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Can 3DCoat paint a Fresnel color gradient on a paint object or surface?

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I looked in the Fill tool patterns but didn't see it there.  Surely I'm missing something.  Is there a way to Fill paint a gradient (or a gradient with one of the patterns) onto a surfaces or paint objects in a Fresnel way?  Like painting between the two colors based on the slope or concavity of the shape of the object?  With some kind of a range scale of it?  thanks!

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Thanks - but no, not quite a real light bake, just a gradient fill where the color changes based on the slope of the shape from an axis.  Like these:

I think it can but maybe I don't know how to use the fill well enough?



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5 hours ago, pickers said:

If the curvature can bake them down, the smart material would be able to make sense of it.

Thanks, but could you elaborate please?  I'm not sure what you mean.  I can generate a curvature map yes.  But then how do I tell a smart material to say paint white up to say a 30deg slop and then green below it etc.  ?   In other 3d Apps you can specify a gradient and a slope and it shades the surface appropriately like this:   It seems a trivial thing for 3dcoat to let you paint like this - so I assumed it is a feature?  How do you do this with Smart Materials?



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Sorry to misread your question. I have tried using Fill (gradient) with black and white for top to bottom, and attempting to use that layer (white top and black bottom) as a clip mask for another layer (which will use smart material for the peaks and cracks), but cant seem to work with that approach. Sorry!

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I think you are asking a bit different task. Fresnel work in camera space so it should work only in shader and cannot be baked. Gradient what you are showing have direction of height to fill, you can use just gradient tool on side view for that, but it have only two color, maybe you can make color brush for that

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