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Layers panel



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As I continue learning 3d coat one thing I’m confused about is the layers tool/ window. 

In the sculpt tree there are layers which I understand, but then there’s an additional panel/tool called layers.

so I’m not sure what the difference between the two is, how to use the other layers or what it’s used for. I often see people praising it as a great feature. 
 Does anyone have a good guide to how and maybe and example of when you’d use this layer panel?

Many thanks!

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Sculpt tree layers are for your voxels or surface mode object as you know already.

The layers panel at the bottom is multi-purchase.

1. In "Surface Mode" you can have non-destructive sculpting layers, The original sculpt layer object is not altered. Shown in the quick limited video but gives you the idea how it works.

Simple Example: You have a head object completed. Now you can add wrinkles pores etc, non-destructively.  Plus you can add asymmetrical work to the head without altering the symmetrical base head model.  Sculpt layers are indeed powerful.

2. For surface mode or voxel painting. 

The above is not a tutorial or the best practice of using the layers panel mentioned above.

Side Note. Create a simple model and test the sculpt layers out to see how it works yourself. Of course, you are not limited to fine details.


One thing to mention though is never use layer 0, it is for 3DC's internal use.

When testing the paint mode be sure to select Under the paint room view menu---Show voxels in the painting room. Your voxel or surface mode will disappear otherwise.


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10 hours ago, Mirlo101 said:

As I continue learning 3d coat one thing I’m confused about is the layers tool/ window. 

In the sculpt tree there are layers which I understand, but then there’s an additional panel/tool called layers.

so I’m not sure what the difference between the two is, how to use the other layers or what it’s used for. I often see people praising it as a great feature. 
 Does anyone have a good guide to how and maybe and example of when you’d use this layer panel?

Many thanks!

Just to add to Digman's explanation. The SculptTREE panel indicates it is effectively a Hiearchy panel, much like the Outliner panel in Maya or 3ds Max. The LAYER panel is just like Photoshop's Layer panel. It stores paint information, as well as Sculpt/Depth information. We often say "layer" in reference to an object in the SculptTree panel, because it's the most descriptive name for it, because calling it an OBJECT would not be totally accurate, since you can have multiple objects on the same "Layer." So, I guess you would consider it an OBJECT LAYER. 

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