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3DCoat sculpting brush analogies

Metin Seven

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─ Minor update on November 13, 2023.

I'm trying to make a list of sculpting brush analogies between brushes in Blender (and sometimes ZBrush) and 3D-Coat. I hope I'm heading in the right direction.

I've tried to mostly stick to brushes that can be used in both Voxel and Surface mode.

Because nearly all of these brushes are Surface-type brushes, don't forget to press Enter every once in a while when working in Voxel layers, to revoxelize and equally redistribute polygons.

Any corrections and/or additions are much welcomed, thanks in advance.

Blender (or ZBrush) ─ 3D Coat (Clay / Draw type)

Blob ─ Sphere (Voxel mode only)

Clay ─ 
Surface: Buildup
Voxel: Voxel Buildup

Clay Buildup ─ 
Surface: Clay, or Buildup with flat alpha
Voxel: Base Clay or Vox Clay

Crease (Dam Standard) ─ Pinch

Displace (respects underlying surface) ─
Surface: Extrude
Voxel: Extruder (Clay Engine)

Fill ─
Surface: Fill
Voxel: Voxel Tools ➔ Fill

Flatten (hPolish) ─ Trim Adaptive
Grab ─ Move
Inflate ─ Inflate
Layer ─ Absolute (respects underlying surface)
Mask ─ Freeze

Nudge ─
Surface: Shift
Voxel: Smudge

Pinch ─ 
Surface: Pinch with zero or low strength
Voxel: Tools ➔ Pinch (auto-remeshes!)

Note: When using Roof Pinch, increase Tool Options ➔ Angulator ➔ Degree value for more effect.

Pose ─ Pose

Scrape (Trim Adaptive) ─
Surface: Flatten
Voxel: Scrape

Sculpt Draw ─ Draw

Note: Because nearly all of these brushes are Surface-type brushes, don't forget to press Enter every once in a while when working in Voxel layers, to revoxelize and equally redistribute polygons.

Edited by Metin Seven
Minor update
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On 1/15/2022 at 11:23 AM, Andrew Shpagin said:

I think 3DCoat has very flexible brushing system to mimick all familiar ZB brushes. Could be good to make "mimick" pack. So, that is good idea)

Yes, I agree! That would lower the threshold for users coming from other software.

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On 1/9/2022 at 9:19 PM, Metin Seven said:

I'm trying to make a list of sculpting brush analogies between brushes in Blender (and sometimes ZBrush) and 3D-Coat. I hope I'm heading in the right direction.

I've tried to stick to Clay / Draw brushes, because those are universal (applicable in both Voxel and Surface mode).

Any corrections and/or additions are much welcomed, thanks in advance.

Blender (or ZBrush) ─ 3D Coat

Blob ─ Sphere (Voxel mode only)
Clay ─ Buildup
Crease (Dam Standard) ─ Pinch
Displace ─ Extrude (respects underlying surface)
Fill ─ Fill
Flatten ─ Flatten
Grab ─ Move
Inflate ─ Expand
Layer ─ Absolute (respects underlying surface)
Mask ─ Freeze
Nudge ─ Shift
Pinch ─ Roof Pinch or Smart Pinch (case-dependent)
Pose ─ Pose
Scrape (Trim Adaptive) ─ Trim Adaptive
Sculpt Draw ─ Draw

You are doing gods work.

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Hi Metin, thank you for your brush comparison. I have a question, do you know how to get an inflate brush that feels similar to Blender and Zbrush's inflate brush? The Expand brush doesn't feel similar and neither does the Clay/Draw brush. I've tried different things but I can't find any brush/setting that feels like how an inflate brush should feel (to me.)

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Hi Brenner,

Up to now I haven't found a brush that equals the Inflate brush of Blender and ZBrush, but you can import the attached presets to get a range of custom brushes in your Presets palette. Be aware though: a lot of those presets don't work anymore because they're referring to obsolete brush types since 3DC 2021.

If you happen to find a better Inflate alternative, please let me know. I haven't fully explored the presets myself.


Carlosan Presets.3dcpack 3DCoat All.preset

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Thanks Metin. I went through those presets. As you said, many of them no longer work. None had an inflate brush that was any better than the current Expand brush. I also spent quite a few hours trying different settings and modifiers, but I couldn't find any configuration that felt like a clear improvement. Below is a screenshot that compares the Inflate brush in Zbrush, Blender and 3D Coat. 3D Coat's brush really looks and works differently.


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would very much like to mimic the functionality of vdm brushes in 3dc... ive been using "place object on brush" to imitate using imm brushes in the sculpt room, but the way voxels manage objects/mesh resolution make it difficult, and i actually think curves are awesome in 3dc as they give more control of the curve, but similar to the issue w/ using "place on brush", the object resolution can be tricky to deal with.

we could use some chain/necklace/leather strap/cable style presets too. dont neglect the power of object/brushes, zbrush has them and 3dc with some tweaking can mimic those as well im sure.

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I second that, @MatCreator. It'd be appreciated if you'd make a new post with your wishes, so there's a bigger chance the developers will notice.

I'd like to ask @Brenner the same regarding a proper Inflate / Deflate brush.

Edited by Metin Seven
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