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The biggest problem for today with Linux build is GKT3 functions gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text, gtk_clipboard_wait_is_image_available, and gtk_clipboard_wait_for_image. I found a workaround for the crash after calling them on my Ubuntu 20.04. But the modal startup dialog with the license dialog is still flickering on my machine. When I remove those functions, there is no flickering. I suspect those functions are why you see the viewport disappearing on your machines. I plan to see how those functions work in GTK3 under 22.04 this week. It may reveal something important about this matter.

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On 1/26/2025 at 5:20 AM, sockpuppetkingdom said:

File open dialogue is still broken on Arch-based distros

Same here on my Arch install 

I could be way off but I think the culprit on arch is the linking directly to the library instead of the symbolic link

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@SERGYI I have read your messages, they make me feel sympathetic and a little sad. Studying the history of Pigway and having conversations with some of the developers, I am beginning to understand your burden and the burden of the team as a whole. In my subjective opinion, one of the reasons is Mr. Andrew himself as the head of the company, who took on too much for himself and the team. Too many ideas, too many ambitions, the desire to become the new Blender, creates a big burden that a small team can hardly lift (as far as I know, you are about 5 programmers).

About Linux, okay, I get it. Actually, in my video I tested the last two builds, as you wrote 32-1 and 27-1. I follow the forum and try to follow your instructions. I think it will not be always easy for me to recognize which problems in 3DCoat are Linux only and which are common, but I will try.

“3DCoat project is essentially a Windows-only project” - yeah i felt that. I learned this after I bought it.

You just get enough sleep :lazy:, I'll wait ;)

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"3DCoat" project is essentially a Windows-only project. 

Figured that too. I really did not get anything for latest upgrade I paid. None of the versions worked on PopOS (Ubuntu 22.04), from Feb 2024. So I am not really holding my breath here. I also think that this will continue like this as you are just human and I do not see how can you keep doing this in a future. Will keep version from Feb 2024 and slowly start switching to Blender and MARI. Both work flawless on Linux. Anyway thank you for your hard work Sergyi! 

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20 hours ago, StriderX said:

Same here on my Arch install 

I could be way off but I think the culprit on arch is the linking directly to the library instead of the symbolic link

I can confirm in Arch it crashes on using the file dialog.
To test it, I installed a fresh Endeavour OS (basically Arch with some script helpers and saner installer) with Cinnamon desktop (to rule out Gnome and GTK4 issues) on a spare SSD and yes, it launched fine, but on using the Save as... menu it crashes immediately.

I could install any other distro/desktop if needed, but I think this is getting us nowhere. With the available knowledge, time and other resources, the sooner SERGYI manages to make a Flatpak the better, really. Put everything needed inside, and be done with it.

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On 1/28/2025 at 8:22 PM, SreckoM said:

Figured that too. I really did not get anything for latest upgrade I paid. None of the versions worked on PopOS (Ubuntu 22.04), from Feb 2024. So I am not really holding my breath here. I also think that this will continue like this as you are just human and I do not see how can you keep doing this in a future. Will keep version from Feb 2024 and slowly start switching to Blender and MARI. Both work flawless on Linux. Anyway thank you for your hard work Sergyi! 

Yeah, I am done with it too. I feel we should be given a free license extension since no work has been done towards a functioning Linux version in the last year. 3dcoat earned  an infamous award for the only Linux app in the world which development cycle was halted by a humble file dialog. Well done guys, 6 years (and counting) of screwing up paying users.

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I do understand the frustration. And there's some history behind all of it, sure. And the people at Pilgway and us the users we've all had our fair share of joy and pains for years, now.

And yet, they didn't fail on purpose, I assume. They also didn't just cancel Mac and Linux ports either. So, now what?

Well, they are really trying, and improving; we can also see that. And some problems are yet to be solved. And us, the users, we can leave, stay, renew licenses or not. I myself seldom use this software any more (for now). But to discourage the improvement of the software or their efforts towards making it work serves no purpose and benefits nobody. It won't make you feel any better either. And we don't need to know if you stay or leave, really; it's your personal choice.

I still want it to work well on Linux, and I won't use it until then for actual work. But I won't discourage them from trying if it's not working for me yet. I understand contacting them for a refund, asking CS for some clarification... but I wouldn't shame them publicly for no gain whatsoever. That's hardly ever the best way forward for anyone involved.

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21 hours ago, JoseConseco said:

I gave up on linux version too.     But   windows version + wine  work ok for me.  Maybe you should try it, rather than waiting another 6  years. 

Did you manage to have hardware acceleration and Wacom working in 3DCoat in WINE?
Is there a guide somewhere on how to proceed with that?
Thanks in advance for any tips and info on this. It could be helpful until we have a proper working port to Linux.

By the way, I love your add-ons for Blender. Happy customer here! :)

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I agree with JoseConseco. Running the windows .exe in wine is a far better experience so far. Everything just works from my initial testing. The interface is much faster and better overall. My wacom tablet and using nvidia card worked immediately. So far I found it to be a 1:1 as if working in windows 11. I simply installed wine and winetricks from my distros repositories (Zorin OS). Downloaded the .exe. Ran the .exe thru installation wizard. I set the program installation folder to my linux home folder with all my other linux apps. By default It will try to save in a C: directory. After installation it runs thru a little wine configuration and just works. It appears to find and  use your existing user 3DCoat documents folder as well. Which was nice. I did not have to run thru a license wizard. I believe it just found my license info from my native linux install. It is even easy to pin to your dash without any extra setup. Applink between 3DCoat and native linux blender install doesn't seem to be working or I am missing something. I do get a new vox layer for the mesh from blender, but no actual mesh in viewport. Note: experience may vary.

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Yes. Pressure from tablet works for me. There are  issues though. However these issues are present in the latest windows builds as well. In Voxel mode some brushes will extrude random voxels on and off the mesh. This is also present  in build .31. The move tool performance appears to be very slow in voxel mode and surface mode in build .32. Build .31 the move tool seems to work as expected.  In Surface mode I have not experienced any issues. Saving, baking, rendering, retopo all seem to be working. In conclusion, using wine on linux appears to be a 1:1 correlation, even with the same bugs as the latest windows builds. I am not sure in which stable windows builds you may want to use, that will be up to you. The windows .31 build does not have the move tool degradation, but it does have the voxel artifacting with the voxel brushes. You may want to try older windows builds.

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Does not work for me on PopOS ()Ubuntu 22.04). I get warning that 3dcoat can not write to user pref folder and will not function properly.  After opening there are no text, most of icons are missing. UI is totally messed up.  

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18 minutes ago, SreckoM said:

Does not work for me on PopOS ()Ubuntu 22.04). I get warning that 3dcoat can not write to some folder and will not function properly.  After opening there are not text, most of icons are missing. UI is totally messed up.  

You could try with Bottles. https://usebottles.com/

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