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Voxel layer specific_sphere tool extrudes at an angle



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Not sure how to fix. All my tools extrude at weird angles even though Im in orthographic mode and laying /looking flat on the y axis....checked all snap to views off, symmetry off, don't know what else to check.....

It almost seems that the specific voxel layer is somehow rotated and everything is extrude at angle there. My other layers are fine, its just that layer which acts like this

Please help

Edited by NLPLP
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Layer was scaled on one direction ?

If yes use RMB to global space command


If the volumes have been scaled and are not currently in 'Global Space' you can end up with a whole bunch of Normal and colour projection issues.

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6 hours ago, Carlosan said:

Layer was scaled on one direction ?

If yes use RMB to global space command


If the volumes have been scaled and are not currently in 'Global Space' you can end up with a whole bunch of Normal and colour projection issues.

Thanks man...I think that did it. But there's one more question..

And I say think because while I was able to position one "sphere" correctly, the tool stops responding afterwards and I cannot extrude anything at all. Did I maybe reset the tool?

Im on MAC OS 2022.60

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15 hours ago, NLPLP said:

It almost seems that the specific voxel layer is somehow rotated and everything is extrude at angle there. My other layers are fine, its just that layer which acts like this


Try exporting the model as 3b file (RMB > save volume as 3b) and then create a new fresh scene and import it to the sculpt room (RMB > import 3b file)

Can the issue be replicated ?

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