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How do I create Glass material?



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I have a single object, a basic window, as a test. How do I create a glass material on one face and have eg wood on the other polygons?

I have tried to follow the only 2 YT tutorials on creating glass, when I 'Get Back' from Blender, the glass area is just the default material originally created. Tried painting a B&W mask on another layer and used that as a clipping mask on Layer 0 - didn't work. Creating a transparency mask shouldn't be convoluted or complicated -  not these days.

3DC is seriously held back from being taken up a wider user base, like all those disgruntled SP users forced into a subscription, because of issues like this - which is a real shame because in lots of ways 3DC is a fantastic tool - but it does desperately need more love and attention in the paint room, especially as there could be a huge take up with Blender users via the applink.

Thanks in advance xx

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2 answers to this question

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You can assign only one material by object, not faces

Need to create double objects or assign externally by face on an external app


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