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Digman's Cravings


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  • Reputable Contributor

Another 225,000 polygon sculpt in surface mode with a little vertex polypainting on top of the gold shader...

Also a collection of doodles I'm working on...



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A girl to go with the man... They are both stylized so not following human anatomy completely...

Hair is a stand in... still working on the head covering and other areas, etc...

She is topping out at 330,000 polygons so far.


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  • Reputable Contributor

Thanks for the comments and I'm glad you found parts of the sculpts that you enjoyed viewing.

I am very aware of the fact these are rough and I mean rough doodles, plus renders.

At this present time if I wait to post more finished sculpts, well there would be nothing to post... :blink:

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I decided to revisit this render. I brought the sculpt forward, Yeah, I know Michalis it's needs to be sharper... :blink:

All rendering in Blender Cycles and then used Blender's compositor , no post pro outside of Blender...

I will keep working on it off and on...



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Very convincing work on compositor David! A good demonstration of what cycles is capable to do with lighting.

Some thoughts of mine. Please don't take it as critics.

A great experiment on what sculpting is about, this could be the title of you post.

Sculpting has little to do with anatomy or such things. It sounds heretic?

Sculpting has to do with scaling. But what scaling really means?

Sculpting is all about light and shadows. It's how it captures lighting. There isn't any short of clipping path around a mesh, this may exist in our imagination only. Light "eats" the mesh and in the end we have a space full of shapes of light and shadow. This is what a renderer provides, this is what you'll notice in a real museum (under the influence of such ideas)

So, to keep watching the surrounding space while sculpting, trying to achieve a flow of shapes all around, to find references of the surrounding shapes into your sculpt... this is the essence of sculpting.

A little about drawing/2d painting.

Have a square piece of paper, draw a shape. What you have done is to divide the square face of the paper in two pieces of equal importance.

David, sharper details is not exactly what I had in mind.

What I see in your fine render is a rather small sculpt that someone made it gigantic.

What I'm asking from you is months of work on this. I doubt if anyone between us can do it right. It's not easy at all.

Recently blender cycles and blender sculpting (dynatopo) are under rapid and innovating development.

What's innovating? The ability to sculpt and have such wonderful and fast previews from time to time. It's what I call precision.

It's far away from approaches that game industry loves, but it's a new innovative way. Very interesting to some, a useless thing to others.

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  • Reputable Contributor

Thanks for the comments..

Another rough doodle as I got bored working on just the head... :wacko:

I will put it on the back burner though I think..

Titled " The Company Man" after he has been used up, washed out and then let go with a watch and a kick out the door...


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Well, he will be shaking his fist when it is not just a blob but not at the heavans. He is shaking his fist at corporate religion...

Lets make "Corporations" in our own image, Be fruitful, multiply and fill the whole earth... :diablo:

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I think you hit the nail on the head with "Lets make "Corporations" in our own image," Presumably, it depends on whose image is used. I just finished an article in The Economist describing the financial woes of the Catholic Church (a very old corporation) as it tries to pay for million dollar payouts to each claimant for you know what.

Ooops! I think I may be getting too OT!

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Oh, No! I'm turning my thread into a political thread... :wacko:

I know I started. it...

Well, I was talking about the Cult of Corporations... secular ones but they act like a religion... but a corporation is one no matter if it is secluar or religious

But I will let the art speak for itself and refrain from political dialogue in the wip thread... so back to sculpting... now where was I on the blob of a fist... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Reputable Contributor

A war club... 300,000 polygons in surface mode.

What I still like about surface mode is how easy it is to start from a sphere or another primtive and let your imagination be free to design without having to have millions and millions of polygons... Very fast and fun...

I will need to rework all the straps, rope and screws as they are just idea holders...


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Some armor concepts using an old charactor of mine. The armor still look like blobs but I need to finish the charactor first, then the armor. I will add more details to to the armor, etc...

The Roman Gladitor helmets and armor have some great looking designs on them... I will see what I can do... The 3D concept gives my brain something to work on.


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Starting to slap some major muscle groups on and working on the hands as well... very rough still.

I'm not sure if I will stick with the shield idea, maybe a round one instead...

Also been getting ideas about what kind of designs to put on the armor and shield...

3,700,000 polygons in surface mode of the entire scene so far...

Edit: added a few more items...




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Some more armor and shield work.

After armor, back to the rest of the stuff to figure out how I want to finish them as they are still in the rough including the body... :wacko:

Total scene polygons so far 5,800,000.


I started a early low voxel concept sculpt for his spearman opponent. That is what I so enjoy about 3DCoat, no 2D concept but one in 3D... Now 2D concept is better in the long run but I like I just having fun with 3D and this all so far is 3D concepts both the first and second gladiator.



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