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Ptex general description and questions

Andrew Shpagin

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Hello, Hate to be a pest but been over a month and Iam still frustrated with no solution. If anybody has had success rendering the ACTUAL .PTEX files from 3D Coat in Maya 2013 Viewport 2.0 (see the previous posts) renderer please let me know. Iam still rendering my Mudbox .ptex sculpts in Maya Viewport 2.0 because can not get 3D Coat .ptex to render. And I sure have tried everything! Thanks much. :)

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  • 2 months later...
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I finally managed to get ptex files to work and the solution was pretty simple.

The trick was to export my mesh, which had no UV's, out of Max as an OBJ, delete the one in Max, import the one that had just been exported, then load that same OBJ file into 3D Coat. I chose the lowest resolution (the one equal to the total number of polygons my mesh actually has) with all the available options disabled, then painted away until I was content with my overall paint job. Using the Textures menu in the paint room, I exported using the Color to Ptex option (flip ptex quads was enabled), then loaded that ptex file into the material editor in Max (a VRayMtl with VRayPtex in the diffuse slot) which I assigned to my mesh and rendered successfully.

I don't see why this wouldn't work with other apps and renderers if they support ptex properly. The key is to not use any meshes exported from 3D Coat, but instead replace the one in your 3D app with the one you exported for painting. What's great about this solution is that it allows me to keep all my smoothing groups, something 3D Coat still loves to destroy.

If this doesn't work, then it's likely that your vertex order/numbering is being altered at some point during mesh export/import. If not that, then it's possible your doing something to your mesh that is messing up that order, which ptex relies on to work right. As I've said before, in Max this would be caused any number of mesh altering modifiers. Not sure what the equivalent would be in Maya though. You need to make sure you don't make any changes to your geometry after exporting it for painting. This means being absolutely sure you're done modeling and happy with it before doing any ptex painting.

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  • 3 years later...
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Hello 3D coat Community

When using 3D coat, I was somehow able to create a cylinder and start painting material on it with out doing any uv unwrapping... 

All I did was create a cylinder and click on the paint menu button, and I was able to start painting materials on the cylinder!

was I using ptex or did 3D coat auto uv the cylinder I created? 

because in substance Painter an file needs to have UV in order for texturing to work

how come 3D coat allowed me to paint right away? 

it was just a cylinder, I didn't even do any uv unwrapping! 




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It depends on where you created the primitive. If it was created in the Sculpt Room in 3DC, than you were doing vertex painting, which of course, doesn't require a UV map. You can just paint on the vertices if there is no UV map. :)

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thankyou Custodian!

that is very interesting!

is 3D coat also good for concept design?

what is the usual work flow for concept art in 3D coat?


I recently tried to import a rough sculpt from another program for a test

the OBJ had no UVs

and it seems that 3D coat automatically unwrapped my model :o

I was able to start painting without doing any manual UV unwrapping. 

I think this is a very fast way to render out my concept modle to paint over later in PS with out having to go through all the stages of UVs , kinda a cheap alternative to key-shot? 

what do you guys think?






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  • 4 years later...

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