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Hi! I have made beta 1 of 2.06. I think it could be interesting for you. The new features:

1) The new realtime preview in fill tool.


2) Now you can fill the material of object with the fill pattern.


3) You can fill the sub-object with the fill pattern.


4) You can use gradient filling in fill tool in much more intuitive way.


5) Cavity painting mode.


6) The bug for Intel GMA video fixed.

Don't worry - most of other feature request I will implement in monday until 2.06 will be released.

The link:


Have a joy! :)

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  • Advanced Member

Nice! I'm really liking the new ability to direct the fill angle (now we can do vertical lines!). :)

Any chance of hooking it up to work with symmetry too?

Really nice to see the preview window too. And the object filling seems to works like a charm.

(my material groups didn't seem to work from Silo .obj export tho...will test some more)

Great job, Andrew.



Regarding the material groups, here is my .mtl file as it was exported from Silo:

newmtl ball-top-tex

Ka 0.8 0.8 0.8

Kd 0 0 0.498039

Ks 0 0 0

Ns 127

newmtl ball-middle-tex

Ka 0.8 0.8 0.8

Kd 0.666667 0 0

Ks 0 0 0

Ns 127

newmtl ball-bottom-tex

Ka 0.8 0.8 0.8

Kd 0.333333 0.666667 0

Ks 0 0 0

Ns 127

newmtl cylinder

Ka 0.8 0.8 0.8

Kd 0 0.333333 0.498039

Ks 0 0 0

Ns 127

2.06beta1 fails to recognize the material groups. I'm including a picture of my test model

for reference.


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So fast,I nearlly can't catch up with you... Great job!!!


Yes,The bug for Intel GMA video almost fixed.

1. But in sculpt tool,the object still disapear.

2. I discover the "Lazymouse" in both 2.05 and 2.06 beta1 are not work well,please check it.(I think this problem may occur by the new feature "Adaptive geometry")


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Cavity painting is so cool, but how do i use it? I try it on a standard layer and it doesn't work... :huh: . Whats the correct way to use it?

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I guess it only works with materials :P

SonK...as long as you have something displaced, it should work. Just did a test by taking

the hexagon shape, painted a bit with the spotty pen (green), then went up to the second

pulldown on the left hand side (where it says "pressure doesn't depend...") set it to 'more

on cavity' (which means it will paint on the cavity area), changed the color to blue and turned

off 'depth', then switched it again to 'less on cavity' and changed the color to yellow. It's

another really handy feature Andrew's added. ;)




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Tested another 5 bugs:

Please see in the pictures:

the 5th bug is about the translate to Chinese: I know you add





























in the new xml file,So I translated them,but in some places,the words display right,but in some place they are still English.






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