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Maya appLink


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Hi Styler,

thanks for putting the time into this. So, after installing the new beta and following your tips (i'm also referring to the Vimeo workflow video that came with the applink)

- export (per pixel painting) from Maya 2018 works fine, 3D Coat opens and import correctly

- after painting i "open in original App"   -  The parameters i can choose are different than what i see on the Vimeo video, i have to put a path for the OBJ (i use the exchange folder)

and i have to choose a PRESET (i tried different, and there's no "native" Maya one, only VRay or Mental Ray, ideally a Maya Arnold one would be great)

- once done, Maya does not automatically recognize and asks for which channel to import, as you see in the video, but I click import and the geometry comes in.

Unfortunately the geometry comes in with the normal map correctly applied BUT no color, no roughness etc

Exporting then back for displacement for example works fine, but again re importing it misses some texture links. 

Maybe the presets are the problem?? Do you think it's possible to import with textures linked to an AIStandard material anytime soon ?

Should Maya default project be pointing at the Exchange directory ?

Thanks a lot Styler, i think you're getting closer and closer !






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>> Maybe the presets are the problem?? Do you think it's possible to import with textures linked to an AIStandard material anytime soon ?

Presets are not currently supported. Use a non-preset mode for now. I have implementation for them but it was a problem with passing a preset name from applink to 3D-Coat. I switch them on as soon as I'll solve with issue.

Arnold will be supported soon (next in my list)

>> Should Maya default project be pointing at the Exchange directory ?

Nope. Exchange folder in setting only requires for 3D-Coat to know where is your export data.

Edited by Styler
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I did that but the Export presets at the bottom does not disappear, which is something maybe could make sense (just a suggestion)

As it does not disappear i thought presets were still taken into consideration.

However, with export constructor off the export process works as expected.

As of now, outside of the AI shader preset, i do not see other problems, so i REALLY thank you for this Styler,

and i'll be following the thread for the further evolution of this plugin as well as waiting for the ZBrush one for Mac.

Thanks again for this plugin !



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  • 4 weeks later...
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applink 2.2.1

Hi i got the same: # Warning: <Applink> No information for processing import #


"ColorFileExtension": 0, 
"PickSourcePositions": 0, 
"ExportDispl": 0, 
"ExportEmissivePower": 1, 
"TexturesSetMethod": 0, 
"DisplExt": 1, 
"DisplDepth": 0, 
"ExportSpecularColor": 1, 
"Exchange": "C:/Users/user/Documents/3D-CoatV48/Exchange", 
"ExportSpecular": 1, 
"ExportRoughness": 0, 
"Path": "C:/3D-Coat-V4/3D-CoatDX64C.exe", 
"ReplaceShape": 0, 
"ExportAO": 0, 
"PickDepthFromLayer0": 0, 
"ExportColor": 1, 
"Shader": 0, 
"NormExtension": 0, 
"Preset": 0, 
"DisplNorm": 0, 
"ExportNormalmap": 1, 
"SpecExtension": 0, 
"SkipExport": 0, 
"ExportMetallness": 0, 
"SkipImport": 0, 
"CoarseMesh": 0, 
"field $ExportOpt::CreatePadding": 1, 
"Renderer": 0, 
"ExportResolution": 1, 
"ExportEmissive": 1

Files from 3DCoat in Exchange folder: test.mtl, test.obj, test_Base_color.tga, Export.xml.




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Seems like it's another bug in 3D-Coat. After export it should create at least a pair of files (export.txt, textures.txt) or even 3 files, includes Export.xml. Something definitely went wrong here. I'll tell to Andrew.

Thanks for finding the bug!

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Styler,

Having some troubles with APPLINK, I will note as follows exactly what the issues versus (intended) functionality is.

the script seems to be fundementally broken in that it expects a selection to export, but when anything is selected, it exports ALL geometry, and ALL shader groups.

The assumption is that what you select and any connected shader groups would be what is exported, this is not the case, ive tested many times.

1.load up new maya scene, add cube and sphere, apply a material to each, apply a NEW material to each (so there is now 4 shader groups)

2. a)selecting nothing and exporting via PPP will error - 'please select polymesh'
    b ) selecting EITHER the cube or the sphere will allow the export to work.

3. new scene, merge, whatever - the case is always the same. regardess of what geo is selected, both the sphere and cube will be added, and all 4 shader groups will also import.

maya 2018, win64

Cheers mate, would love a fix on this. great job btw its already a time saver but this is a huge issue for my workflow (indie game, HEAPS of objects)

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  • 2 years later...
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I think that's a different problem. I'm just wondering where to install the .py file within Maya. The instructions say to put in 'bin' but I think it must be a different location on a mac. When I put it in 'bin' and try to run I get the error "3dc_applink.py" was not found on Maya plugin path. I tried installing at Applications\Autodesk\maya2020\plugins and also Applications\Autodesk\maya2020\plug-ins but it hasn't loaded the plugin correctly.

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  • 1 month later...
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Trying to set it up, the tutorial video looks like it was made 10 years ago and is all old interfaces. I`m having issues with maya opening up multiple 3d coats, also no idea of which export settings from 3d coat should be used, i`m missing gloss/metalness when it does go back to maya. The docs say you should have mental ray plugin enabled, but this has been removed since Maya 2018.
Would be nice to get some Maya/3d coat applink love in 2020.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Getting errors with import, export.  Using Maya 2020.1 and latest 3DC not alpha.

I set

3D-Coat Path:C:\Program Files\3DCoat-V4.9.37\3DCoatDX64.exe

Exchange_Directory: c:\temp

However when I launch PPP button.  I get 3DC to open, however it presents the usual dialog box, doesn't import my object from Maya.  Then if I select per pixel paint, I don't see imported .obj still.  When I navigate to C:\temp.  I don't see an .obj to link up to there either?


Edited by co3Darts
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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On 9/11/2020 at 7:14 PM, Удалой said:

4.9.59 3DcoatDX

2.2.2 uplink

Maya 2020

Every time then i press "paint mesh in 3dcoat" - it update scene in actual 3D Coat instance, but start another copy 3DCoat with empty scene.

Hello, I am having the same issue. Every time I export a geo from Maya to 3Dcoat, it starts another 3DCoat Application. I remember it did stay in the same app before, and ask, if you would like to merge or create a new scene. thanks


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