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3DCoat 4.9 BETA testing thread

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27 minutes ago, philnolan3d said:

No luck with 4.9.05. I'll try going further back.

I just did a quick test, as I was getting ready to record a tutorial on this very topic. It works on this end. 4.9.34 DX



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02.04.20 4.9.36 (stable)

- Fixed crash in spikes tool.

- Improvements in export constructor: possibility to swap texture type and uv-set name, possibility to skip uv-set name if each us-set stored in own folder.

- Stamp mode issues fixed

- Some RFill issues fixed, related to Undo and flipped faces.

- Better compatibility with Blender (difference in "Open In->Blender" and "Open in original App")

- Fixed Still images "close guides" refresh issue.

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2 hours ago, lambertj21 said:

@Andrew Shpagin, I can confirm the spikes tool fix.  Thank you.  What are your thoughts on the move tool?  I use it excessively but once up over 1m tris, it has a delay.  Once you focus on this delay, it is hard to focus on anything else. 

In my tests, there is no (initial?) delay, just limited FPS. Generally, I may speed it up. I may speed up, but I don't understand "delay".

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6 hours ago, lambertj21 said:

@Andrew Shpagin, with limited tris, you can really get interactive with the move tool.  No delay, as fast as you can click.  Once I get a a certain amount of tris though, there is a 1-3 second delay at the end of each stroke.

Is that in Voxel mode or Surface mode?  Can you share a video?  I tried to confirm, but wasn't 100% sure what I was looking for.  I did notice that there was very brief period of time that it took for a Voxel sculpt to remesh when I got up to and around 1million polygons.  But it was a fraction of a second while it remeshed the marching cubes.  

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If we load shapes created on oldest versions using new Beta Tools & Curves switched on = it is work good


If we load shapes created on oldest versions with Beta Tools & Curves switched off = it is work bad



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03.04.20 4.9.37 (stable)

- Move tool speedup 5-8x, Shift tool recovered, "Ignore back faces" disabled by default for the Shift tool.

- "Voxeloze immediately" option in Move tool. This option allows to postpone voxelization, do it after multiple moves, not immediately.

- Removed unnecessary autosave.tempfile* items from the Autosave menu.

- Analysed crash reports, fixed several unsafe code pieces.

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I am using the latest version of 3D-Coat.
I'm having a lot of difficulty sculpting in Surface Mode - Clay Base brushes (but I believe it also happens with the other Clay brushes).

My problem is that I'm having a lot of "lagging", and that causes "braking" to happen with every brushstroke I try to sculpt. Becoming very difficult to sculpt with the "gagging" that each brushstroke produces.
Performance is very slow.
I configured my Clay Brush to have the Remove Stretching Option enabled and it's terrible to sculpt.

I don't know if anyone is having problems similar to mine, but I have been having this problem of slowness with brushwork problems for a while with other versions of 3D-Coat, but now the situation has worsened for me.

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Regarding Rygaard's last post, I can confirm Live Clay Tools being sluggish once the radius gets up over 20.  Basically unusable at that size and above.  Smaller radius is fine though (for me). 

I have the same complaint for the smooth brush; once the radius is set larger, it is unusable. 

@Andrew Shpagin, the move tool is now awesome, ty.  Could you have refactored something that impacted many of the other brushes?  Even the snake clay is acting up once the radius is bumped up a bit.

Edited by lambertj21
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In my sculptures, regardless of whether I change the size of the Brush, using the option Remove Stretching or not and even using Smooth (shift key), I have had a very low performance (terrible) and my Brushstrokes become slow and thus cause lagging with flaws during the stroke.

I have had a lot of effort and a lot of patience to be able to sculpt in the same area of the mesh surface and try to make the mesh surface the way I would like it to become, but even so, with all my patience, I am having a lot of difficulties in control the mesh surface.

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Wau. Move tool really got some boost. One request: is it possible make SNAKE CLAY tool similar how SNAKE HOOK tool works in blender, expecially when dynotopo is turned on. I think that they nailed that behaviour in blender I always shape my basic sculpt with that tool. 

For me snake clay tool feels unfinished, thou it' has potential to be very powerful too.

Edited by haikalle
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Can please someone confirm if this is a bug?

When i try to auto retopo  for ppp the AUTOPO WIZARD TURNS OFF  ALL the VOXELS LAYER VISIBILITY  at  paint density step!!!

To workaround this i click the eye icon to make my voxel layers visible again and continue the process, which is ok for a scene with a few voxel layers, but it's a nightmare with a complex scene with many layers, some on and some off.

version: 4.9.37 GL


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Vox Hide tool is missing? I cannot find it.

Is it possible to make all tools and windows to be sorted by alphabet? It is very hard to find what i want. Or maybe search window like in 3ds max with X key

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7 hours ago, sprayer said:

Vox Hide tool is missing? I cannot find it.

Is it possible to make all tools and windows to be sorted by alphabet? It is very hard to find what i want. Or maybe search window like in 3ds max with X key

Hey, it is still there, in the voxel tools.

I have noticed other problem though, and I am curious if others have it as well. Twist tool now behaves weirdly, it previews twist on ALL visible layers, instead of just the one selected... when applied works fine on just taht one layer... but it is pain to adjust settings when I cant see a damn thing with all visible layers being "twisted", or in this case  - "arrayed" (using 4.9.36 release)

Also, I loaded scene in older version of 3d coat (4.8.37 to be exact) and twist works there as intended, previewing effect only on selected layer


Not to be an ranting person here, but with each version of 3d coat, I find new bugs in place of old ones, it gets really tiring and exhausting sometimes to deal with those (and I use this soft for some time now). Guys, I really wanna love this software, since concepting in voxels is greatest thing ever, but those constant bugs are really making users life difficult (especially from  working professional stand point)


Edited by marou_666
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18 hours ago, marou_666 said:

Hey, it is still there, in the voxel tools.

Thanks, that's what i was talking about it's hard to find, because in previous it was in adjust section and without sorting...


Edited by sprayer
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I usually try to avoid tools that work as surface tools and apply to voxels later. They are not "what you see is what you get", and, well, I just don't like surface anyway.
However, I must admit that this is really an improvement for the move tool to work that way now. Move tool was very unwieldy, especially the higher you got in resolution.

Anyway, just wanted to say, Move tool is great now, thanks !

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When I import a few meshes together for paint, 3DC creates UV sets with names wire_0000000, wire_1111111, .... Is it possible that name of the UV was same as the name of the mesh it belongs? I can't figure out which name of UV is for what mesh.

Edited by Vipera
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On 4/6/2020 at 11:39 AM, sprayer said:

Thanks, that's what i was talking about it's hard to find, because in previous it was in adjust section and without sorting...


Oh, that's right. It's my fault it got moved to the Voxel Brushes. I asked Andrew to move it there, because it made a LOT more sense to have it among the BRUSHES and not Adjustment tools. For example, the Surface Hide tool in Surface mode, is in the Brushes section.

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09.04.20 4.9.38 (stable)

- Restored "Align to view" in the transform gizmo.

- Fixed situation when scene becomes invisible during AUTOPO.

- Correct job of "Spikes" tool with model profiles. "One segment" and "Embed ends" for the "Spikes" tool.

- Fixed Merge down issue for layers filled with materials with semitransparent dirt. Also AO layer does not overwrite bottom layers opacity.

- Fixed shadows issue (in voxels mode).

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