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3DCoat 4.8 BETA testing thread

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BUG in UV-Room:

1. Start with a default pixel painting sphere. Press Shift+W to see UV seams.

2. Got to UV room

3. Press "Unwrap" -> You will get new UV islands. That is ok.

4. Now go back to Paint room -> Press "Cancel" in the dialog to ignore your UV changes

5. View your UV seams -> All seems ok... but:

6. Go back to UV room again -> Chack your UV preview window: All UVs are still unwrapped but not like origin. This means: the "Cancel" button does not work!!!

Can someone confirm this bug please?

Best wishes


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3 minutes ago, Carlosan said:


May be automatically apply Restore UV when switch back to UV room can solve the problem.


If the uv room is a kind of "uv workbench" then you are right. This should be communicated better, in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4.8.05 [beta]

- Correct FBX export/import. Nodes hierarchy, transforms, pivots will be preserved.

- Fixed normal sampling and picking position for non-current object in clay/flaltten and similar tools.

- Fixed problem of Vox Clay with CTRL (was vanishing whole object)

- Fixed Scratches2 brush (it was unsafe, making random holes etc)

- Correct Constructor tool snapping.

- Correct usage of current color in Smart materials. Current color will be stored in attached materials as well.

 -A lot of polishing in Primitives, many bugs and inconsitencies fixed.

 -A lot of time was spent on updating curves, it is not finished, so not exposed in this build. You may alphatest it, enable  Edit -> Prefereces-> ShowNewCurves, restart 3D-Coat. Keep attention, it is alpha version, many things are non-functional. Press E and select Lasso of splines.

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On 03/11/2017 at 1:20 AM, Vexod14 said:

Bug between UV Room and paint room with Vertice Normals

The problem : when I send my model into the UV Room, then change the UV Packing, 3DCoat recompute all my vertice normals to softedges ( which is not what I have sent into 3DCoat ).

May you fix this by realy locking models normals, binormals and tangents ? The "lock" button doesn't fix the issue.

to be clearer ; I setup my vertices normals in 3dsmax or maya in angle+face/area weighted+from UV Splitted normals in order to avoid having large gradients on my bakes, and also ugly triangles being visible all over my models when using mipmaps, so almost all the important bake infos are stored in chamfers ( or "bevels" for maya users ). 

I was wondering, does the FBX import/export imporovement fix this issue Andrew ?

Cause being able to work on any model's vertices normals setup could be great, for exmaple, to avoid rebaking new UV packed assets ( and so decline them tons of time and really play with ressources you've already made ) or also create atlasses of numerous models faster than light =)

A good fix could be to just "cut and paste" islands of the original bake to the new UV packing but without changing any pixels values on these islands, or maybe this issue of changing the values just happens at export, because the verticenormals has changed after editing UVs, for now that's a part of the problem which could solve this, as long as recomputing vertices normals is fairly simple on 3dsmax/maya.

But if I'm wrong please let me know ! =)

Edited by Vexod14
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14 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

4.8.05 [beta]

- Correct Constructor tool snapping.

Hi Andrew,

Many thanks for the new beta.

The latest MacOS beta download in your initial post is version 4.8.04, is that correct? If that's correct, then the Constructor tool snapping still doesn't work correctly on MacOS.

It's the same as in the previous beta: the Smart Placement option only works in a few cases, like in corners that have three surrounding walls, and the same goes for the Place Edges tool. Only the Place Corners tool works as expected.



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Thanks, I reinstalled and got a slight improvement, I can pick  from the colour picker and palettes when they a docked to the right hand side but not if I undock them and put them in the main window The numerical sliders dont work either.

I always read about XML files ,should I delete one of these perhaps...any way its just a minor inconveniencs at the moment.

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I am curious when Smart Material Editor will be fixed. At the current moment material preview depends on active HDRI in viewport. It means that if I duplicate smart material, change HDRI in viewport, open Smart Material Editor and save material then new material will look different on preview because it was saved under new light condition even if material was not changed. This is absolutely wrong behavior. All materials need to be modified and previewed under one light condition. There are two solutions:

1. If we change HDRI in viewport all smart materials previews need to be recreated for the new HDRI to show how they will look before they will be applied to the model.

2. All smart materials previews and Smart Material Editor work with one HDRI and never change.

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Another small thing I think could be improved :
When you use the toolbar buttons to change the scale of the smart material, you get a preview on your whole object, which is good, except that the preview is affected by the current picked colour. If that colour happens to be very dark.... you see all dark and you have to pick a lighter colour. 
I can't think of any use for this preview to be altered by current picked colour, since you are only scaling and moving the pattern.

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Version beta 4.8.05. Possible bug.

I can not move the control points using the lathe tool. I can place new points but not move them. The default two control points can not be moved either.

Lathe Tool works correctly in Version  beta 4.8.03.

Can someone confirm this.

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0002331: Switching between presets using GeneralClay requires GeneralClay UI to be expanded!

Assume you have two or more completely different presets built upon GeneralClay tool.

When you're switching between them, 3D Coat won't load presets for all parameters of the GeneralClay tool unless the GeneralClay UI window is expanded using "More Options" button. If it's not expanded, only preset values for "Detail", "Tangent" and "Regular Smoothing" are loaded by the program.

This is very unfortunate because this window, when expanded takes a lot of screen real estate.

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4 hours ago, Taros said:

I do not use facebook so when I visit the link I do not see something. :) 

If you enable the splines beta in preferences, you have to select the CLOSED SPLINE draw mode in the E-Panel

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- Fixed problems of Lathe tool (inability to move points)

- Added "Preferences > Tablet Library" selection between "WinTab" and "TabletPC"

- A lot of polishing in primitives (bolts etc)

- New Curves are much more functional now. Still a lot of work there. Find it in Preferences->ShowNewCurves, then enable spline lasso mode in E panel. Look also RMB menu over newely created curves.

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Downloads have not been updated as yet to 4.8.06... Not on Google Drive either. When you download you still get version 4.8.05

Edited by digman
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Cant get the little arrow with the options anymore on curves!!!! Can someone please confirm ??



Edited by Michaelgdrs
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Can we get a repeat last stroke function?  That would work great with some of the e-panel marquee draw modes.

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I've found a bug, king of.

In the paint room. Paint with color on the random layer, use arrow icon (in the layer's panel) to open layer's blending popup, change layer's brightness, contrast (try to enter the values into the input fields). All fields seem to not working/responding at all.

Changing layer's blending via Layer Blending popup panel works fine.


Edited by netgoblin
Fixed in 4.8.06 (DX64)
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