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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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6 hours ago, Ctc_nick said:

VDM! Is brilliantly working. I always thought Coat would be a top tool for this. No, really!

We need an option for flipping/invert Color/ Axis. You have my ear on this.. :rofl:

As you can clearly see it is working, but some axis is inverted.

Well done


EAR.exr 10.33 MB · 1 download

How you got this alpha? It differs from usual order.

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3 hours ago, poeboi said:

Fantastic work lately, I'm super thankful about the changes to freeze and pose masks. With what's available in 3dcoat now, one can essentially FK pose an entire sculpt solely using pose masks. It's a fantastic facility, and I think by now it beats the workflow of sending to (for example) Blender to pose.. there's a bit of setup to it but by this point it's to my knowledge probably the best sculpt posing solution on the market.

the workflow is roughly this :
1. decimate the sculpture (by proxy method, so res can be restored later)
2. paint in masks of pose areas using regular paint tools, on paint layers
3. these masks can then be picked in "Pose Tool" from viewport or using "freeze transparent" on paint layer
4. can then manipulate the area and store all deformation by pose, onto a paint layer (meaning if the pose doesn't work out, it can be erased)
5. fixing poses which will be necessary in a lot of cases, can be done by freezing all but a pose masked area, and sculpting on it... to fix deformations or make the deformation respect anatomy, etc.

thank you!

other thing:

I wonder if we please can have GLOBAL   "TO CENTER MASS" option , for centering gizmo on current sculpt tree object no matter which tool is active.
This is the option that's available in "Transform" tool options , but also "Pose" tool options.
it makes it so, all transform gizmos but also the gizmoless transforms will operate from the center mass point of object.

currently as it stands, the transform tool or pose tool has to be activated each time to just perform "to center mass", it's not very convenient
and even if the option is bound to a hotkey, it will not always perform the "to center mass" action. For example, I have it set to hotkey CTRL+HOME but it oftentimes will not center on object.

Thank you for any consideration!


To center mass available always when gizmo visible. Isn't it? 

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16 minutes ago, Andrew Shpagin said:


To center mass available always when gizmo visible. Isn't it? 

yes that is true, whenever the transform gizmo is visible "to center mass" will work

but there are circumstances when I am not using the transform tool and the gizmo is not visible, that I would still want to put the gizmo origin at center of mass

for example when just using gizmoless transforms to move or transform the object, with a different tool active like Move .. If I need to reposition origin of transformation, I must activate Transform tool only for that reason, to put the origin at center of mass of object or move the gizmo

I think it could be possible to make it so  use of Transform tool can be circumvented entirely by adding some more options to Gizmoless transforms.

if "show/hide" gizmo or origin was maybe a title bar option, available via hotkey from any tool.
it could be for quick position of gizmo is possibility of combine "Move Only Gizmo"  with gizmoless transforms, to move the transform origin.
and the Transform tool options could be made available in a similar manner, like "Align to View", "To Main Axis" et cetera

Then one could do without "Transform" tool entirely, and only use hotkeys like with Gizmoless transforms for all transform operations. Similar to how "Quick Pick" never has to be explicitly selected as tool if one has it bound to hotkey.

thanks for all your hard work, wish you the best!

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3 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

How you got this alpha? It differs from usual order.

Hi. You can make them in Blender. I didn't know there is a standard. I think it would be good if 3dcoat can handle such situations.

I'll try to find the source of the vdm. I think it was a siggraph paper or sth. And I remember I had to swap some channels too with the ear compared to the video..

All the Best!


Edited by Ctc_nick
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Hello everyone and happy Easter.
After some time I am trying the version of 3DCoat 2023.13.. amazing!
I was very surprised by the improvements of the voxel/surface engine!
On my old computer now sculpting with 3dCoat is fast and smooth using muuuch more resolution than before, even with voxels.
Personally, primarily from a performance standpoint, it makes a noticeable difference on other programs, such as Blender sculpting
The ''clay'' brush in general is great; sharpen, and fill/detaildelete are very useful; the pinch brush is now the most well-set ''pinch'' brush I have ever found in a sculpting program. Default shading is very nice.

I detect a variety of problems, inconsistencies, quirks of behavior in customizing shortcuts :unknw: or is it me who don't understand.

I think that in such a large big software with so many commands and brushes, the ability to customize clearly, efficiently and quickly is very important. It would be useful to have a user interface all dedicated to this, as exists in other programs, without writing lines of text code....don't know if it already exists.
Customizing is essential in a program with so many controls, and in my opinion it speeds up the creative/constructive process by at least 50%, not to mention feeling comfortable....this through shortcuts, but also/or with customizable menus.

I think, to start to try get around the problem immediately, I would love a single button to exclude sticky keys! Because right now they create even more confusion in me in customizing and using shortcuts.
Is there a global way, maybe a single key, to exclude sticky keys?


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13 hours ago, Oleg_Shapo said:

Could you tell me how you made this object? Isn't he too big in the scene?

took the standard cube, radial symmetry of 20 and carved using clay,clay strips..

its about 5 million tris each.



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2 hours ago, Tieguaili3D said:

is there an eta on preserving quads in surface mode for proper multires work? lots of great stuff been coming along but that's still a basic feature we're missing and maybe a little update on how it's going would be nice

i know its a massive thing... but in order to have proper quads .. they need to be able to have a decent remesher... topology becomes a constraint ... but i think being able to do 90% of the sculpting in voxels ... quads in surface will be able to detail and have proper topology flow

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I have installed 3dcoat 2023.12 and the layers are not working in factures room!

Everything was working fine in 2022.54 but now I can't turn on/off the layers, also adjusting opacity/depth ect on layers not working too.

Can someone confirm if this is a bug? I tried with the scene i have created in 2022.54, also with a new scene but the problem exists.

(3dcoat 2023.12/win7)


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45 minutes ago, CometsoftNC said:

This is the longest I've seen no Mac update to the beta.  Windows .14 vs. Mac .09.  Wondering if this is because of the VDMs?

I wonder how hard would it be to build a self-updating tool for Mac, just like they did with windows, instead of having to wait for someone to update that manually every single time?

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16 hours ago, Elemeno said:

i know its a massive thing... but in order to have proper quads .. they need to be able to have a decent remesher... topology becomes a constraint ... but i think being able to do 90% of the sculpting in voxels ... quads in surface will be able to detail and have proper topology flow

they have a decent rememsher, and while most of your work can be done in voxels if you're not using a basemesh, the second you have to work on blendshapes or work on a different character for the same project voxels aren't suitable and neither are the current alternatives in coat.

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3 hours ago, Tieguaili3D said:

they have a decent rememsher, and while most of your work can be done in voxels if you're not using a basemesh, the second you have to work on blendshapes or work on a different character for the same project voxels aren't suitable and neither are the current alternatives in coat.

nah thats why i have zbrush ...

i use 3dcoat alot of the time for concept work , being able to do what i want helps ... but when it comes to actually finishing something i have to use zbrush

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1 hour ago, Elemeno said:

nah thats why i have zbrush ...

i use 3dcoat alot of the time for concept work , being able to do what i want helps ... but when it comes to actually finishing something i have to use zbrush

for me anything that doesn't need a basemesh is better in coat, nicer brush engine for both sculpting and painting, wway better splines, pose tool is close enough to mask modelling that it works well enough, losing bend curve is a problem but not a dealbreaker, but losing the ability to properly work with basemeshes makes it unusable for a lot of things

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Hi @Andrew Shpagin!


I'm happy to see the the progress with VDM. Flip X/Y works fine!  It turns out that the Ear is in Tangent Space instead of World space. I've spent a lot of time with dot and cross products to see how i can convert it, but i must admit, that this is still out of my scope. I fixed it by rebaking it to world space for 3dcoat.

tangent space VDMs are not so uncommon, they are supported by a lot of packages. According to Pixologic you need them in animation for non static objects, it is the same like with normal maps years ago. 'Because animated objects are in motion relative to the world coordinate system, Tangent mode must be used any time your model will be animated. World mode is suitable for static (non-animated) renders.'  I think it would be good if 3dcoat deal with this. especially for export.

Its already a fantastic tool. Besides the 'Pick and Paste' Tool is a real eyecatcher, it feels like a sportscar! But I cannot execute it, it only does when the auto mode is turned on? Any hints?

- Mirror modifier for all Alphas, or Rightclick Menu in Alpha Palette like with the VDs flip option

Edited by Ctc_nick
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When I use the clone tool and don't use the ''import to separate instances'' tool works fine.

Then I use ''import to separate instances'' option. The first cut is fine, the cut mesh is rotated in place.
But on the second cut the cut mesh rotates mysteriously without me doing anything.

(In these pics ''separate istances'' is ON because the issue begin on second cut (with clone tool and also with cut and clone))



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Loft surface is broken again in OSX 2023.14.

Easy to reproduce....just try to loft two curves. Preview is ok but when apply mesh is checked the result is a mess.


EDIT:It seems that a lot of tools in the modeling room are completely broken with this update.

Accepting the slices of the knife tools completely break the mesh.

Also, accepting a second surface strip completely breaks the first strip and results in a broken mesh.

Is there anyway I can find/download the OSX 2023.09 version? That was the most stable one.

Edited by NLPLP
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I apologize but yesterday I installed 2023.16 and my shortcuts have gone crazy.:(
Some go, some don't, sometimes yes, sometimes no, some moved to other buttons...I should remap half of them.
It was not enough to load the previously saved hotkeys file again, nor was it enough to close and reopen 3DCoat.

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Bug with Sculpt Tree -> RMB -> "Change Parent..." option

Expectation: Shift + LMB  multiple objects in Sculpt Tree to select them, then performing RMB -> "Change Parent..." -> for example, Root will move all shift-selected objects from whatever sub-tree they are in, under Root so they have Root as the parent.
Bug: There is always one random occurrence of the selected objects that is "stubborn", it stays in the subtree while the rest is moved, so it has to be manually dragged to change it's parent object in tree

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