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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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version 2024.19 - all brushes are off center, kinda like badly calibrated tablet. In version 2024.18 all works fine.

Also, something that is pretty frustrating with something like Vox Layer tool and many other that include shape selection/masking - very often vox layer isn't created and selection disappears, after hitting CTRL + Z selection shows up, but only partially in glitched form and it won't work anyways. It need to be Deselected and draw again... pretty damn annoying thing, that is causing a lot of time waste... Don't remember when was the first time I've noticed it, but this behaviour is there for quite some time.

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On 5/30/2024 at 2:19 PM, captainbuckfish said:

evening, for some reason when I use spacebar and quick access my brushes some of the brushes revert back to their assigned brush ( I use the quad square shape on the clay fast) but others keep the last brush shape that was used.

Before when I moved through brushes they kept their own brush alpha regardless how many times I changed brush. Not sure what has happened but its frustrating to keep selecting the alpha I want each time I change brush.

Is this a bug? 3DC 2024.19

Fixed in 20 (soon).


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hi all .. just wondering does anyone know when the paint room rework is happening ? along with the new ui? i hear it was meant to come in V2022 but havent heard anything since , also anyone noticing serious performance issues for some of the sculpting brushes like flatten and smooth? 

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8 hours ago, Elemeno said:

hi all .. just wondering does anyone know when the paint room rework is happening ? along with the new ui? i hear it was meant to come in V2022 but havent heard anything since , also anyone noticing serious performance issues for some of the sculpting brushes like flatten and smooth? 

What Paint Room "re-work" are you referring to? There are some developments (GPU brush engine and node network for Smart Materials if I understood correctly) underway, but I am not aware of an ETA. No one said there was a new UI being developed...just incremental improvements. Layer Mask revamp was part of this + search icon in panels, plus color image thumbnails on each layer, Activity Bar repositioned and made to hide away until you move your cursor near it, etc.

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16 hours ago, AbnRanger said:

What Paint Room "re-work" are you referring to? There are some developments (GPU brush engine and node network for Smart Materials if I understood correctly) underway, but I am not aware of an ETA. No one said there was a new UI being developed...just incremental improvements. Layer Mask revamp was part of this + search icon in panels, plus color image thumbnails on each layer, Activity Bar repositioned and made to hide away until you move your cursor near it, etc.

in 2022, alot of attention was around the usability of the ui + the outdated look , plus they said they wanted a layer system something alot like painter .. but to be honest with you , i have no idea whats on the roadmap we get a few tweaks and fixes from time to time , but development has slowed alot!

i think this is my last year using 3Dc ... ive used and paid for 8/9 years of 3dcoat and with each year less and less happens and performance is becoming worst in certain situations , ive said before a simple roadmap or possible implementations is all i need , we 100% need better workflows in 3dcoat ... 

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2 hours ago, Elemeno said:

in 2022, alot of attention was around the usability of the ui + the outdated look , plus they said they wanted a layer system something alot like painter .. but to be honest with you , i have no idea whats on the roadmap we get a few tweaks and fixes from time to time , but development has slowed alot!

i think this is my last year using 3Dc ... ive used and paid for 8/9 years of 3dcoat and with each year less and less happens and performance is becoming worst in certain situations , ive said before a simple roadmap or possible implementations is all i need , we 100% need better workflows in 3dcoat ... 

What do you mean the UI looks outdated? 3ds Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, etc...have ALL had the same "outdated" UI they have had for decades, but I don't hear people beating down the doors for them to do a complete UI overhaul. They have only made some cosmetic tweaks. 3DCoat likewise has implemented a lot of incremental changes and no one on the staff said anything about making wholesale changes to the structure of the UI. That was just some users voicing their opinion about it. There have been so many improvements, but nobody gives Pilgway credit for those. It's as if all that effort was in vain. They did a complete UI Icon refresh in 3DC 2021.

The layer system in 3DCoat doesn't need an overhaul, IMHO. It remains patterned after Photoshop's, now including Layer Mask and Clipping Mask support, plus color image thumbnails on each layer. That's the overhaul, and those improvements alone were long time requests. Now that we have them, one would think users would be happy. Hopefully, Andrew will be able to add Adjustment layers, too.

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working on free form cylinder, found these two strange behaviours:

  1. if I change the type of drawing from the left top icon, it will reset the tool
  2. if I undo a rotation of the lattice, the mesh will be bigger: of course, it's enough to move the lattice vertices to refresh, but it would be nice if won't happen.

This video shows the two above points


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6 hours ago, AbnRanger said:

What do you mean the UI looks outdated? 3ds Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, etc...have ALL had the same "outdated" UI they have had for decades, but I don't hear people beating down the doors for them to do a complete UI overhaul. They have only made some cosmetic tweaks. 3DCoat likewise has implemented a lot of incremental changes and no one on the staff said anything about making wholesale changes to the structure of the UI. That was just some users voicing their opinion about it. There have been so many improvements, but nobody gives Pilgway credit for those. It's as if all that effort was in vain. They did a complete UI Icon refresh in 3DC 2021.

The layer system in 3DCoat doesn't need an overhaul, IMHO. It remains patterned after Photoshop's, now including Layer Mask and Clipping Mask support, plus color image thumbnails on each layer. That's the overhaul, and those improvements alone were long time requests. Now that we have them, one would think users would be happy. Hopefully, Andrew will be able to add Adjustment layers, too.

so youre telling me that 3dcoats usability is just fine how it is? it needs simplifying theres alot of something that does nothing ,


now for the ui, zbrush i can customize the whole ui , and have 100's of submenus down one side without destroying the whole ui , in 3dcoat i can have 3/4 without there just being folder looking tabs all over , drop down boxes would help so much keep things neat and tidy

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  • Advanced Member
6 hours ago, AbnRanger said:

What do you mean the UI looks outdated? 3ds Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, etc...have ALL had the same "outdated" UI they have had for decades, but I don't hear people beating down the doors for them to do a complete UI overhaul. They have only made some cosmetic tweaks. 3DCoat likewise has implemented a lot of incremental changes and no one on the staff said anything about making wholesale changes to the structure of the UI. That was just some users voicing their opinion about it. There have been so many improvements, but nobody gives Pilgway credit for those. It's as if all that effort was in vain. They did a complete UI Icon refresh in 3DC 2021.

The layer system in 3DCoat doesn't need an overhaul, IMHO. It remains patterned after Photoshop's, now including Layer Mask and Clipping Mask support, plus color image thumbnails on each layer. That's the overhaul, and those improvements alone were long time requests. Now that we have them, one would think users would be happy. Hopefully, Andrew will be able to add Adjustment layers, too.

boxmenu2.jpg.0c8749a789763ff53d7d99ec7bf2a851.jpgexample 1, i have to navigate SLTPMS folders to work out what each one is ... no clear identification 

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47 minutes ago, Elemeno said:

boxmenu2.jpg.0c8749a789763ff53d7d99ec7bf2a851.jpgexample 1, i have to navigate SLTPMS folders to work out what each one is ... no clear identification 

That isn't 3DCoat's fault. That is the user placing too many tabs in one panel section and making the column too narrow to see the text. This is an EXTREME use case and it certainly isn't in the default UI layout. What about those who happen to like the Photoshop style structure of the UI. I personally don't like having to scroll through a column to reach panels or sections, like you say ZBrush does. That is why you have the Activity Bar, so that the most used panels don't even have to be docked in the UI, to quickly access them. Nobody said that there shouldn't be continued efforts to incrementally improve the UI. I am just saying that nobody at Pilgway said anything about a complete UI overhaul. Blender is the only app that has managed to do that in the past 20+yrs. That tells you and me that it is a HUGE undertaking, and not always beneficial compared to all the many features that could be added instead.


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Hello People! Long time no see.

Im still having trouble with PPP Mode painting. There is this Border created over Triangles. But It is a pure quad mesh.


All the best!

PS: I found only solution, with subdivision, catmull on, and hard edges set manually. That makes it go away.

Edited by Ctc_nick
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1 hour ago, Carlosan said:

I cant replicate, what set do you use ?


If it is a custom model (not default one) please share it to take a look.

Ok, can you try once more? Here the original blender cube.


Use PPP without Baking or with, doesn't matter.


Turn all Depth, Gloss, Color on.

Paint over the diagonal of the faces. As if it would be triangulated. 

Now you should see something like i posted.

Uh and when i turn to low poly it gets screwed. key[6]

The cube was imported using applink.


Edited by Ctc_nick
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On 6/13/2024 at 7:28 PM, jdoublej said:

The Alphas for my Tool Presets are still not working in 3DCoat-2024-20.  So I will continue to use 3DCoat-2024-18 until this is fixed.  Just wanted to bring this to your attention, thanks.



Same, all my presets lost saved alphas/went to default round one. Everything works fine in 2024.18 and earlier versions.

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That will be an old issue, pleas check

For some reason when upgrading 3DC had created a subfolder (3dcoat) in data folder and it was using that.

Load Presets helps to relocation ?


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