool in Paint room - crash, missing controls.

- Additional anti-aliasing samples in cavity calculation.

- Possibility to tweak vertiсes in Quads mode.

11.01.2018 4.8.09

- Updated transform gizmo - non uniform scaling in plane introduced.

- Fixed UNDO issue when RMB->Save volume as 3B

- Correct SHIFT constraint outside the object in lines lasso mode, correct deleting hotkey (no auto - restore keys of undefined actions), correct lines mode work in several voxel tools.

- Baking problems fixed. Better direction of scanning (angle -weighted), support of N-gons (N up to 128).


Curves changes (enable new cues in Edit->Prefs->ShowNewCurves):

- Snapping to curves, snapping system completely rebuilt.

- ENTER to APPLY curves.

- split curve by click in adding points mode.


20.12.2017 4.8.08

- Smart Materials depth scaling is now independent on ortho/perspective/viewport and on viewport size / FOW.

- fixed problem of grayed out export (sometimes, rarely)

- fixed problem of moving UV islands

- possibility to record strokes as curves (enable NewCurves in settings), set RecordStrokes in Curves menu, look CurvesTree


7.12.2017 4.8.07

- fixed export problem


5.12.2017 4.8.06

- Fixed problems of Lathe tool (inability to move points)

- Added "Preferences > Tablet Library" selection between "WinTab" and "TabletPC"

- A lot of polishing in primitives (bolts etc)

- New Curves are much more functional now. Still a lot of work there. Find it in Preferences->ShowNewCurves, then enable spline lasso mode in E panel. Look also RMB menu over newely created curves.


24.11.2017 4.8.05

- Correct FBX export/import. Nodes hierarchy, transforms, pivots will be preserved.

- Fixed normal sampling and picking position for non-current object in clay/flaltten and similar tools.

- Fixed problem of Vox Clay with CTRL (was vanishing whole object)

- Fixed Scratches2 brush (it was unsafe, making random holes etc)

- Correct Constructor tool snapping.

- Correct usage of current color in Smart materials. Current color will be stored in attached materials as well.

 -A lot of polishing in Primitives, many bugs and inconsitencies fixed.

 -A lot of time was spent on updating curves, it is not finished, so not exposed in this build. You may alphatest it, enable  Edit -> Prefereces-> ShowNewCurves, restart 3D-Coat. Keep attention, it is alpha version, many things are non-functional. Press E and select Lasso of splines.


11.10.2017 4.8.04

- Fixed problem of baking sculpt shaders to paint room

- Fixed problem of texture preview when you edit shader.

- Bake menu in Paint room. It allows to drop paint objects to Sculpt room, modify there and bake normal/other maps back on paint object.

- Plane tool in paint room works correctly with normalmap layer.

- Sticky kays activation time increased to prevent false sticking.

- fixed problem of very long importing for PPP in some cases.


23.09.2017 4.8.03

- Cubemapping for smart materials on textures in correspondence with normalmap, not just with geometry like before. It leads to more accurate mapping if normalmaps used.

- Correct import of envronment maps restored.

- Distortion of alpha removed when applied to very distorted area.

- Sharper mapping of materials in UV mode.

- UI in bigger size cleaned up.


20.09.2017 4.8.02

- Space panel text recovered

- Japanese fonts corrected again

- Correct booleans with flipped objects

- Dropdown arrow in materials window (and other) recovered

- little tweaks to make medium/large UI modes to be correct.


18.09.2017  4.8.01 [should be stable]

- New set of smart materials!

- Bump for materials is now pen radius independent! It correctly depends on material scale.

- Much better folders UI

- better PLY support (import meshes that contain UV)

-  Edit Scene Scale in retopo room

- Correct show/hide start menu, scaling Start menu in correspondence with screen resolution.

- Correct bias for wireframe of primitives

-  Correct UV-ed faces subdivision in retopo room.

- Correct default parameters in Wrap/Axial tools.

- Recovered Fit tool.

-  Added the outer radius into retopo torus primitive.

- Camera Snap Settings

- Store last transform for the materials

- Fixed Scratches2 tool

- Correct Japanese font

- Ptex-related crashes fixed.

- Renaming shaders in RMB menu

- Fixed problem of long droplists/menus with scrollers.

- If by some reason cache information is lost, you will be warned during the scene loading.



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  • Advanced Member

Great release

Ive noticed a bug when changing uvs on a model that has paint layers.If the uvs are changed around ,then after the rebake of the paint info of the layers the normal map displays wrong and shows seams .I looked at it and I think maybe what is happening is that the vertex normals on the mesh are getting lost when the rebake happens.

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Linux link is wrong. It downloads the 4.7.37 version.

Manually type this in the browser's address bar (or copy and paste) and it downloads the new beta: http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3D-CoatV4-8-01.tar.gz

Just clicking won't do it.


OK, this one works: http://www.3d-coat.com/~sergyi/3D-CoatV4-8-01.tar.gz

Please 3DCoat team, fix the links. By the way, it's not the first time this happens. Maybe you should automate the link generation?

Edited by Allabulle
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On 18.09.2017 at 11:34 PM, Andrew Shpagin said:

- Much better folders UI

Yes. But how can I change to Tiny, Normal, Large? For example, my Smart Materials are in Huge mode now and there is no special menu in the top right corner.

Upd.: I found a way. I had to make Smart Materials manager wide enough, so that special menu appeared. But it's kinda hidden and can be obscure. And by the way, if someone can have too many folders that menu will never appear?

Edited by druh0o
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5 hours ago, druh0o said:

Yes. But how can I change to Tiny, Normal, Large? For example, my Smart Materials are in Huge mode now and there is no special menu in the top right corner.

Upd.: I found a way. I had to make Smart Materials manager wide enough, so that special menu appeared. But it's kinda hidden and can be obscure. And by the way, if someone can have too many folders that menu will never appear?

I have a drop down list for my smart materials and do not see the special menu you speak of. All I see is the plus icon on the far right to add a new folder. I have a drop down list for my alpha tab too and that does have the arrow to adjust the preview sizes though. So might be a bug the smart materials are missing that when a drop down is present.


Speaking of which 2 things about smart material UI:

1) It would be very nice to have the names for each smart material as a toggle option to show up under each material. I know this has been mentioned before, would still be greatly appreciated as an option.

2) Hovering over each material is like playing whack-a-mole sometimes. The tootip that appears to show a larger preview and the material name seems inconsistent on where it will appear on my screen. Sometimes it appears on the left side and other times when I hover over another material the preview is much lower in the middle of the screen.

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Hi 3DCoat Team!

Thanks a lot for this very welcome updates.
I the coming days I hope to start exploring all new features, but I think that it should be very desirable to have some new video tutorials about that.

In the meantime I found that there's a little some issue with the UI.
I'm running 3D-Coat 4.8.01 OpenGL 64 on WIndows 10 Pro 64 Bit

1) In the Sculpt Room the Quick Access window has no labels but only icons. Labels are invisible.



2) The Smart Materials Tab of the Paint Room doesn't reacts properly to the RMB to change the materials.
Only if I pick the little arrow and the "Folder" menu item, it works.

Please check this brief video : https://monosnap.com/file/3WrNkAFuoVb2cNEQzv1JOGHHGx2qZC

I stay tuned.

Have a nice day.

Marco (mkdm)


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7 hours ago, Mystical said:

I have a drop down list for my smart materials and do not see the special menu you speak of. All I see is the plus icon on the far right to add a new folder. I have a drop down list for my alpha tab too and that does have the arrow to adjust the preview sizes though. So might be a bug the smart materials are missing that when a drop down is present.

It works like this: " - If there are too many folders in materials/stencils etc, they will be represented as droplist. "

The thing is that arrow disappears in smart materials when they represented as droplist.

here is a video: https://imgur.com/a/ekn9T


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8 hours ago, mkdm said:

Hi 3DCoat Team!

Thanks a lot for this very welcome updates.
I the coming days I hope to start exploring all new features, but I think that it should be very desirable to have some new video tutorials about that.

In the meantime I found that there's a little some issue with the UI.
I'm running 3D-Coat 4.8.01 OpenGL 64 on WIndows 10 Pro 64 Bit

1) In the Sculpt Room the Quick Access window has no labels but only icons. Labels are invisible.


2) The Smart Materials Tab of the Paint Room doesn't reacts properly to the RMB to change the materials.
Only if I pick the little arrow and the "Folder" menu item, it works.

Please check this brief video : https://monosnap.com/file/3WrNkAFuoVb2cNEQzv1JOGHHGx2qZC

I stay tuned.

Have a nice day.

Marco (mkdm)


I think Andrew needs to drop that long list menu when RMB a Smart Material. There is no need for all those folders to be shown. It doesn't really do anything and worst of all, it forces the user to reach way up to the top of the UI just to click the SMART MATERIAL EDITOR. That option needs to be right at your finger tips, but it can't due to that mile long list pushing it to the top of the UI.

As for the Quick Access panel, I suspect Andrew hid the labels to minimize the amount of space that panel takes up. It's HUGE and often requires more effort to locate and select the tool you want, than the Tool Panel on the left. That's why I rarely use the Quick Access Panel. The very second you hover over the icon, the tool name appears...so again, I think Andrew probably removed the label for a good reason. If nothing else, it helps reduce the visual clutter in that panel.

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Can we have a build that don't trigger win 10 smart screen protection and the prevent message which ask you to run anyaway at your own risk the app as the publisher name isn't signed.


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14 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

Updated to 4.8.02

- Space panel text recovered

- Japanese fonts corrected again

- Correct booleans with flipped objects

- Dropdown arrow in materials window (and other) recovered

- little tweaks to make medium/large UI modes to be correct.

Hi Andrew.

Thanks for the update!

I don't know if you want to totally get rid of RMB operation within menus so I don't know if this is a useless post,
but I think that there is still some problem with RMB :

The Smart Materials Tab of the Paint Room and the Shaders Tab of the Sculpt Room don't react to the RMB in order to change the current folder.
It works only if I pick the little arrow and the "Folder" menu item, or the menu shown as Buttons.

RMB works also with Stencil Tab.

Please check this video : http://take.ms/ORC9J

Have a nice day.

Marco (mkdm)

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I'm having an issue when I'm trying to set a new hotkey to replace the default MMB (Pan the viewport).  If i assign any other key, the viewport will slowly shift the camera left as you hold the button down, instead of going into panning mode like holding the MMB would.  


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When you add new environment map to all of color become black



added: last in the list at the bottom


but the shadows are turned on everything is fine


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If we let aside the small bugs (normal for a major release)  i noticed A HUGE PERFORMANCE BOOST on painting and smart material preview / read tweak.

Really and truly satisfied from this update.

Many thanks for all the hard work Andrew and team.

Edited by Michaelgdrs
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1 hour ago, Michaelgdrs said:

If we let aside the small bugs (normal for a major release)  i noticed A HUGE PERFORMANCE BOOST on painting and smart material preview / read tweak.

Really and truly satisfied from this update.

Many thanks for all the hard work Andrew and team.

Hi Michael.

@You "...if we let aside the small bugs (normal for a major release)..."

Yes, I totally agree with you about the improvements of this new update.

But also we can't forget that this thread is called :"3D-Coat 4.8 Beta testing thread".

So, I think that we must help Andrew to improve 3D-Coat more and more, also helping him for the constant bug-fixing activity.

Have a nice day.

Marco (mkdm)

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Oh , wasn't referring  to anyone's comments here Marco , noticed some of the reported bugs as well , but to be honest i am so happy for the improvements that didn't care much .

Just giving up some points to 3D Coat Development for the good work.

BUT i also agree that bugs DO NEED to be REPORTED of course.

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2 minutes ago, Michaelgdrs said:

Oh , wasn't referring  to anyone's comments here Marco , noticed some of the reported bugs as well , but to be honest i am so happy for the improvements that didn't care much .

Just giving up some points to 3D Coat Development for the good work.

BUT i also agree that bugs DO NEED to be REPORTED of course.

Yes Michael.

@You : "...Just giving up some points to 3D Coat Development for the good work...."

I totally agree! 3D Coat has a great developer (and also his teammates) !


Marco (mkdm)

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10 hours ago, Michaelgdrs said:

If we let aside the small bugs (normal for a major release)  i noticed A HUGE PERFORMANCE BOOST on painting and smart material preview / read tweak.

Really and truly satisfied from this update.

Many thanks for all the hard work Andrew and team.


I've not got a chance to paint something yet in 4.8. Gunna have to open one of my memory intensive projects I did in 4.7 and see the performance differences. Looking forward to that for sure.

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Just tried to download an install 4.8 on Win 7


and when I run the exe it gives an error: "Installer integrity check"? Any trick needed? I tried downloading a few times in case it was a corrupt download to no avail.  I'm getting the size as 326,240 KB - is that right?


(also forums are acting a little weird where clicks don't work - I've always used firefox and this is new - is there a problem currently?)

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