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This is beta update for 3D-Coat V3. It is "beta" because new surface <-> voels workflow was introduced.

Anyway, many but not all reported bugs was fixed.


1) New surface <-> voxels workflow introduced. Look new small icon in VoxTree.

2) I improved render - now you can render ny size images (for example 10000x10000), select render area

3) Incorrect tangent space calculation in UV->Apply UV set fixed (it resulted with incorrect lighting)

4) Retopo tool->Add quads fixed - no more strange snapping to original vertices


1) UV-Sets in DP/MV can be renamed in import dialog

2) smoothing in high res meshes in surface mode improved. It still has big potential to be improved.


Upadated to 3.00.08C


- Several useful items in VoxTree RMB menu - Flip (to flip by X,Y,Z) and To global space - transfotm space to be uniform and not rotated. It is especially important if you made something in local space and want to apply global symmetry. Also it helpful to avoid improper brushes work in non-uniform spaces.

- I made possibility to bake normalmap to per pixel mesh directly from voxels or microvertices. There is new corresponding itm in Retopo menu

- Baking tool improved - it bakes normalmap from voxels too.

- fixed important bug - if some object was hidden and it's subobject was not hidden then undo leads to crash. It was reported on forum too.

- STL export from voxels essentially improved - much much faster and without crasing on huge meshes. No limitations on export polycount.

- fixed: add pens folder, pens previews flipped vertically in right panel (it is more correct)

- fixed: incorrect work of topo symm copy in DP when initial mesh was subdivided.

- fixed: pose tool leads to holes in CUDA mode in surface representation after dropping surface to voxels

- Smooth brush is now separate brush

- I strengthened surfacial smoothing and made that flattern tool will respect backfacing

- new item in preferences - method of TBN normalisation for better compatibility with different game engines.


- Surface smooth improves - it will not work on backfaces

- I found the reason of constant slowdowns in some cases that was previously reported.

- Merge tool has got better transform gizmo with possibility to enter numerical values

- Fixed clearing selection with CTRL in pose tool

- I made possibility to select with lasso, recrangle, etc in Pose tool

- I made possibility to export - import voxels in raw form. It was done mainly to interoperate voxel data with other developers. Also it could be useful to handle medical data

- Solved problem with uv-file mentioned in forum

- It is possible now to change texture filtering in View menu - linear or nearest neighbour. It is especially important for precise painting and very small textures painting.

- Fixed problem with delete material mentioned by Juan


- inverted zoom direction issue fixed

- cut&clone - improper start position of the handler fixed


- Occlusion tool fixed for DP - no more noise or dark result if UV overlap happens.

- I found reason of crash in Pose with rect selection. I was not able to reproduce it but bugreports helped me .

- GL version works

- 3D-mouse works


- I made possibility to distort masks and materials with pen.

- voxel layer can be renamed with doubleclick

- Invert mask will work in voxels too

- Symmetry issue in pose tool with rectangular selection fixed

- Pivot point and handler direction in pose tool with rect selection is much more predictable and user-friendly.

- If you will select mesh in merge tool and try to activate other tool without actual merging you will be asked if you need to merge object before leaving the tool.


- I found and fixed the reason of unstable work and loosing sub-objects in 64-bit version of 3DC of several latest betas

- I made possibility to store/restore mask/material distortion to disk

- Also bug fixed - click outside 3DC, then click inside -> huge material distortion

- Fixed possible crash while merging voxels->DP

08H -> 08I

- I made hue/saturation/lightness/brightness/contrast/gamma controls for materials - in additional to distortion.

- Important addition - possibility to merge in painting and voxel modes not only obj...lwo files but 3B scenes too. If will be possible from File->Merge or from Merge tool in voxels

- fixed: marking seams when mouse released even during navigation

- Strict function in UV tools and retopo strengthened essentially

- fixed: clickng in palette in space menu leaves a spot on the model


- Hide tool on per-voxel basis (works in all modes - with pen, rect, lasso etc, respects masks). New hide tool seems has great potential. Combination of hide/unhide/delete hidden becomes strong hardsurdface modeling tool.

- Sketch tool - get model from 2 or 3 projections from reference images. Sketch tool is done. It's essence - you need 2 or 3 painted grayscale projections. White means filled, black - empty.

- Hide in retopo tool (in Select mode)

- found and fixed bug in retopo tool (points&faces) mentioned by Taros

- Fixed crash in expand/contract freeze (reported by Juan Carlos)

- It is possible now to view model with checker in UV-tool

- Left panel sections can be collapsed/expanded by click


- possibility to run brush along the curve in curves tool

- possibility to limit rotation by space navigator around Y-axis for convenience. Look preferences.

- hide tool is pressure dependent - radius and depth of penetration will depend on pressure

- possibility to separate hidden part of volume as separate volume (Voxels->Separate hidden)

- fixed : Undo after unhide all eliminates hidden volume

- fixed: rough or obsolete erasing at the bound of the frozen area in DP

- fixed: crash in sketch tool (very often on OSX and rare in Windows)

- fixed: picking&deleting vertices in Points&quads mode

- fixed: undo in retopo with hidden faces


- I made possibility to bake occlusion while baking normalmap from voxels to DP. So after baking VS->DP you will get normalmap+occlusion.

- Normalmap baking quality essentially improved - no details will be lost when baking voxels->DP

- I have add button "Apply" everywhere in voxel tool when you need to press enter. Not everyone knows that ENTER should be pressed.

- fixed space navigator pivot point issue


- Possibility to bake color of materials to textures in DP (first version, will be improved much more) It works only in retopo tool, Merge for per pixel painting with normalmap

- Fixed incorrect normalmap and occlusion baking, normlmap baking quality improved

- Solved long standing problem - 64 bit executables will always be run as admin whithout manual choosing RMB->Run as admin

- Space navigator update - in new Y-constrained navigation scheme roll will be optionally enabled


- Finished baking shaders to texture in DP mode. The most work was in tweaking shaders setting. Shaders color baking is introduced everywhere - in microvertex baking and texture baking tool.

- Drag&drop for layers done. Layers cam be moved between each other or to trash. Use ALT+drag layer to duplicate layer

- support of triangles in topological symmetry tool for per pixel painting. Till this time only quads was supported correctly.

- bottom panel for vox tree. It looks similar to layers bottom panel, trash supports drag&drop too. http://bit.ly/mFUxU

- estimated polycount in merge tool - to get to know how much polygones will appear in scene after merging the object.

- Estimated polycount is implemented for the sketch tool too.

- Important improvement- when object will be merged first in voxel tool user will be asked if initial scale and translaton should be perserved. In so way scale and position of initial object will be preserved on all stages - export raw mesh, retopo object, painted model.

- ortho-projection issues in retopo tool fixed

- symmetry plane and ALT-TAB issue fixed

- Long paths in input fields will be truncated from the beginning, not from the end. In so way file name will be visible better. In case of truncating hint will show full path. Also I implemented RMB menu in that file control to be able to open file or browse containing folder. It is important for render and baking.

- I made other approach to solve UAC problem - if 3DC is not run as admin by some reason, 3D-Coat will work but show warning at the start.


- Layers in retopo tool

- Fit object in viewport (by default SHIFT A)

Improvements in merge tool:

- Possibility to merge mesh as thin skin

- Possibility to merge separate objects in mesh to separate volumes

- sub-objects with _negative in the name will be subtractive (optionally)

- fixed bug reported by TonyNemo - strange layer that leads to crash. It was reported several times before but this time it is fixed.

- Jitters behaviour improved - when brush stays it will not jitter at place, just one jitter per movement. It is important to make randomly oriented spots like poses. In older implementation one click was able to produce many spots, it was messy.

- I improved algorithm for Apply UV - if indices of vertices was messed, positions will be used to find correspondence.

08O-08 P

- fixed: Pick from all layers failed if current layer was empty in pick point.

- Instability in topo symm copy fixed

- fixed: right-left arrow over split line in interface not always leads to moving split line. Looked really strange. It will be much more easy to capture split line.

- 3D-Coat will open 3B and OBJ files from command line. So you can assign 3D-Coat to be default program to open that files. But on Windows 64 bit it will work corretly ONLY if UAC is turned off.

- Possibility to save/load hotkeys set separately from options.

- Possibility to swap Y and Z while all import export operations. It is important for Rhino users.

- Export of textures simplified, I removed UV Manager from textures menu and made export things more straight. Older scheme produced many errors and impossibility to export or dit in ext editor some uv sets

- Fixed disappeared symmetry plane in retopo tool when empty voxel object selected.

- "hard to click twice" issue for OSX fixed


- Great news! Global cavity detection in DP done! It works correctly with external normalmap too.So, condition "more/less on cavity" will work work correctly with geometrical details, displaced details and external normalmap.

- "Cut through volumes" checker in Merge tool to cut negative volumes through all child volumes.

- Bend tool. It allows to bend object very accurately and wrap around circle or segment. It is close to axial symmetry, but it bends objects instead of cloning. This tool is important for hardsurfacing and extremely useful for jewelry. With Bend/wrap tool you will also be able to twist object too.

- Older version of Hide is enabled too - it is called Cell hide.

- Picking edges in ortho mode fixed (in retopo tool)

- fixed: incorrect baking occlusion from voxels->DP on OSX

- fixed crash on osx/open GL in merge/spike/snake... tools when panorama background was enabled. It was really hard to find & fix it.

- Possibility to create packages on pens for easy redistribution

- fixed: rare crash when changing pens folder

- fixed: incorrect work with negative volumes in merge tool if mesh is open

- fixed deleting material crash

Anyway I will continue hard work over all bugs that was reported during and after my vacation.


Windows version:

With CUDA, 32 bit

With CUDA, 64 bit

Without CUDA, 32 bit

Without CUDA, 64 bit

OSX Version:


Linux version (NEW!)


If you have any visual issues, please set "System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects -> None".

Edit: all links updated

Edited by Andrew Shpagin
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  • Advanced Member

Will the new voxel -> surface functionality eventually allow for the ability to go up and down resolutions (ie Mudbox, ZB) and then either keep it surface or drop it back into voxels?

welcome back! Turkey looked like alot of fun :D

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I really like this system, smoothing on thin surface works superb

also,would it be possible for you to create a "ignore backface" option for the flatten brush,it is still hard not to do holes in thin surfaces.

also there is something very important you must know,i talked about this previously:

using a few non-uniform scaling with pose/transform makes the flatten brush(and scrape) erratic and wiggly.

here is the default sphere streched a little for you to see problem in action:

but smoothing thin surface works like a charm. :)

It was a very needed feature and..it's already there.

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Will the new voxel -> surface functionality eventually allow for the ability to go up and down resolutions (ie Mudbox, ZB) and then either keep it surface or drop it back into voxels?

welcome back! Turkey looked like alot of fun :D

Seems it is not hard to do. At least it worth to be done.

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I really like this system, smoothing on thin surface works superb

also,would it be possible for you to create a "ignore backface" option for the flatten brush,it is still hard not to do holes in thin surfaces.

also there is something very important you must know,i talked about this previously:

using a few non-uniform scaling with pose/transform makes the flatten brush(and scrape) erratic and wiggly.

here is the default sphere streched a little for you to see problem in action:

but smoothing thin surface works like a charm. :)

It was a very needed feature and..it's already there.

There is indicator at the bottom - Uniform of NonUniform space is. Scace becomes non uniform if you will scale it non-unifromly along axis. I this case some tools work not well. In future I will do special command in vox tree - make space uniform. For now you can just move obvect to new uniform space using vox tree to avoid that kind of problems.

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In Per pixel painting, clone by copy using pen was working bad (artefacts, strange result), but since this beta it's even worst..?!

Otherwise congrats for the V3 :)

I checked topo symm tool and popy using pen. Seems all works fine. What problem have you found there?

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Seems it is not hard to do. At least it worth to be done.

THAT, would be fantastic, especially in voxel mode since i feel often the need to go at a lower level to redefine the main shapes, which is hard with the current system since the higher the "tricount" is, the hardest it is to work with broad brushes.

Andrew please, i'm asking you (its been the fourth time i think), can you correct the association of clay /surface clay in voxel room ? I can't assign a shortcut to clay, it always goes to surface clay, which is annoying since surface tools tend to make artefacts (and there is a little "pause, before the stroke is actually applied)

Please, its slowing my workflow terribly, and i'm pretty sure its a quick one to fix.

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I think smoothing should work also in surface mode(now it seems not working).

It's clear that if you jump to another "mode"(surface mode) you don't want only to do one or 2 strokes,after jumping again to voxel mode and if needed again on surface mode.

I think you will work in surface mode for some minutes,and after you go again in voxel(this also because going from surface to voxel is a bit slow)


I have found that smoothing works,but it's visible only when the resolution is low,with medium/high res the smoothing effect is really low.

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THAT, would be fantastic, especially in voxel mode since i feel often the need to go at a lower level to redefine the main shapes, which is hard with the current system since the higher the "tricount" is, the hardest it is to work with broad brushes.

Andrew please, i'm asking you (its been the fourth time i think), can you correct the association of clay /surface clay in voxel room ? I can't assign a shortcut to clay, it always goes to surface clay, which is annoying since surface tools tend to make artefacts (and there is a little "pause, before the stroke is actually applied)

Please, its slowing my workflow terribly, and i'm pretty sure its a quick one to fix.

Just replace file 3d-coat inst folder\Languages\English.xml with attached file (unzip it) and choose english language in menu.


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I has question: I have a lot of materials and masks that I saved to my official release install...do I dual install this beta, or install it over the current one, I just don't want to lose all the materials I imported thanks, downloading now ^^

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If it works like previous betas, you can install over and not loose your settings. Though, you may have some awkward stuff happen if the changes are big enough between builds.

If you put all of your masks, pens, etc, into their own folder, then you can import the whole folder with just a few clicks.

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thanks geo,

I also have a question, is it just me or has anybody else noticed the drop in quality of the voxel --> poly normal map bakes?

It's really important for me that they be the way they once were which was possibly the BEST normal map bakes I'd ever seen. Now you have all the seems and uneven lighting and the depth of the normal map seems completely off.

Am I alone in noticing this?

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I checked topo symm tool and popy using pen. Seems all works fine. What problem have you found there?

So I probably did something wrong... :)

I load an OBJ from Import => Model for Per pixel painting... For example head.obj sample but the problem happen more often with obj exported from poser.

Then I load materials.

I click on the Clone icon then I choose Copy using pen and I set symm... Then I start to paint with pen but I have strange artefacts. Sometimes the pen doesn't want to draw anything or some parts become hide... I join a screenshot to show you what I see.

I use the 64b version without cuda under Vista 64..

Thanks to tell me what I did wrong or how I can avoid that, thanks!


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"up and down resolutions (ie Mudbox, ZB)" IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, I'M STILL USING ZBRUSH BECAUSE OF THAT!!!!

When sculpting everything in hires mode you loose a lot of time trying to clean/smooth the mesh. The hires should only be used for fine detail.

One should be able to increase/decrease resolution easily for broad/fine strokes....

If you watch some videos of pro modelers working, you will see that they even delete the high res some times in order to get rid of unwanted details...

Please Andrew you should address this issue the best way you can!!


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Thanks Andrew for adding these tools. They are pretty nice, especially when working with very thin surfaces. In fact, I think I will switch to this mode to do most of my smoothing! Very excellent smoothing in surface mode.

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When sculpting everything in hires mode you loose a lot of time trying to clean/smooth the mesh. The hires should only be used for fine detail.

One should be able to increase/decrease resolution easily for broad/fine strokes....

I agree that going up and down in resolution is important, but why would anyone sculpt everything in high res?

A couple bugs: Undo is messed up in regular voxels, not just Surface. Likewise, Redo is non-existant. If you use Pose in Surface mode then switch to Voxels the part you posed disappears.

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This is beta update for 3D-Coat V3. It is "beta" because new surface <-> voels workflow was introduced.

Anyway, many but not all reported bugs was fixed.

Hi Andrew -

Just wondering if the UV set naming and texture exporting problems were fixed in this update?



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Hi Andrew -

Just wondering if the UV set naming and texture exporting problems were fixed in this update?



What about naming - it was not fixed, what about export - please help to reproduce, it always exports correct on my side.

(possibly archive and send me file)

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I agree that going up and down in resolution is important, but why would anyone sculpt everything in high res?

A couple bugs: Undo is messed up in regular voxels, not just Surface. Likewise, Redo is non-existant. If you use Pose in Surface mode then switch to Voxels the part you posed disappears.

Seems undo redo works well on my side... and pose too...

Try default sphere and tell if it works for you.

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thanks geo,

I also have a question, is it just me or has anybody else noticed the drop in quality of the voxel --> poly normal map bakes?

It's really important for me that they be the way they once were which was possibly the BEST normal map bakes I'd ever seen. Now you have all the seems and uneven lighting and the depth of the normal map seems completely off.

Am I alone in noticing this?

Yeah,I noticed.I don't know if Andrew can fix that.

The truth is I haven't succeeded in even one single bake with all of my models.

I already sent him test files.Maybe it works ok on his side,I really don't know.

Maybe it is a problem with our graphic cards because nobody seems to complain about this except us (or maybe not a lot of people are trying baking yet...)

note to Andrew:

-undo/redo works fine on my side

-switching to voxel room on startup still cause 3DC to crash

-undo of voxel-surface switch creates holes in model that can only

be restored using "smooth all"

(I know it is useless to undo voxel-surf switch because we can already use the switch icon you created but if a user accidently undo it he will encounter this "holes" issue)

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What about naming - it was not fixed, what about export - please help to reproduce, it always exports correct on my side.

(possibly archive and send me file)

I was referring to the problem I first brought up in this thread:


I will try and sort out a file for you. Where do I send it?


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thanks geo,

I also have a question, is it just me or has anybody else noticed the drop in quality of the voxel --> poly normal map bakes?

It's really important for me that they be the way they once were which was possibly the BEST normal map bakes I'd ever seen. Now you have all the seems and uneven lighting and the depth of the normal map seems completely off.

Am I alone in noticing this?

Please describe better "drop of quallity"

I tried test - made 3M sphere with noise, add polygon in retopo, subdiv couple of times, unwrap, merge for microvert painting.

All worked ok.

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I was referring to the problem I first brought up in this thread:


I will try and sort out a file for you. Where do I send it?


It seems that problem is only naming. Right?

In next update you will be able to rename any uv-set on import.

Now you can rename it in Texture->UV Manager

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Please describe better "drop of quallity"

I tried test - made 3M sphere with noise, add polygon in retopo, subdiv couple of times, unwrap, merge for microvert painting.

All worked ok.

You need to test it on game models to see problems not on a sphere with noise.

Full-Fledged Bodies with some details.

It works very good on a sphere on my side too.

on my side(I dont know for Kay Eva)

issues are :

1 DP-the whole uvs are visible in the baking(like an occlusion map made out of uvs)

2-MICROVERT-the smaller automapping chunks that are isolated generates artifacts in the baking

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Seems undo redo works well on my side... and pose too...

Try default sphere and tell if it works for you.

It was the default sphere. It looks like it's just Undo of the Move tool. Here's a video:


Here's another video showing the problem with Pose:


Here's a new one. In regular voxel mode, with Pose, paint on a selection, then hit Clear Selection. The mesh that was selected diappears:


Here's another one. If you use the Gum tool in either mode and brush the same spot for a moment when you lift your pen up a hole appears.


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