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Ugly old man

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Here is something I was playing.

The model was done with Voxel Sculpt and manualy create a low mesh with retopo.

The details are done without any skin textures only looking some old man photos well its not perfect but i like the result.

The rendering was done all in Blender


Later i will up load more pictures :).

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You do a great job with wrinkles. I watched a video of your technique with the Pokemon-like animal you made but i'm not able to even attempt to emulate at the moment as my tablet was stolen :(

Still... I'd love to see a video example of your wrinkle techinque on a face if you have one or can make one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Here is a another update I a was cheeking the original 3d coat version and the displace in blender doesn't look right , so a fix it.

You have to re-export the mesh as well as the textures if you make a change in 3d coat (and import it into blender... you can keep the old shader). For some reason, making changes seems to also change the scale of the exported mesh (and thus the displacement strength required)... or maybe my problem was that I used the obj i imported into 3d coat... Not sure why, but it seems to work for me (re-exporting both lo-poly mesh and displacement map). I use an exported exr depth map with zero is grey... works fine for me. Also, you have to make sure the obj scale clamping is off when exporting into blender (set to zero to disable)

One way to be sure is to export a medium/high res mesh from 3d coat as a reference, import it into blender, assign wireframe display mode, and change the displacement of your "real" mesh until it matches perfectly.

Very cool model, btw. You are a master at wrinkles. I would love to see a video tutorial of you in action workign on that model (or another one with wrinkles).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member

i'm seeing an old photo style thing

couple suggestions:

- different lighting (portrait style)

- cloathing texture

- slightly different pose

- a monacle on the eye (single lens type thing)

- black and white with gradient mapping (try white to off-white to yellow to orange/brown to dark green to black) with heavy vignetting and lots of scratches and marks.

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Wow! Very impressive work!

Nice cloth style. The tie could be wonderful with a silk look.

It's a great character. It immediately made me think of Scrooge. Frightening how he stares at the camera.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Contributor
Thanks psyborgue and Eric Dandoy :)

Here is another update I use new 3dcoat direct paint for the cloth.


Perfect, maestro! Excepting only the too youthful "eyeball". This guy would have a yellowish tinge to an eyeball that was soaked in liver bile from a lifetime of bibulous over indulgence (suggested by the florid complexion). My own eyeball (it's 72 years old) has a blur around the iris and a kind of beige instead of white with a sprinkling of capillaries at the corners. Still 20-20, however, so don't believe anyone saying you must not stare at a computer monitor all day.

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  • Advanced Member
Thanks psyborgue and Eric Dandoy :)

Here is another update I use new 3dcoat direct paint for the cloth.


Hm. It seems like there is some distortion in the texture around some portions of the suit. You might want to toggle the "smooth UV" on your subdiv modifier to see if that fixes it. It should match 3d coats smooth UV or no smooth UV value.

Otherwise it's fantastic. Only thing I might suggest is some accessories (monacle maybe... or some sort of pin/decoration on the suit... He looks distinguished and seems to have a snobby look to him, so i was thinking accessories would fit)

Like the wall texture too.

Love your work and look forward to the next revision.

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Hi Juan Carlos Montes!

The overall look comes really cool, but the Colortexture of his Head seems a little bit to simple compare to rest of the scene.

maybe you could add some more Details, a few age marks or some tiny blue veins for example, anyway good work :).


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Advanced Member
Thanks psyborgue and Eric Dandoy :)

Here is another update I use new 3dcoat direct paint for the cloth.


Juan, this is simply amazing! and to think it was done in 3DCoat! :)

Could you explain what the new 3Dcoat "direct paint" is? I am new to 3DCoat and would love to know how you added the texture and colors to the clothes.

Also was this rendered within 3DCoat or Blender?


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  • 1 year later...
  • Advanced Member

I missed this old thread, very very interesting :clapping:

A fantastic work with all the elements (particles are great) as the textured clothing too.

I have some arguments on the skin and blender SSS though.

About displacements. All new 3dc builds using MV mode export a disp map using the default grey for zero settings. This indeed works great with blender, default disp settings on modifier, v2.49-v2.56. But with normal maps is different. The new v2.5x builds have a huge bug there. When lot of seams exist, half of them turn normals opposite (positive or negative values don't help now). The same time 2.49b works fine and normals value has to be positive (watch out).

About blender SSS. The problem on all versions of blender is the nodes-editor's filters. As multiple passes for sss have to be combined, the 'screen' filter works wrong (not as in gimp or Ps). Try to export individual passes and combine them to a photo editor. This is how you'll have great results. This is why these over saturated areas exist now, these grey areas to. (all these from the blender-tests topic of blenderartists.org)

You could try some SSS on hair material. It produces interesting results.

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Thanks all for the comments:D here is another update

michalis I updte the skin using a tutorial with miltilayer in shader node.

I didn't add sss to the hair but i notice i forgot check the tangent shading in Strand option i think now the hair looks much better.


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Imagine this. A layer output with texture only, shadeless. Now overlay it. This will kill all this waxiness and this blurred effect. This is what I'm telling you. Material nodes editor isn't working correctly. Try to export individual layers, for backface sss, for subdermal. Even for every light you use. Much better results.

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I would like to know your technique for skin and hair? ..

chris_solo, for the skin i follow this tutorial


Here i upload my hair shader and particle settings i hope this help.





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