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I have fixed almost all today's issues- catch it!

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I have uploaded 2.01 SP1. It fixes many small bugs that you have discovered. Thank to all who have posted information about bugs & inconviniences. The list of changes:

1) Drawing performance improved

2) Hue variation is add to color change tool

3) Pick layer by pressing 'H' is add (to pick color use 'V')

4) Several bugs fixed that caused some instability

5) Drawing over invisible layer issue fixed

6) The new checker for convinience - "use fill pattern" in standart pen is add

7) ALT issue fixed

8) Navigation with pen improved (it was difficult to navigate with pen)

9) Undo with curves issue fixed (artifacts removed)

10) Undo+draw strip issue fixed

11) Radius slider is add to Eraser and Clone tool

12) Alphas now work in Sculpt mode

13) Freeze is now visible in geometry view mode

14) Alpha preview is hidden during painting process (use CAPS to haide it at all)

15) ...many many more...

the link is below:



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Awesome, thanks! I especially love the alpha preview being hidden while painting, but not before.

I was wondering though, 'View model shaded' (key 7) still hides freezing. Is this intentional?

EDIT: There's a clash between pick layer and show/hide material overlay (both are key 'H').

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