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    • Hi, When using depth how can I make it so the bottom line does not show? Cheerio lululee
    • here's what i wound up doing.  love any feedback if there is a better way. - create a plane that is 1-1 with the texel density of the texture.  (ex. a 10x10 plane matches my texture in world space) - save a camera position in front of the plane (via save camera or a camera shortcut) - to open a smart material:     move the camera to the default position via the camera shortcut or save     open the smart material (in "From Camera" mode)     scale the stencil texture to match the plane 1-1.     ensure the lock button is enabled     use the smart material to project - to close the smart material: return the camera to the default position via the camera shortcut or save unlock the stencil close the material
    • I just bought 3D Coat Textura. In Edit > Preferences > In/Out > External 2D Editor I have set the path to Photoshop but hotkey CTRL+P or CTRL+ALT+P doesn't work. I also can't update/change the hotkey - when I hover mouse over the field - info to click the 'END' shows up - but nothing happens when I click END on the keyboard. Screen:  https://imgur.com/a/fC38JUD Summary: How can I define hotkey for External 2D Editor  ?  
    • please contact sales@3dcoat.com thanks We offer a one-month trial so you can try it for free to see if the software fits your needs.
    • 3dcoat is not functional due to INSANE amount of bugs. barely an alpha.  I see no effort from pilgway to go turbo on bug fixes which be 50-100 bug fixes per update. in that speed it might be solid build in 12 months, maybe. I have more then 57 bugs right now on a brand new M3 max, im not going to document each one im not on a payroll as QA. Bottom line 3dcoat is not a production tool i can use. I ask again for a refund, i hope ill not be forced to go legal with that because i can show more than 15 different bugs in only 40 min of recording my work on a new file.  Please contact me and proceed refunding me the 80 something EUR i paid.  Im using blender now its great and solve all my needs for everything.   Thank you.
    • Actually, I think it might be worth exploring because of the Auto-Rigging...something 3DCoat doesn't currently have.
    • heres a video on this subject showing how it works   
    • Hmmm... when running the cloth simulator over our shape... the cloth seems to just gravity drop right through the mesh.   Any thoughts? 3DCoatGL64_y62QTlbM68.mp4    
    • Ok great, thank you I think this could work well    
    • its quite an old piece of software now but its great for blocking out etc... would actually be an amazing tool inside sculpt , its open source so i dont see any implications of adding it ..   
    • Thank you. I think I found what the issue that was. It was about my pen sensitivity. Or driver issue. I changed sensitivity and and didn't see that issue anymore.
    • Hi Please contact Andrew directly asking for this. Thanks
    • 3DCoat has a surprisingly powerful cloth simulation built in. You can use it in voxel sculpting room. You can either use your own cloth object or use the default one. You can interact with the ongoing simulation by brushing over it with mouse. This gives you nice way to make the result look more organic.  
    • Hello 3DCoat Team! In Python I made a nice Curve Create Script. But How can i get a point? Coat the function coat.Curve.point() returns a value not python compatible. I would like to Store all points (XYZ) of a curve in a List. How? (to create a bounding box, because viewall does not work for curves) -------------------------------------------------------- -Access single Points, -Select/Deselect Points by idx -Modify Position, Type, smooth/sharp/, radius  -ideally Tangents  -open or close curve without $cmd Here the working curve script for explorers: import coat   # Create a new curve object mycurve = coat.Scene.curvesRoot().addChild("New_Curve") CurveInstance=coat.SceneElement(mycurve)   # Create a list of coat.vec3 objects points = [     coat.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),     coat.vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),     coat.vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),     coat.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ]   for point in points:     coat.Curve(CurveInstance).add(point, coat.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2)   coat.Curve(CurveInstance).removePoints(2,2)  #remove some points test   # coat.Curve(CurveInstance).point()  I hope everybody is doing well. All the Best!
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