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Texture missing from Blender FBX when imported into 3D Coat



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I have an unwrapped sphere crudely painted in Blender.  I export as an FBX with "Selected Object" checked.  I import into 3D Coat for Per Pixel painting and the object comes in but no painting.  I would like to be able to go back and forth between the two programs but it will be impossible if the texture doesn't come through from Blender.

I am using Blender ver. 3.4.1 and 3D Coat 2022.57

Thanks for any suggestions.


3D Coat.jpg

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Every time  I open 3D Coat I get this panel with the header "App link update required."

The 3D Coat applink addon appears to be the latest version installed in Blender.  It does send over the selected objects (but without any textures).

In that box it says that if this message pops up again and again then 3D Coat is unable to copy the App Link files and instructs me to do this manually.  I cannot locate, on my Windows 11, where "Coatinstallpath/data/ToolsPresets/InstallAppLinks/Blender/files" is located, nor where the location to copy it to is located, "BlenderInstallPath/scripts/addons/io_coats3d/"

Can you help me with this?

Sorry to be such a bother Carlosan.  I appreciate your continued help.


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