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3DCoat Textura [Depth Layer Issue?]

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Upon using 3DCoat Textura pretty extensively now, I am noticing a behavior with the Depth Layer, particularly with Smart Materials (creation of). This seems to be tied into my earlier bug report for the Depth Layer not reading .EXRs, at all even at 1,000% - the Depth is nonexistent. In this case, which is mainly the issue upon making your own Smart Materials using Quixel Megascans or some I also bought on CGAxis, there are some very noticeable "pitting" that takes place with lesser details. I am guessing that maybe these channels are not set to "Linear" upon reading grayscale maps, and therefore small details are clamped resulting in the "pitting" nature. I am using very high UVSets (4k/8k) with high resolutions maps (4k/8k), as well. During the Preview phase with the viewer, everything seems fine, until you "set" the materials on your object via the Brush or Fill, then it gets extremely "pitted."

Example: A rusty painted metal is being used, I Import all of my maps into the Smart Material at 100% (as that is how it should read based on the Purchased Material to get the look that is presented). Looks nice in Preview mode, then becomes very pitted upon setting. The little nuances of the metal are extremely over pronounced versus the large rusty areas. This also happens with a Material I purchased on CGAxis, a Sci-Fi Foil texture...which should be more smooth in nature, but comes out extremely grainy from where it should be.

Anyway, based on my previous bug report on the Depth Channel with .EXRs and now this, I think there might be an underlying issue on how maps are being read, perhaps not being "Linear" as mentioned above - I could be very wrong here, but I wanted to let you know.

In addition, putting an AO (Ambient Occlusion) map in the "Condition Channel" of the Smart Material editor seems to do virtually nothing, as well, even though it says it takes AO maps.

(Workaround): I have to set the Depth Channel to extremely low (like 10% - 15%) then come back with a Brush at a very high percent to brush over the main details that should be noticeable from the onset, but get lost because of dialing down the Depth Channel because of the "Pitting" that takes place. (not ideal, as it takes time and you cannot move the map during this process or things won't line up)

(Side Note): Preview seems to work nicely, and this is also not really noticeable with your own Smart Materials from your download library on your website.

Note: Using Roughness/Metalness workflow as well.

Thank You, Rudy

Edited by RudyRG3D
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Sorry, didn't even see that anyone replied. I am right in the middle of a game-dev deadline. When I get to exporting that texture set, I ill try my best to remember and do that for you all. :)

Thank You, Rudy

Edited by RudyRG3D
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