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Не відкривається з файла//Does not open from the file


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Якщо попробувати відкрити на пряму з файла збереження, програма видає помилку - видалити і скачати програму не допомогло
Но якщо запустити саму програму і з неї сам файл то все працює 

If you try to open directly from the save file, the program gives an error - uninstall and download the program did not help
But if you run the program itself and the file itself, then everything works




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I sent only one screenshot, there are three errors with dll files, but all these files are in the folder with the program, the replacement does not give anything. This error started after this situation: "I had an open 3d max and 3d coat, I worked in the coat, but at one point the RAM ran out and the 3D coatclosed with an error" after this message error




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