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Hi all!


New to 3DC, old (very old) to 3D.  If you know modo, you might know that Allen Hastings is behind that... and previous to that, he created Lightwave 3D.  Well, BEFORE THAT he created Videoscape 3D on the Amiga.


That is where I started.


There wasn't even an modeling tool.   We used graph paper, and a text editor.  Hard core, man.


Anyway, I know Lightwave, Modo, Sketchup, and Solidworks...  to some extent. (I'm no guru).   But I have made decent money doing 3D animation in the past.  Still doing it as a hobby and for 3D printing work.


Looking forward to learning with you.



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Howdy guys and gals! I reside in the great State of Texas :) I'm an old coot to most....54. I am presently unemployed, and taking the time to learn some new tricks. I have zero experience with 3DC, but it looks amazing, and I can't wait to dive in. In the past, I have used C4D, Maya, Blender, Modo, Photoshop, Corel Paainter, and Ableton Live, which is a DAW. My chosen career was tattooing. I worked in Houston Texas for about 25 years as a professional tattooer. 8 of those years was spent working for the great Larry Shaw, and his father Bob. Art has always been important to me, and my latest pursuits are in the digital realm. Modelling and painting are what drives me these days. Who knows, maybe I will eventually land a job working in the digital arts. That would be cool. Anyway, hello to all, and best wishes.


Cap (a.k.a. JC)


Here is a painting I did in Corel Painter.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hello there,


My name is László Sáfár and i live in Hungary.
I'm 25 yrs old, and i'm a studuent.
I not work at the moment.

In my free time i'm working on a short sci-fi film with my friends. The project working title: NX-27
We use programs: 3D-Coat, Octane Render, V-ray, Maxwell, FormZ, Blender.


Blender+3D-Coat+Maxwell Render is perfect combination

We operate with two friends - Róbert Ferenczi (jay27), Sándor Veres (Alex) - in a speedsculpting youtube channel:



Nice to meet you all. 

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My name is Mattheiu Brooks, I live in Lewisville(close to Dallas), Texas USA.
I'm 35 yrs old and I teach Animation and Video Game Design to high-school students! Check out the website for my classes here:



I am very new to 3D coat. I was actually interested in 3D-Coat for the UV mapping features initially but have since realized how capable it is for modeling and texturing and retopology as well..- I have been teaching Cinema 4D and Sculptris but I have made the decision to focus my curriculum more towards 3D-coat whenever possible instead of Cinema 4D and/or Sculptris.

I'm very excited to learn as much as I can about this amazing software before the school year starts. Having children(2) has definitely made it MUCH harder to do anything else except care for them and my wife-including learn 3D-coat proper enough to teach it.  But I must and I will...


I also work as a camera man for the Television show Cheaters.. 


Any free time that I happen to get I like to make animations, video games and do live video mixing. Check it out here:



This forum seems very active and positive from what I have read so far. Look forward to learning more and creating amazing things with 3D-COAT!!!





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Welcome Matt...

Another Texan here down in the Coastal Bend area...


Indeed 3DCoat is a great 3D software to teach students...

If you every need any help to get you up to speed just let me know.

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Hi Everyone. My name is Mitch I am a Creative Director for a live event production company. 3D Projection Mapping is a big thing for us. 

I discovered 3D Coat out of a need for retopologizing over those nasty meshes that come with 3D scans and a need for better UV template creation.


We use a pretty killer 3d media server called d3.   http://www.d3technologies.com/projects_categories/9


I look forward to learning and sharing here.

Also this looks like a good place to look for content creators to hire out for projects.

You wouldn't be working with Rabbit Hole Creative in Nashville (TN) would you?


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I'm 41 and finally finishing my college degree.  I got 3d coat because I liked the interface much more than Z-Brush.  It seemed just as if not more powerful and a heck of a lot easier to learn.

In the areas of Texture Painting, UV layout (would include Ptex in that, as it is an elegant Auto-UV toolset in its own right), and retopology, 3D Coat is more extensive and feature-rich. Sculpting is still ZBrush's domain, but 3D Coat has closed ranks with it and Mudbox, and to some extent is ahead of the game with Dynamic Subdivision (LiveClay) and Voxels. The Surface mode brushes is where you want to do most of your sculpting. Andrew has largely focused on Surface mode the past few years, and those brushes have undergone a lot of refinement. 

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Definitely a beginner here. My expertise lies not in 3d graphics or art, per se, but in writing about the software and helping others learn about the software and how to use it.


I have just written two articles on wikiHow.com for 3D Coat. Would love some input, if you don't mind. Keep in mind, I am not seeking anything from anyone, but some CC on the information.


Most especially, I would like to make sure that I got the terminology correct. I am fairly sure I got a few wrong.




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Definitely a beginner here. My expertise lies not in 3d graphics or art, per se, but in writing about the software and helping others learn about the software and how to use it.


I have just written two articles on wikiHow.com for 3D Coat. Would love some input, if you don't mind. Keep in mind, I am not seeking anything from anyone, but some CC on the information.


Most especially, I would like to make sure that I got the terminology correct. I am fairly sure I got a few wrong.





Hi there. They look pretty good so far. In the first one I find the word "form" a little strange. Usually people would use "object" or "model" or particularly in this case "sculpture". Sometimes people say sculpt for short, I personally don't since sculpt is a verb and doesn't make sense as a noun. However in the case of the second link I think the term "primitive object" is usually used. This is all just from my personal experience someone else might think otherwise.

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Hi folks!


Just wanna say hi :)


My name is Jacob and I'm 103 years old, eating lot of gen-sing. Still trying figuring out what 3D is all about.

I thank my art teacher in preschool for teaching me making such a lovely ashtray, I will never forget... how she was dressed.

I had her in German too, she taught me to say "Ich bin, du hast einem knast"... it made me what I am to day.


Well... I'm from Denmark. And I just wanna learn and be better all the time. I just got my first version of 3D coat, and I'm very -

excited and I already got a bunch of help in my first post. I have a good amount of experience with traditional modeling tools,

but with voxels nearly non.


I like voxels.... alot!


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Using your brain to master 3D-Coat will insure your longevity beyond 110 (I'm a mere stripling of 77 and grow packets of new neurons to accommodate 3D-Coat). You're a little old for my sister who lives near Eskebjerg but she has a centenarian friend. Welcome aboard!

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@carlosan: Thank you! :)


@Tony Nemo: hah ha! sounds very promising - I want some extra neurons then :D  --- oh, in Eskebjerg, how nice! she also live on Sjælland.      ...and thanks! :)

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Hi, i bought 3dcoat last christmas.  I'm 40, and 3D started out as mild interest for me many years ago.  Somehow, in the past 6+ months, it has grown into a disease.  I had doodled with many different trials, and low-cost/free solutions, ...and occasionally used something in a web-design/motion graphics project,....but it was never very good, or whole hearted..... now..... i have 3dcoat....and the possibilities keep me from sleeping at night...:)


I live outside Seattle WA.....


I have many outdoor interests.....and am a true northwesterner.........


archery,...motorcycles...soccer........ etc...


The past two years, i have spent a lot of time in  Unity 3d, photoshop, and now adding 3dcoat to the mix,....and hope to combine these skills with my past work in Video and motion graphics... ..I also have a history in web design and wordpress,.... but grew very tired of it.....


I want to thank everyone who's insights, tutorials, and inspiring examples make up the body of this forum..... i've been lurking a long time,...and have gleaned soo much useful information here..... 



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My name is Ariana and I just started working with 3D coat a couple days ago. I'm an animator with a small game development company in Scottsdale, AZ. I have a somewhat newbie question about the UV mirroring function. 


I'm attempting to following along with a UV unwrapping tutorial and everything seems to work fine except that the seams that I am marking on one side are not being reflected on the other side of the x-axis. I know for sure the symmetry is enabled and I have not been able to find an answer as to what I could be doing wrong or if perhaps there is something that I have turned on in my settings by default that I am unaware of. It's not a huge deal since I find it's not altogether difficult to simply do the same thing on both sides manually on the model I am working with. It just seems a shame to be unable to use one of the most invaluable functions that makes this program one of the best for UV unwrapping. 

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Thanks for your response, Tony Nemo. However, after testing out this theory on both sides it appears I still have the same problem. It's more specific than I first realized. I can select edges just fine with symmetry activated on both sides, just not edge loops. I can shift+select an edge loop on one side but there will only be a single edge selected on the other. So in some ways the mirror is working, just not as you would expect. 

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Hi everyone, 


I've been trying to learn ZBrush, especially displacement mapping to create space ships

with detailed geometry, e.g. the Engineer's ship in Prometheus, but am very frustrated

by the ZBrush gui after 2 months. 


I've done something similar in Blender (rendered in VUE), and would like to try 

in 3DC. 


My first impressions of 3DC are very good.....the gui seems much more intuitive 

than ZB's. I like the "feel" and look of it. 


I've downloaded several tutorials, and will try to get a basic understanding asap, 

hopefully in 1 month or less. 




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Hi there,

My name is Erik, and I live in Antwerp, Belgium. I am a traditional media artist and very interested in bridgeing the Renaissance with the digital tools of today.
I have been busy with 3D several years ago, but wanting it all and too fast, had to stop due to a rather serious burn-out.

I have restarted a few months ago by upgrading my Modo and ZBrush licenses and relearning everything from as good as scratch - I forgot most. Then I read about 3D Coat, and its painting qualities. (and the rest of course) . As I do not do any commercial work anymore - no more death-lines for me - the generous license offer was irresistable and so here I am.
Knowing my way around Photoshop and the two more 'alien' 3D apps, I'm confident that 3D Coat will not have a very steep learning curve and that it will prove to be an exciting new tool in my toolbox.

My first impressions here in the gallerie were a very positive, and the community seems to be friendly and open-minded. That is a great start!

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