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Are my UVs really bad?



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I'm still learning to make good UVs on soft surface objects, and there's always weird artifacts when i bake and paint stuff in 3DCoat

im not sure if im doing UV's in a way that 3DCoat doesn't like or what's up





Edited by Galnart
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3 answers to this question

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Some model parts have staked islands and other parts don't.

Before baking just move the extras out of another Polygroup and keep it hide for baking. Move them back after.

After baking, when using a normal map doesn't exactly work because the vertex normal are inverted, that step need an extra work.
When multiple areas with different normals are mapped to the same UV space, the baked normal map can become inaccurate.

Do you need to keep resources ? If not will be more efficient to work with uDims splitting the model uv islands over squares of the UV space.



I forgot to said... if you work with staked islands, all islands must be split by seams

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