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3D-Coat 3.7 updates thread

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Agreed. I'm seeing this a lot lately. If you're having a problem, PLEASE post your system specs and the precise build of 3DC you're using and not just "latest build" or something to that effect. We can't help in most cases unless we have this information.

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great update to the interface!

smooth, fill, scrape, pinch and smudge tools aren't working in "line draw" in the e-menu. (they didn't in the non-beta either) But they should right? A hack for smooth is to use the grow tool with no extrude, but that's just a work around.

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Agreed. I'm seeing this a lot lately. If you're having a problem, PLEASE post your system specs and the precise build of 3DC you're using and not just "latest build" or something to that effect. We can't help in most cases unless we have this information.

Sorry, problem disappeared..
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the cutout tool, in e-menu "ellipses" mode doesn't invert the cut with "ctrl" instead it inverts the cut with "shift" which means you also can't make ellipes only circles b/c shift locks to circles. The inverse cut out is "shift" not "ctrl" for all working e-menu modes. Just causes the biggest isssue with ellipse.

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Updated to 3.7.13 (Win)

- Depth/opacity/radius may now be defined as function (curve) of pen pressure. It is very useful to customize and thin tune of brushes.

- I made possubility to define alphas via curves - bit.ly/M7TIG3

- Proxy (multiresolution) may now work via decimate! It helps a lot with thin surfaces.

- New command in "VoxTree->RMB->Split with.." to split one volume with other one in two parts. It works for both modes - surface and voxels.

- Resolved conflict with layers dragging and windows scrolling - drag bar appeared over each layer.

- a lot of little bugs fixed

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Thanks for adding the curve editor for brushes! Very cool stuff.

At the moment though there are a few bugs. :)

Almost every (Voxel & surface) tool doesn't work with a brush created with curves.

Most of the brushes created with curves don't display the curve shape properly on the cursor, if at all.

The icon for brushes created with curves sometimes doesn't show up (the icon is all black) or there will be duplicate icons for when you create multiple brushes, it seems one overwrites the other(s).

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It is strange... Please check version.

I did. 3.7.13 w/CUDA (Windows). It starts going through the process and then nothing is changed. If you click on the TOGGLE PROXY in the Voxel Menu everything works correctly.

EDIT: OK, after deleting all the .xml files in the Documents>3D Coat directory, it now seems to work ok. I had just deleted the Options.xml file before installing 3.7.13

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Right now this new item is merging with the layer/voxel volume name.



The problem is that left side becomes tooooo loaded with icons. I am thinking about appearing of ghost/cache icons only when you are hovering layer. But agree, drag bar is better at left side.

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I am noticing a big bug with 3DC, regarding duplicate brush alpha entries. A folder I had called 3DC Brushes was only about 6GB (lots of different brushes), but what happens a lot of times is that REMEMBER BRUSH SHAPE for EVERY TOOL is checked by default, in the Preferences panel. I do not like having to uncheck that every single time I have to delete the Options.XML file. If I forget to uncheck it, I get just the default handful of brushes when I switch to a different tool.

When I click on the folder with all the brush alphas that I want, it seems 3D Coat will try to create a new duplicate of each one. So 6GB ended up ballooning to over 33GB! I had to just now go back and delete them all and start over again.

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Oh I see about the dragging. I was just using a different mouse button (or scroll wheel) to scroll pallets like that. I agree about the + button. I don't think we need it. Those bars are getting rather cluttered. Hardly room for text anymore on mine.

I noticed in the Retopo room the text along the bottom is bouncing around like crazy. Very distracting



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Just loaded the Mannequin model and all the individual subcomponents in the 3D Coat Exchange section, if anyone wants to go ahead and start playing with it before Andrew gets it included in the next build or so.

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Andrew, if you add an autohide feature, please, leave the eye icon visible at all time. We have no way to see if everything is visible without hovering EVERY volume otherwise

It's actually a terrible idea, sorry Andrew but most of those icons are not just "toggle" they also are indicators. If you hide most of them users will spend an awful lot of time just searching what option is active on which tool.

Remove the big "+" icon and it will be a nice start.

Is it possible to make a different shading for the volume layer in proxy mode ? It would be easy to remove the icon then.


I agree. Removing it would really make it difficult to parse through all the layers (especially if there are a ton).

Oh yes, that little triangle would work out well methinks.

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Btw are the "+" icon (right) necessary ? We can always click on th add volume on bottom bar of the voxtree panel. I always thought they took an awful lot of space for such a simple function (they could be almost 50% smaller)

"+" sign creates sublayers. "Add volume" button creates layers in current layer. If we remove "+" sign on the right then we need to think how to add sublayers. I would suggest to make it like in Photoshop - layers + folders instead of layers + sublayers.

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The new Curve Alpha Brushes are cool and long awaited :-)

But still a bit buggy. Sometimes they turn black, when you re-edit the curve is mirrored, changes aren´t taken until you reselect the tool.

It would also be nice if they had a little curve symbol.

Besides that you seem to be a month behind, the opening post in this thread shows the last 3 Updates in May not June ;-)

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Finally tried the latest beta. 3dcoat feels snappier. Good job Andrew!

Preset and new icons are great! Just wondering why the preset icons don't resize similar to the left tab icons.

But overall excellent build.

Any major concerns with using this lates build together with older builds beside the old builds getting overwritten its old ui?

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