3DCoatScripting  4.8.31β
You can manage 3DСoat features with help of scripting
🌀 Access to input devices

You can get an information about pressed keys, clicked mouse buttons or stylus, and react on its actions as you need How?

Simple example:

// access to debugging
Debug dbg;
DebugLog log = dbg.log();
void main() {
// clear log file
for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
float x = GetMouseX();
float y = GetMouseY();
// print mouse coordinates each 50 ms to log file
log += "mouse coordinate " + x + " " + y;
Wait( 50 );

You can always check what's been printed to a log file choose "Scripts / View Execution Log".

Also check these functions:

// Get current mouse coordinate X.
DEPRECATED float GetMouseX()
// Get current mouse coordinate Y.
DEPRECATED float GetMouseY()
// Get pen pressure.
DEPRECATED float GetPressure()
// Check if LMB pressed.
DEPRECATED bool LMBPressed()
// Check if RMB pressed.
DEPRECATED bool RMBPressed()
// Check if MMB pressed.
DEPRECATED bool MMBPressed();
// Get visible (in screen projection) radius of the brush.
DEPRECATED float GetVisiblePenRadius();
// Start drawing stroke at point (x,y) with some pressure.
// \param Pressure In diapason [ 0.0 (without pressure); 1.0 (maximum pressure) ].
DEPRECATED void StartStroke(float x,float y,float Pressure)
// Draw stroke to point (x,y) with some pressure.
// \param Pressure In diapason [ 0.0 (without pressure); 1.0 (maximum pressure) ].
DEPRECATED void DrawStrokeTo(float x,float y,float Pressure)
// After that command stroke will be actually drawn.
// Set of commands StartStroke. DrawStrokeTo should be
// terminated by EndStroke.
DEPRECATED void EndStroke()
// True when object presents by ray (x,y).
DEPRECATED bool ScreenRayPicksObject(float x,float y)
// Was widget with identifier ID recently (within last Time sec) pressed?
DEPRECATED bool WasRecentlyPressed(string &in ID,float Time);
// Was widget with identifier ID recently (within last Time sec)
// pressed via RMB?
DEPRECATED bool WasRecentlyRMBPressed(string &in ID,float Time);
// Is user in tool identified as ID? To get current tool
// identifier press RMB + MMB over empty field.
DEPRECATED bool IsInTool(string &in ToolID);
// Get active tool ID.
DEPRECATED string GetCurrentToolID ();
// Get time (sec) since script started.
DEPRECATED float GetTimeSinceStart();