3DCoatScripting  4.8.31β
You can manage 3DСoat features with help of scripting
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
oNcoatFor simple script registrations
| oCAABBClass for working with an axis aligned bounding box
| oCAFormatAbstract class for file of any format
| oCAMeshAbstract mesh
| oCAnglesClass for working with Euler angles: pitch, yaw, roll
| oCAToolsBase class for any tools of app
| oCAToolsMeshBase class for transformation of mesh
| oCAWizardAbstract wizard
| oCBevelClass for create a bevel by the boolean operations with meshes
| oCBuilderFixture for builds the primitives
| oCColorClass for working with an RGBA-color
| oCScriptRunnerClass for prepare and execute a script
| oCDebugGeneral access to debugging
| oCInnerDebuggerFor print a debug output to string
| oCDebugDrawAccess to debugging like viewport-output
| oCDebugLogAccess to debugging like text-output
| oCFileClass for working with file of... any format, including a text and just binary
| oCFormatBinaryClass for working with binary data
| oCFormatDAEClass for working with data in the format DAE
| oCFormatFBXClass for working with data in the format FBX
| oCFormatOBJClass for working with data in the format OBJ
| oCLine3Class for working with 3D-line
| oCLines3Class for working with 3D-lines
| oCMat3Class for working with matrix 3 x 3
| oCMat4Class for working with matrix 4 x 4
| oCMeshClass for working with polygon mesh which represents like any form
| oCMeshCapsuleClass for working with mesh which represents like capsule
| oCMeshConeClass for working with mesh which represents like cone
| oCMeshCuboidClass for working with mesh which represents like cuboid
| oCMeshCylinderClass for working with mesh which represents like cylinder
| oCMeshEllipsoidClass for working with mesh which represents like ellipsoid
| oCMeshGearClass for working with mesh which represents like gear
| oCMeshNGonClass for working with mesh which represents like ngon
| oCMeshSphereClass for working with mesh which represents like sphere
| oCMeshTextClass for working with mesh which represents like text
| oCMeshTorusClass for working with mesh which represents like torus
| oCMeshTubeClass for working with mesh which represents like tube
| oCMeshXFor building concrete figures
| oCPolyMeshClass for working with the 3DCoat's scene
| |oCFaceInfoInfo about face
| |oCLayerInfoInfo about layer
| |oCLayerOnFaceRepresent a layer on face
| |oCLayerPointInfo about layer point
| |oCRenderTargetRepresent a render target
| |oCSubObjectRepresent a subobject
| |oCSurfacePointRepresent a surface point
| |oCVertexPosRepresent a vertex position
| |\CVertexUVRepresent a vertex of UV
| oCQuatClass for working with quaternions
| oCRegisterLikeNewWithObserveRegister an object for scripting with observe
| oCRetopoRoomClass for work with retopology room
| oCRoomAbstract class for rooms
| oCSafetyClass for stability works the complex classes
| oCSculptLayerClass for work with sculpting layers
| oCSculptRoomClass for work with sculpting room
| oCStateKeeperStore state by creating and restore it after destructing
| oCToolsMeshBuilder for tools of mesh
| oCRegisterToolsMeshRegister a mesh tools for scripting with observe
| oCToolsMeshTransformAccess to transformation of mesh
| oCRegisterToolsMeshTransformRegister a transform mesh tools for scripting with observe
| oCToolsMeshXClass for tools mesh
| oCRegisterToolsMeshXRegister an abstract mesh tools for scripting with observe
| oCToolsXFor building a concrete tool
| oCUIAccess to user interface
| |\CDefaultDefault values for UI
| oCVec2Class for working with Euclidean vectors in 2D-space
| oCVec3Class for working with Euclidean vectors in 3D-space
| oCWizardBuilder for wizards
| \CWizardXFor building concrete wizard
 \CcMeshContainerGeneral class for work with mesh
  \CPlaneArgsSee GenPlane