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3D-Max AppLink

Andrew Shpagin

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I am glad to present 3D-Max applink

- old version written by 1acc (scriptattack.com)

3DS_AppLink (3).zip


- new version for 2016 written by PolyHertz: look at this thread

3DS Max Applink - Complete Rewrite




Edit: 12 Oct 2010 - updated to release version
Edit: 22 Oct 2010 - updated with several fixes
Edit: 01 Nov 2010 - updated
Edit: 19 Jan 2011 - updated
Edit: 15 Jan 2012 - updated

Edit: 09 Dec 2014 - For v.2014/2015 follow this instructions


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  • New Member

Iv just tried to install this into max 2013 on win8 -64 an it will not load up, it shows nothing in the customise window its just not there. i dragged the mzp into the viewport an nothing. iv placed the script into other directories but thats no good coz the bitmap icons are missing. iv been using max for 15 years and no what im doing so there is defo a problem with the script. if i just try to run the script it spits out an error about not being able to access directories macroscripts or something like that. i realy want to get this working with my pipeline. can you give me a helping hand here... what should i do... the zbrush one is showing up. i just need to max one to work... also how can we do a manual install of the script when the icons are missing. Im stumped !!! HELP !!!

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  • Reputable Contributor

Iv just tried to install this into max 2013 on win8 -64 an it will not load up, it shows nothing in the customise window its just not there. i dragged the mzp into the viewport an nothing. iv placed the script into other directories but thats no good coz the bitmap icons are missing. iv been using max for 15 years and no what im doing so there is defo a problem with the script. if i just try to run the script it spits out an error about not being able to access directories macroscripts or something like that. i realy want to get this working with my pipeline. can you give me a helping hand here... what should i do... the zbrush one is showing up. i just need to max one to work... also how can we do a manual install of the script when the icons are missing. Im stumped !!! HELP !!!

It's not yet working on V4 Beta...as noted above. I sent an e-mail to Andrew about this, haven't heard back yet.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • New Member

Hello everyone! Can anyone help me to solve the following problem: the toolbar stays empty when I drag "3DS_AppLink v1.0" from the category "ScriptAttack" to the newly created toolbar, i don't have icons either, because I could not find them anywhere. The version of max is 2012, Windows 7 x64

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  • Reputable Contributor

Hello everyone! Can anyone help me to solve the following problem: the toolbar stays empty when I drag "3DS_AppLink v1.0" from the category "ScriptAttack" to the newly created toolbar, i don't have icons either, because I could not find them anywhere. The version of max is 2012, Windows 7 x64

Did you download the main link in the first post? You should be able to drag and drop the 3ds_Applink.mzp file directly into the viewport. If you follow the instructions and can bring up the applink panel, yet don't see the icons, you can open the .mzp file and see two .bmp files. Copy those into your Max main directory > UI > Icons. Restart Max and you should see it. Here are the two bmp files, just in case.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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I never knew the AppsLink existed until I upgraded to V4 today. I downloaded from the 3D-Coat website and only got a '3DS_AppLink.ms' file. I tried dragging it into Max 2014 and nothing worked. It never showed up in Customize/Toolbars. I tried to 'Open' and 'Run' it and nothing happened. I'm sure that was user error because I know little about scripts. From this thread I got the '3DS_AppLink.mzp' file and dragged it into Max 2014. Everything setup and worked per the installation instruction. However, when I launch the app I to get an error: "--No ""+"" function for undefined" . The 3DS_AppsLink.ms file now opens and the following line is highlighted "t=((findString a "Documents")+9"

Now, if I close the error and close the open script, I'm left with the applet and it works. I can set the 'Path' and the 'Folder' and everything works. But, when I close Max 2014 and relaunch the AppLink, I get the error again, the open script again and have to reinsert the 'Path' and 'Folder'. That's a pain but it works.

Edited by RobH2
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I'm going to answer my own post. I think I've fixed the Max 2014 functionality, at least for my installation. As I said above, I know little about script but I can look at it and deduce obvious errors. For instance, around line 142 this code appears:

if (findString pathtoIO "3D-CoatV3\\Exchange\\")==undefined then (

a=pathConfig.convertPathToAbsolute "meshes"

t=(findString a "Documents")+9

tt=(substring a 1 t)+"3D-CoatV3\\Exchange\\"

if (doesFileExist tt) then pathtoIO=tt


Notice that it specifies '...CoatV3'. Well, we are using 'CoatV4' so I changed the two CoatV3's to CoatV4's while the script was still open (thrown open due to the error) and then saved it. I then set my 'Path' to the 'Exchange' folder in My Documents in the V4 folder and closed Max 2014. I reopen Max and launch the AppsLink and everything is great. I get no errors and the 'Path' was held. So from my perspective, it's all working.

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  • 2 months later...
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If 3DS_AppLink.mzp drag and drop to 3d max 2014, applink don't install. i open mzp file and install script manualy. When i start script in 3d max it don't work and write message: "--Unknown property: "isOpen" in undefined)"

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It needs to be cleaned up and spelled out clearly. I was able to get it to work, but it takes a lot of trial and error trying to figure which one works and which one has the icons in it for the toolbar, etc. It was/is a hassle...for sure.

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To make script 3DS AppLink work in 3d max 2013/2014 you should follow instructions:


Put macro_3DS_AppLink.mcr and folder macro_3DS_AppLink into folder Max_Folder\MacroScripts

Create folder UI\Icons
Put files macro_3DS_AppLink_16i.bmp and macro_3DS_AppLink_24i.bmp into UI\Icons

Put 3DS_AppLink.ms into folder Max_Folder\scripts\Startup

While closing the window an error may occur:  can't write pathtoIO file
You can also delete a piece of code into Max_Folder\scripts\Startup\3DS_AppLink.ms

if (doesFileExist pathtoIO) then (
   s=getFilenamePath (getSourceFileName())
   if doesfileExist pathtoIOfile then deleteFile pathtoIOfile
   if chkStartTimer.checked then vecbut.x=1
   if chkDeleteOld.checked then vecbut.y=1
   if chkNoPrompt.checked then vecbut.z=1
   out_pathtoIOfile = createfile pathtoIOfile
   format "%\n" vecbut to:out_pathtoIOfile
   format "%\n" pathtoIO to:out_pathtoIOfile
   if arr.count>0 then for i in arr do format "%\n" i to:out_pathtoIOfile
   close out_pathtoIOfile

Probably, this fault is caused by denied access. I deleted checkout and now it works.


http://rghost.ru/49132967 - 3d coat v4 applink for 3d max 2013/2014

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • New Member

I'm currently using 3D Studio Max 2011, and I'm unable to get it to work. I'm having the same issue as Newbie, where I'm forced to manually install the necessary files, and I still received an error.


I'll try to clarify. I'm not familiar with any scripting, especially not MaxScript. Now, I can understand if 2011 is incompatible or whatever. I'll have to make some workflow changes, but that's on me.


Anyway, to make the problem a bit more clear, the exact error text is:


  • "--Unknown property: "isOpen" in undefined"


Behind the error window, is the MaxScript editor window, with the, what I'm assuming, is the macro script for the applink. It has this line high-lighted when it pops up:


  • "else CreateDialog floatercoatconverter pos: floatercoatconverterpos style: #(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox)"


Like I said, I'm not familiar with how MaxScript works, maybe that's just the last line that it highlights automatically because that is how the editor works. I don't ever really mess with it unless I KNOW what I need to change per exact instructions.


Anyway, I don't mean to seem ignorant to the process. I'll mess with it and see if there's anything that I messed up myself, and if so, I'll repost and say if anything I did made it work for me.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Reputable Contributor

3D Coat AppLink only for 3D Max 2014. 2013 - ? because i don't know structure of folders in it.


- icons fixed

- start link fixed

I followed the instructions to the letter and still get Maxscipt errors popping up, when I click on the icon

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I followed the instructions to the letter and still get Maxscipt errors popping up, when I click on the icon


I don`t know what is wrong. On the new computer I installed 3D Max 2014 and 3D Coat v4. Copied all from 3DS_AppLink_3DCOAT_to_Max_2014.rar and run 3D Max. Everything works.

For dark theme "macro_3DS_AppLink_16i.bmp" and "macro_3DS_AppLink_24i.bmp" must be copied to "... 3ds Max 2014 \ UI_ln \ IconsDark"

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