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Transform tool is not acting as expected

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After using the modeling room to create a base primitive shape, I can no longer rotate in 45 degree increments while holding the CTRL key. The first time I do it it works any time after that only the transform gizmo itself rotates as if i was holding shift and only transforming the gizmo.


Steps to reproduce

1 : In the modeling room create a sided tube primitive and set it to 8 teeth then rotate once with the control key held down

2 : Stop the rotation

3 : Try to snap rotate again 


Expected behavior : The shape will rotate in 45 degree increments in the axis its rotated on

Actual behavior : Only the transform gizmo rotates in 45 degree increments while the shape remains at the same rotation

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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

poeboi was awarded the badge 'Great Support' and 1 points.

Hello, sounds annoying! I tried to reproduce, this on 2021.57 but don't think I have the problem

It does sound like some issue I might have had in the past though so wanted to check


could you maybe try some of the following

1) Select all faces of object → Shift + E to activate axis rotate → Y to activate rotate only around Y axis → Hold SHIFT + drag , to snap to 45 deg rotations → try a couple subsequent rotations

2) Select all faces of object → Hold CTRL → drag on gizmo X/Y/Z "wheel"s / rings to see if it snaps to 45 deg rotations, and lets you do multiple?

3) Select all faces of object → LMB drag on wheel, and while holding LMB press space then release LMB → get a popup box, type in 45.0 (degree)

It could maybe be some kind of strange history problem. After many operations in modeling room sometimes, I've had to reload project and the app for transform to work
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