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It has been sometime since the last update for Linux.  I understand that you are moving to a native "3DCoat" build under newest Ubuntu using its latest "GCC".  This is taking sometime to get to that point.  Is there a expect date on this completion.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Dev team are migrating "3DCoat" onto new Visual Studio 2019 under Windows to support newest C++ 11, and fixing compatibility with CUDA under Windows after migration.

After that they will rush to build "3DCoat" under Linux.

Sorry for the delay.

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  • 7 months later...
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I have asked about this about a year ago now with no Linux 3D-coat software updates.  I was told back then that you have Linux Wine software that can provide you with 3D-coat software experience.  It's not the same as 3D-coat Linux software.  The comments that are shown above doesn't show the year of the comment.  I think this has been going on for sometime now

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I don't normally get peeved at these things but speaking for myself I didn't pay to use a version running under wine I paid for the native version which hasn't seen an update in a very long time.

Also, constantly being told to email 3d coat directly makes it seem like they are brushing it under the carpet and don’t want to discuss it in the open. We were initially told the native version was being worked on and converted to a new library now we are being told to use the wine version.

I am no longer optimistic there is going to be a native version going forward.



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I am also getting increasing pessimistic about seeing a native Linux build again. It has been an extremely long time. If I was Pilgway, I would be a bit uncomfortable about continuing to advertise and sell Linux licences.

Having a native Linux version was a big selling point of 3D Coat for me. Admittedly, for reasons I won't go into, I actually purchased a Windows licence first. As it happens, this has worked out well for me, as I can use 3D Coat on Wine (more or less), but I would be pretty annoyed if I hadn't.

I always intended (and still do intend) to purchase a Linux licence for 3D Coat. It kind of annoys me that you have to pay an additional $40 just to add another OS but, nevertheless, I was on the cusp of doing this right when the Linux builds were stopped. I therefore held off, and have held off ever since...

I don't think Pilgway should underestimate the appeal of having a native Linux version. I am only a lowly hobbyist, but the Linux version what drew me in. In terms of sculpting, Zbrush and Mudbox aren't really an option for Linux users. In terms of painting, there is Substance Painter, but it is a pain to get running on anything other than CentOS, and I don't think it is as rich in features as 3D Coat.

3D Coat runs OK via Wine, but it will never be the ideal.

Edited by lewis2e
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If I may,

I emailed Linux support at the end of November (2019) and Sergii kindly answered me back. I shared some of the worries expressed in this thread and other private conversations with fellow professionals outside this forums and, in a nutshell, the situation is, as I was told, this:

A lot has changed in the code. And he's working non-stop to catch up for the Mac version to be ready. Once that port is done, Linux is next. He assumed that around the time 3DCoat 2020.xx is out we'll find the builds popping out. Also, from then, serial keys would be for all systems.

So there you go. It's going to take some time, but apparently it's not an abandoned project. I don't worry particularly that the Mac version comes first: the port from OSX to Linux presumably has to be relatively straight forward.

The perceived opacity around this facts seems a bit unnecessary to me because it's perfectly understandable that sometimes things take time in order to move forward. The team shared most of this information here and there but an easy to find official post in a thread would do wonders for current and potential customers' confidence. 

All in all, I hope they can pull it out in the not so distant future. In the end it may very well be for the best.

Meanwhile, since WINE is not an option here, I hardly ever use 3DCoat. But the old build still works and it's being used occasionally. Not every job requires the new tools. It's the bugs and limitations long time gone in more current builds that frustrate me. Substance on the other side is fantastic in Linux, and in an Ubuntu (or derivative) it's not at all difficult to set up (I can help if someone needs me to.)

I hope I didn't add to the confusion. Being a professional, knowing where we are is important to me and I got what seemed an honest response. I hope when the time comes I can still make use of 3DCoat in my workflow, I really liked this software.

Edited by Allabulle
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Thanks for the info, @Allabulle.

Lack of information ultimately leads to speculation and gives birth to gossip, so for a brief moment I had suspicions that Linux builds might have been silently dropped. Especially, if to consider that the last time we saw any news about them was on summer this year. It's good to hear that they will soon be resumed, but I hope it will happen sometime next year. :)Working with 3DC via Wine is quite cumbersome.

@SERGYI, I would greatly appreciate if the new build could respect XDG Base Directory Specification. Having to define COAT_FILES_PATH environment variable feels awkward, especially when it doesn't stop 3D Coat from creating strange directories inside the root of $HOME each time the program is launched. 3D Coat also likes to change file permissions of COAT_FILES_PATH to 777, which is something that shouldn't happen. Please give these two things a thought.

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  • 4 months later...
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Yes, he's dealing with some cross-platform issues as well. And he's not forgotten about the Linux builds, he reassuringly said. :-)

So a bit more time and we'll be there. The nice thing is that he already managed to get OSX builds out and working. It's getting closer!

Edit: Oh, and thanks for the update, Carlosan!

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  • 2 months later...
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This is utterly embarrassing and is quite frankly, ****** me off on colossal scale. It has been 4 YEARS and you still haven't managed to compile one shitty linux binary. If you managed to build osx version, sure enough you can buid linux too.  Bloody hell...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 8/3/2020 at 3:25 AM, kumpa said:

This is utterly embarrassing and is quite frankly, ****** me off on colossal scale. It has been 4 YEARS and you still haven't managed to compile one shitty linux binary. If you managed to build osx version, sure enough you can buid linux too.  Bloody hell...

I made an account just to say, I have to agree with kumpa here, this is ridiculous and we are paying customers. If you cannot or will not provide feature parity with non-Linux releases then you either need to grant Linux users access to the Windows ones so we can try to muddle through with wine or refund us. As it stands you are basically stating, through your lack of support, that we aren't entitled to the product nor updates that we payed for, thus rendering us practically digital third-class citizens who's money is not worth as much as a Windows or OSX user. That you can manage to target OSX, which is deprecating opengl support and doing lots of messed up stuff to make providing software even more of a royal pita yet cannot manage to target Linux is frankly preposterous. You need to address this issue.

Edited by Carlosan
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I can't edit my post for some reason, so could the moderator that views this and my prior post to confirm that I am not a spam bot do so please and delete this one? "that we aren't entitled to the product that we payed for nor the updates that others payed for" should be "that we aren't entitled to the product nor updates that we payed for".

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15 hours ago, Wazubaba said:

I made an account just to say, I have to agree with kumpa here, this is ridiculous and we are paying customers. If you cannot or will not provide feature parity with non-Linux releases then you either need to grant Linux users access to the Windows ones so we can try to muddle through with wine or refund us. As it stands you are basically stating, through your lack of support, that we aren't entitled to the product nor updates that we payed for, thus rendering us practically digital third-class citizens who's money is not worth as much as a Windows or OSX user. That you can manage to target OSX, which is deprecating opengl support and doing lots of messed up stuff to make providing software even more of a royal pita yet cannot manage to target Linux is frankly preposterous. You need to address this issue.

I have purchased the Linux version of 3d-coat first and used it for several years and I discovered that it was know longer going to updated.  I than purchase the Windows version and used it with the Wine addon.  Each time I install it from a new update of my software I would install the Windows version of 3D-coat I would get a error from 3D-coat saying my software is unregistered.  Buying a Windows version of 3d-coat and installing it into your Linux machine has it own problems.   3d-coat should be honouring their advertising putting out a Linux version.  In the future I will not be updating the software.  I will instead be using Blender which is free and they develop the software using Linux and Windows is the one that is playing 2nd fiddle.

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19 hours ago, Wazubaba said:

Linux releases ... OSX, which is deprecating opengl support

Hello! After spending some time (about a month or so) I was able to install on my MacBook Pro all 3 systems (macOS + Windows + Ubuntu, thanks to rEFInd). Now I have started the initial compilation process of "3DCoat" sources inside VS Code under Linux Ubuntu 20.04. Regarding macOS. Hopefully "OpenGL" will be still supported. Otherwise how Apple will be supporting WebGL and tons of games?

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OpenGL will not be supported, it is official. They do not maintain it at all anymore. Same goes with OpenCl. If you want to develop for OSX you need to use Metal. Simple as that. 

Also I purchased Linux license and OSX too, and it would be fair to get some refund as it was never to what you delivered to Windows users. 

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On 8/26/2020 at 10:14 PM, SreckoM said:

If you want to develop for OSX you need to use Metal.

Also I purchased Linux license and OSX too, and it would be fair to get some refund as it was never to what you delivered to Windows users. 

In case Apple will release macOS without OpenGL support I think we will go this path: Vulkan under Windows/Linux and MoltenVK under macOS. About refund. Contact our sales department. But I don't understand what you mean by "as it was never to what you delivered to Windows users". "3DCoat" under macOS has been built using absolutely the same source base as for Windows. All source files of Windows project are included in macOS project. The new Xcode project for macOS has been made completely identical to the Visual Studio project from Windows. "3DCoat" builds for macOS have appeared on our site sometimes even earlier than Windows this year thanks to the new Xcode project. Even the precompiled header is the same for Windows and macOS. That proves the identical project structure between Windows and macOS. I believe that the same project structure will be kept for the Linux project which is now in progress.

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On 8/29/2020 at 7:01 PM, SERGYI said:

But I don't understand what you mean by "as it was never to what you delivered to Windows users".

He is obviously referring to the fact that you haven't touched LInux version and only recently released an update for OSX. I can't be bothered to dig up those emails stating that as soon as OSX version is up and running Linux one will be compiled shortly; I think that must have been in 2017...

Anyway you don't exactly fill us with confidence by "thinking what path to take" regarding what libraries to build upon. If that is the stage of development you are at I think you should honestly admit that:

1. You are nowhere near RC version for Linux
2. That you are under-resourced or under-qualified (or possibly both) and that you over-promised on platform availability

3. That linux version (and quite likely OSX) of 3dcoat 2021 (or whatever-tf you call it ) will never be available

Having said that you should apologize to users who bought license and have been fooled for all those years. Refund of all linux licenses purchased in last four years would be a very reasonable thing to do. The least you should do is to offer linux users free windows license should they want to run it on windows.


I personally distanced myself from this once loved software in favor of tools that are actively supported on platforms declared. It just occasionally fucks me off when see that you keep on developing new features while neglecting Linux version and its users.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/2/2020 at 10:28 AM, kumpa said:

recently released an update for OSX  ... linux version (and quite likely OSX) of 3dcoat 2021 will never be available

Here is a listing of disk images of "3DCoat" for macOS on our FTP. The gap was between the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. It was caused by refactoring of "3DCoat". A gap was under Windows too at that time.

3DCoat FTP for macOS.jpg
Here is a screenshot of the upcoming "3DCoat 2021" under macOS which works today.3DCoat 2020.B1 macOS.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm a Linux user too. I would like to buy 3DCoat at some point soon but only if starting with version 2021 the Linux version will be in par with the other OS'es. Will this be the case? Will we see 3DCoat 2021 for Linux released before the end of the year?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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for those like me curious to know how's the Linux build coming along:

In another kind exchange of e-mails with the 3DCoat Linux developer he confirmed that a Linux executable of the program developed under Ubuntu 20.04 already exists.

Asked about an estimate ETA for a release, he then explained explicitly the couple of hurdles yet to overcome. Before those specific issues are dealt with he naturally wouldn't commit to a prediction of a release date [because it wouldn't make sense].

Still, to me, great progress has been made. I doubt we'll be waiting for much longer. Things take time and it seems it was well spent until now.

By the way, he even showed proof of what he told me, which was not asked but welcomed anyway, of course.

I am eager to try all the goodies other versions have and tried.

Good times ahead.

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We have been hearing this for sometime now.  It's like the old days when you put a carrot in front of the horse to get him to run a little faster.  The horse never catches the carrot.  We have been hearing this for years and here we go again with the carrot again.

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