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Enable email notification of replies? Feature doesn't wo

Guest Cinnamon

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Guest Cinnamon

I'd like to raise awareness to whoever operates this forum that the feature Enable email notification of replies? Doesn't work when someone replies you don't get a email sent to you based on if you ticked that option.

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No reason to shout. It works fine for me. Perhaps you have a spam filter that is blocking it. There's a couple of forums that for some reason just will not get my emails through so what I do for them is have it sent to a GMail address and then set up GMail to forward everything to my real address. It works great and you'd never know it was happening, it looks like it came straight from the forum.

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Works fine here. Been using it for about a month now with no hitches. :good:

What Phil suggested is a good idea. It's something I do anyway to help me filter emails in general before they even reach me.

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