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As you can see, I had not seen those FBX are generated in my 3dc2blender directory..

(with other versions, and my exchange folda setting, add on export FBX in the folda which I assgined from scene property. I remember.

(so I can change export mesh path.  if I need it,, but now app-link seems try to export mesh in 3dc2blender,,)

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7 minutes ago, haikalle said:

Yes. And that brings the problem when you change new exchange folder but the old data is still in startup scene. I will remove that it will automaticly update Exchange_folder.txt and maybe add button to save new exchange folder. 

So I think if those issue is caused, when user set new exchange path,,, and custom export object folda,,  do we better not use custom folda at least for exchange?

About that case,, if user use different data directory, (like me), what path is default for exchange and export object?

Though I like free custom setting, but if use default offer more stable app-link I may prefer, and many user may not against it.

But if I need to use default path for "exchange" and "export",, we may hope app-link auto set it, without any user input (so we do not need to care,, app-link will auto set path for those, with user 3d coat  Data drecitory if you can)

I think you can get user 3d coat directory,, or we only need to set the "3d coat data" path from app link UI, then if app-link auto set it, I apreciate it.

But I can not decide how it work,.. other user view is more improtant. 


Edited by tokikake
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  • Advanced Member

Andrew has given us the option to put our 3DC Data where ever we damn well please.


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  • Applink Developer


That was never problem. Problem was how you talked to me. And my suggestion for make the default data folder was just reason to narrow down possible bugs... not something for final thing. I feel myself stupid when talking with you so I dont want to continue with that road...sorry about it.

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3 hours ago, haikalle said:

I'm sorry but I'm done with you please write email to Andrew and tell him to find better develloper for blender applink. Trust me you do favor for me.


I will send an e-mail to Andrew. I have issue with your constantly asking the same question not only twice but many times over, your inability to read what I am posting and your extreme slowness in resolving issues. It also appears you developed this plugin on a Linux platform as you are quite reluctant to divulge what Windows version & build you are using.

I find dealing with you very frustrating. Yet you insist the issue is with 3DCoat or my directory structure.  You fail to acknowledge it worked fine on this computer TWO months ago using 3DCoat & my existing directory structure which not changed. You lack the ability to communicate properly and to read.

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2 hours ago, haikalle said:


Now I added SAVE EXCHANGE FOLDER button into scene property. that way you can save your own custom path into Exchange_folder.txt. that path is read everytime when blender starts.


Thanks I may try later. and may send PM  with zip (if find issue). (then thanks I gradually well understand how my  free video maker work ) :)  

I often asked to offer video clip about other aprication support, so now I can do it well. 

Haikalle I sent report about  your new offered version zip  as PM, so check please..  Later I will send wmv  if it need. 


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Thanks now I could confrim it work without problem (new zip version) for my PC. 

And I aologize one thing I miss understand " I had believed, I can set Exchange path as I like" . but it is wrong.


Actually user need to set "Exchange" path, as 3d coat auto generate.

I happend to set same path (which 3d coat auto generate Exchange directory) long time without intention so I did not see issue ( except for 3dcoat2blender problem)

Then if new user can not detect where 3d coat will genearte Exchange ,  it is decided by your 3d coat data setting..

I do not know default, but  when user use "relocate 3d coat's data" ,  and click "OK" from 3d coat menu,   

after that, 3d coat generate" Exchange" folda as sub-folda of the "3d  coat data" directory.  then we need to set the Exchange  path in blender.

eg I set my 3d coat data path "I:/myfile/3dcoat/link/3D-CoatLink/"  then click OK. (to confirm) in 3d coat .

then Exchange should be auto generated as "I:/myfile/3dcoat/link/3D-CoatLink/Exchange/"

so we only need to select the 3d coat auto generate Exchange folda, in blender add on UI.


At same time this add on offer way to change folda which used to  "export object/texture" from blender  . that means you can choose where FBX will be exported for each saved scene.

The export object/texture path are saved as scene property. so if we need to keep the your custom folda,  you may need to save current scene. 

if you hope to use same export object/texture path for all new blender scene , you may need to save start up-file. , and keep the property as start up file scene property.

about old saved scene, it may try to use defalt, or current property which you can check in blender UI. (so sometimes you may need to change and save scene again, if it changed)

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  • Applink Developer

@tokikake Thanks a nice info. I may add this info too:

  • If you install 3d-coat into default “Program Files” into your OS hard drive. Then you good to go. It should work without need to set any folders. It will look for your “/Documents/Applink/3D-Coat/Exchange” folder. That is the link folder between how these two apps listens each other.

  • If your 3d-coat is different harddrive or you choose to change your exchange folder inside of your 3docat app. Then you need to tell applink where this Exchange folder is located. You can easily know where it is when you go to 3d-coat menu and choose. EDIT -> Relocate 3DCoat’s data.

And if you need to set your folder manually. It will save that path and use it next time. No need to set up every time when you fire up 3d-coat/blender applink.

Edited by haikalle
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Hi! There's something I'm confused about regarding this applink, and that is the 3DCoat applink group node itself. What is the use of it exactly? I can see a bunch of RGB curve nodes, color ramp nodes and multiply nodes all set to a number that doesn't alter anything (for example multiply set to value of 1, untouched RGB node etc) I piped the plain textures into a principle BSDF and got the exact same result as I did with the applink group node. So I'm asking with respect: are these extra nodes just put in to have them set-up and ready for map tweaking if we want, or are they just a legacy of when 3DCoat and blender had different ways of handling value maps (because I do remember being surprised at how shiny my material was a few years ago in blender, when it lookd decent in 3Dcoat etc). 


Thanks, I'm also interested in a workflow, where I can model something in blender, send it to 3DC, texture it, then send it back to blender (I'm fine, and CAN do this in fact) but then close both apps, shut down the PC and come back a week later to my asset and be able to have that dynamic back and forth with the two apps like I never even left my asset for a week. Is this currently possible, my tests weren't too successful in this regard, so I thank anyone who can point me in the right direction to do this. 



Thanks a lot




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  • Applink Developer


Keeping this connection between these two apps even if you close them is one the main ideas of this addon. If there is issues with this regard please give me steps to see the bug and I will try to fix it.

Main idea of this addon is just to create nodes for user. Thats the basic idea. Usually users wants to tweak textures in blender, so those extra nodes helps to do that. 

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6 hours ago, haikalle said:


Keeping this connection between these two apps even if you close them is one the main ideas of this addon. If there is issues with this regard please give me steps to see the bug and I will try to fix it.

Actually I hope correct way to keep connection link (or return connection,  3d coat saved scene file and blender scene file, with app-link) 

eg ,,, I export object from blender to 3d coat with "Send". then start making textures, but untill open in original app (blender), I need to stop current work.. 

So I save the current 3d coat scene, and I save the blender scene in each app.. then next time, I may open saved blend file, and saved 3d coat, 

and continue texture work in 3d coat,, how can I return textures (and apply material with generate 3d coat nodes) ?

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  • Applink Developer


Addon should already support workflow you descripted. Do you get error messages when you try that?

Every applink object in blender has unique address. That info dosen't dissapear when you close apps. So next time when you open apps, paint something in 3d-coat then press "open in original app" blender should detect that.

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  • Advanced Member
9 minutes ago, haikalle said:


Addon should already support workflow you descripted. Do you get error messages when you try that?

Every applink object in blender has unique address. That info dosen't dissapear when you close apps. So next time when you open apps, paint something in 3d-coat then press "open in original app" blender should detect that.

I have not test it, because I did not think it may work..:o I will try  thanks.. 

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7 hours ago, haikalle said:


Keeping this connection between these two apps even if you close them is one the main ideas of this addon. If there is issues with this regard please give me steps to see the bug and I will try to fix it.

Main idea of this addon is just to create nodes for user. Thats the basic idea. Usually users wants to tweak textures in blender, so those extra nodes helps to do that. 


Thank you!

I know that keeping the connection is a key point, I just haven't found a flexible way to really "abuse" this freedom (in a good way of course)

So example:

I'd like to authour an asset, and save it with textures, and maybe add a new set of textures to the same asset later on. So in essence have one blender scene, with a single model, but have two different textures (made in 3DC and exported via applink). I would save two different 3DC files of course, but can i do this? Is it possible? Or what would be the smart way to approach this?


Another example, where I have multiple models in a single .blend file (an environment scene) and i'd like to start texturing the different models one-by-one via tha app-link, sending the data back--and forth between blender and 3dc, and tweaking textures, making versions etc, but in the meantime keeping a tidy and comprehensible structure of saved textures, etc.


Am I asking for too much? If so i apologize, and welcome any advice in this regard!


Thank you.




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7 hours ago, haikalle said:

Please let me know if there is something to improve. This "keep connection" was the reason I started to write applink in first place :)

I think if it to work correctly I need to keep some rules..

with my test with somehow complex scene,  after I save both blend file and 3b file, (shut down both aprication),

then re-open later, and  in 3d coat, " open in original app,", 3d coat generate (export) textures, but not generate 3d coat nodes, and set textures for material

which I exported before,, I did not edit anything . then in blender re-select the one which I epxorted, then click "GetBack" button too.

(I up-date plug in with in new git 2.92 verison yesterday,, so I suppose I use same version as you)

Haikalle, do you think there is exceptional case it may not work? 

eg most of case, I do not  epxort object (FBX) from 3d coat,, because I only need texture,, then use texture name as plefix,

at same time I change export texture(obj) path from 3d coat, for each material set (it is related yoohasz question,how manage many assets and keep user made material set witch get buck from 3d coat.)  

Will it cause mater?

And I often send again same mesh, (sometimes I duplicate it in blender, then set different materials (not use linked material to divide original materials) and export and import duplicated one) but when I click "get buck" about same scenes, (already open saved files in 3d coat,and blender)   I only get this log which seems related app-link.

DEBUG:root: restart_nodes() handler

I may suppose,, to keep connection, at least  we "get-buck" one time for the object when we "send" untill shut down both aprication. but it is just my guess (I like guess) 

And if I do same test, (re export same mesh, and texture again, then return without stop and save, (keep connection until return) it generate nodes (of course) without problem. and can change materials. I may try same thing again,, (this time, at least once I generate 3d coat nodes for the object)

No it seems not work for me:help:

at least with my export setting, once shut down (after saved both files), then re-open both file in blender, 3d coat, then "open in original app" and click "Get Back"

in blender, it not overwrite or change materials.  



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8 minutes ago, haikalle said:


Hi! Can you provide quick video about closing apps and reopen and how applink dosen't work there. That would really help.. just 1-2min that I can see your workflow better.

wait please ,, (maybe you can do another work untill I export movie, so check again later please!)

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1 hour ago, haikalle said:


Hi! Can you provide quick video about closing apps and reopen and how applink dosen't work there. That would really help.. just 1-2min that I can see your workflow better.

I send PM, (forum not allowed me to attach more than file) with 7z file.

then you may not clear see, which button I click, but on last of this movie, I click "get buck" several times, with select the object. (which I epxorted before)


If I do same-thing without shut down (stop work) and keep connection, it work without problem

And I know, if I keep to use same texture name and path to export textures from 3d coat, ,, and once I generate 3d coat node,, even though I stop work,  and retrun those textures will be overwritten.

(it means simply edit the texture  currently used in nodes, with keep same file name and path .

3d coat just overwrite same texture, when export with same file name options, so it not means app-link keep connection, I suppose:)

><; I can not up-load more than 8MB file in forum and PM so, I made link for drop box,, (could you download it? I seldom use dropbox, so do not know clear)


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Then if it will work without problem, I usually use link duplicate objects, with material link with OBJECT.

we can choose 2 way, to link material. one is link with OBJECT, and one link with DATA.

so if you set material link with OBJECT,  you can use "link duplicated mesh", in library, (so reduce size) then attach each material for each instance (Link duplicated mesh)

It is useful, to keep many material sets (which may include 5 or 10 material slots for one object) for same Object. in your custom material library.

(though I still not test,, if I set material link with OBJECT, how app link may work ,,basically I keep to set material link with DATA, then after generate 3d coat nodes and textues, manually change them and save each material set (link with OBJECT) in my custom library for the character, cloth,, hair, etc. Then when swap, I use blender link or append then copy the material sets. for each object. (so I can keep many material sets variation, for same item, without set each slot one by one)

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  • New Member

I'm bit new to the Blender Applink. I tried briefly to test the Applink, but I didn't get it working. I'm running the latest Blender 2.91 and 3DCoat 4.9.67 (Trial Version) in Windows 10. I just used the default cube in Blender in my test. At the start the Applink asks for the Exchange folder and I set that up as "C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\Documents\3D-CoatV49\Exchange". When I hit "Send" from Applink (Per Pixel Painting), I get the mesh to 3DCoat. And then I paint quickly just something on the mesh. And then hit "File - Open in Original App" and disable the "Export Geometry", but leave the "Export textures " on, and then hit "Export". Then I move to Blender and I try the "GetBack", but I get the following error:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.91\2.91\scripts\addons\io_coat3D\__init__.py", line 235, in invoke
    Export_folder  = global_exchange_folder
NameError: name 'global_exchange_folder' is not defined

location: <unknown location>:-1

But I have checked that the "Exchange folder" is set on the Applink settings, so it should find it. For me the "Object/Texture folder" was empty originally, so I tried again to set that folder as "C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\Documents\3DC2Blender\ApplinkObjects", but no luck. Also I tried to save the mesh first in blender and then trying again, but no luck again. And also I emptied the ""C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\Documents\3D-CoatV49\Exchange" and "C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\Documents\3DC2Blender\ApplinkObjects" folders and then tried again, but still no luck.

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now that the new builds of 3DCoat are finally running on Linux, will the Blender Applink work well with it?

Any considerations prior to trying it out?

I'll check what's what this evening on my own anyway, but some pointers would be most welcome. Has it been tested on Linux yet?


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