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Add/split tool useability issues in retopology

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I'm writing regarding the add/split tool for retopology purposes....I think its a great tool, and I'm glad to see u can not only cut edges, but also draw new faces with it...There are some useablity issues I want to address though....The first problem is there is no snapping tolerance that I could find, so it makes it very tedious to actually split the edges you wish to cut; often you really have to slowly drag the cursor over the edge until it highlights, otherwise u'll have to abort that cut by hitting escape...which is another issue I have with it...I would like to be able to abort the cut by hitting middle mouse, but that is a less serious issue than the snapping tolerance....Also, you cannot cut through multiple edges; this would be very useful, especially since cutting any given edge is so slow at this time...The tool will not snap from edge to edge, so it appears as though you can cut in the middle of a face, making whatever n-gon shapes you'd like; this is actually very useful for laying out edge loops, the workflow is to blockout large faces, cut edge loops without connecting quads or tris, then once its layed out, quad it up or connect the tris; the only problem is that 3d coat currently does not support this function, so if you make cuts within the middle of a face, you are once again forced to abort the cut. A final issue, is that even with the retoplogy z-bias set to 10, often you cannot cut a face that is occluded by the mesh you are referencing; perhaps there can be some wireframe function so that any edge at any point can be reached and cut.....The 'Split Polygon' tool in Maya, with its 'cut only from edges,' and 'use snapping points along edges' options disabled is the best existing tool to reference in terms of feel; of course 3d Coat's add/ split can draw new faces, and Maya cannot, but the intuitive feel and speed is still not there yet...I think 3dCoat has the best retopo stuff I've seen hands down, and if these changes can be made to this particular tool, it'll actually speed productivity by double, if not more so; I think I'd use it as my primary tool.


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