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How do I smooth visible topology only and protect hard edges from smoothing?

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Hello all.

I am retopologising the upper half of a character.

It has a jacket that was modelled separately but is included so that I generate a single piece of geometry.

This means that I am creating geometry away from the model at times. You can see a false 'base' on the screen grab attached.

When smoothing the geometry I want to avoid it smoothing the lapel and hem of the jacket - is there a way of doing this?

Also can I smooth visible areas only. At the moment when I smooth the outside of the jacket it smooths areas on the inner side, that I don't want to snap to the model (eg the base').

Any help would be much appreciated.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 180452.png

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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

Grakino was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 1 points.

Choose select, edge mode. Select edges you don't want to smooth. In "Selected" section click on "Mark as Sharp" button. The "Clear Sharp" cancel sharp. About visible area only i don't know, never try.

There might be situation when you apply sharp but nothing happen, in this case just rotate you camera a little bit to refresh you screen.


Edited by Grakino
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