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Swept N Gener problems

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Hi, I'm trying to run the commands that are indicated in the video New Modeling Tools Demo Pt.2 but when I try to double click on the pink line nothing happens. On the other hand I try to rotate the view but I can't find the way, I try with the modification tool but I can't either. Thanks



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Surface Swept 2 will perform better results


As @@Gorbatovsky said  

On 9/6/2023 at 3:57 PM, Gorbatovsky said:

Unfortunately, this tool (Swept Surface N Genersturned out to be inconvenient to use and needs to be improved.


On 8/10/2022 at 3:58 PM, Gorbatovsky said:

Yes, the tool  (Swept Surface N Geners)  turned out to be complicated, but it has great potential.
It should be added that it is rarely used.

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  • Advanced Member

Unfortunately, this tool turned out to be inconvenient to use and needs to be improved.

Which? Surface Swept 2 or Swept Surface N Geners? I'm using 2022 version.

The main reason I decided to purchase the software was to be able to use powerful polygonal surface modeling tools. Can you tell me which ones are the best and how to use them correctly? Thanks

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This tool use 2 guide curves and 2 profiles 

Double click command is used to add more edge loop to pink curves (guides) as show in the image below


to select the curve use the pick icon command



Use Alt + LMB to rotate the viewport


Meantime for version 2025 the dev team is working in a new engine to make better tools for modeling.

If you like can contact the developer of modeling room @Gorbatovsky to ask directly for any issue or feedback.


Sidenote: We offer 30 days trial mode, and the possibility of refund after the purchase day for other 30 days; to give to new users 60 days of time to test the app and know if it fill their needs. 

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  • Advanced Member

Thanks to all the responders but there are things to highlight: the creator of this tool recognizes that (Swept Surface N Geners) was uncomfortable to use and needs to be improved and it is not the first time I need help with this. What came to the fore was that when two double clicks on the pink line made it impossible for the new ring to form, I would log it once after my attempts and now it would be impossible. While there are other examples of which require correct explanation, in other ways I try to use them intuitively and they are usually very tedious.

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yes, look at the date of the quotes. I was adding this quotes based on your version.

Some improvements was done on version 2024 making it more stable.

Spans define the amount of proportional loops


After 2 double click over the pink curve, keep pressing the dot with LMB and drag to slide the new edge created to the new postion.



this tool don't save previous states in between sessions, only the curves used to create the mesh

Need to Apply the mesh before close the session


Or assign the curves to keep working on it





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  • Advanced Member

yes, look at the date of the quotes. I was adding this quotes based on your version.

Some improvements was done on version 2024 making it more stable.


Hi, let me clarify that "improvement" does not mean "adjustments" unless you give it better features to the existing ones such as new options or changes, if the function or tool is not implemented correctly in one version you cannot decide which adjustments come in one new version.

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