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Mesh-like Patterns Appear When Importing FBX from Blender



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16 hours ago, Oleg Shapov said:

What method do you use to import?

I exported an FBX file from Blender and imported it into 3DCoat Textura using File > Import > Model for Per Pixel Painting, with Keep UV and Nocenter Snap enabled.

I am using Blender 4.2.3 and used the 3D-Coat Applink addon to send the model to Per Pixel Painting > Send. However, nothing happened in 3DCoat Textura.

I didn’t change any settings.

The shadow pattern of the object only appears in 3DCoat Textura. Is the 3D-Coat Applink an add-on that is not compatible with 3DCoat Textura?

image (10).png

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5 hours ago, lulu said:

I am using Blender 4.2.3 and used the 3D-Coat Applink addon to send the model to Per Pixel Painting > Send. However, nothing happened in 3DCoat Textura.

I use Blender 4.2.3 and 3DCoat Textura 2024.29. I don't see any problems with importing into 3DCoat via Applink.


Set paths for exchanging objects and textures.

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I set up the Blender document folder, but when I select an object and try to send it, there’s no response in 3DCoat Textura. Is there any specific setting required in 3DCoat Textura?

Is import/export via the Applink add-on disabled in the 30-day free trial version?


I don’t know what this shadow is from.



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On 11/12/2024 at 8:36 PM, Oleg Shapov said:

If you select Automapping during import then there are no artifacts? Can you share .fbx to test?

When I selected automatic mapping during import, artifacts appeared.
This is a model that I’ve completely finished UV mapping in Blender. 

I’m importing multiple objects at once, but I found that importing individual objects does not cause artifacts, and they import without any issues.

I am sorry, but I can’t share this FBX file.

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On 11/12/2024 at 8:25 PM, Carlosan said:

As of today, 3DCoatTextura Applink for Blender is not available, unfortunately.

We are looking into a possibility to implement it in future.

I understood. May I ask if an add-on is required when importing?
Also, could you please clarify whether Blender’s Applink for 3DCoat functions the same as the import feature in 3DCoat Textura?

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2 hours ago, lulu said:

I’m importing multiple objects at once, but I found that importing individual objects does not cause artifacts, and they import without any issues.

I sculpted an .fbx in Blender and then sent the mesh to 3Dcoat. The artifacts appeared when the mesh had non-planar polygons or the triangles were too stretched. Could you create a simple sculpture in Blender that has artifacts after importing to 3Dcoat and share with us?

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On 11/13/2024 at 10:30 PM, Oleg Shapov said:

I sculpted an .fbx in Blender and then sent the mesh to 3Dcoat. The artifacts appeared when the mesh had non-planar polygons or the triangles were too stretched. Could you create a simple sculpture in Blender that has artifacts after importing to 3Dcoat and share with us?

Thank you for the confirmation.
Additionally, I found that there are some combinations of objects where no artifacts occur, even when multiple objects are selected.
Attached is the FBX file with the combination of objects that causes artifacts.



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On 11/15/2024 at 7:50 PM, Oleg Shapov said:


There are areas with self-intersection. They cause artifacts.
In Blender it doesn't look very good either.




I wanted to add thickness to the lining, so I applied the Solidify Modifier to this unfinished file, but the edge count became unusually high.
The sole and the lining were created separately.
When I added thickness, the joint between the sole and the lining protruded, so I forcibly merged the vertices into one.
Even though the vertex counts didn't match, at the time, I thought it was necessary to merge them, so I just forced the merge without any particular intention.
The sharp edges were intentional, but I had planned to position them closer to the edges. However, I made mistakes because I was in a rush.


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1 hour ago, Elemeno said:

the triangles cause shading issues ... youll probably find the triangles arent equilateral , but instead all long narrow ... these cause the issues ..

Does the problem of shadows occur on the four sides?
These are four -sided, but the hair polygon has been reduced by dissolving the same method as the edge.

image (25).png


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20 hours ago, Oleg Shapov said:

このオブジェクトの UV マッピングが正しくありません。


I mentioned that this is an unfinished file.
Since it's still in progress, I haven't done the UV mapping.

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20 hours ago, Oleg Shapov said:

This object has incorrect UV mapping.


I mentioned that this is an unfinished file.
Since it's still in progress, I haven't done the UV mapping.

This file is still a work in progress, so it was attached as part of an explanation for the question about why it was shared. Even if you're mentioning UV mapping, this is a file from before the UV mapping was done. My question is about the issue with the file after the UV mapping was completed.

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18 hours ago, Elemeno said:


i cant replicate , in your import settings have you got triangulate checked?

I have disabled the triangulation check.
I imported it in this state.
Could you please tell me where to fix it?


image (30).png

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18 minutes ago, lulu said:

I have disabled the triangulation check.
I imported it in this state.
Could you please tell me where to fix it?


image (30).png

change your normal map preset to painter/designer , im not 100% sure in this but blender uses opengl and painter uses directx for normals .. i just paint i dont truly know the ins an outs but ... give it a shot who knows ..

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