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Add * (star) near UV set names that are dirty


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  • Advanced Member

When working with multiple UV sets in a character - especially if I am editing a model I have already created UV sets for in another app and want to tweak or change the UV sets inside 3DCoat. Once I've started making seams and unwrapping, it is difficult to remember which set I have "Applied" to the model and which I have not.

To that end, we need some visual cue to let us know which UV sets are "dirty" (i.e. ones that have been edited or changed within 3DCoat as opposed to those that haven't yet been touched, or those that have been touched but have already been applied).

This is more of a usability feature and is really easy. I will defer to you to determine what that visual cue is, however, most apps use a star (*) by the name to show filenames that have been changed but not saved yet.

Hope you don't mind this minor usability feature request.... :)

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