3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
No Matches
coat::Model Class Reference

The class that corresponds to the retopo/modeling rooms meshes. This is advanced version of the Mesh that allows essential topology changes on the fly. It is very similar to Mesh by basic functionality, may be easily converted to Mesh and vice versa. But it is more heavy structure, use Mesh if you don't need the advanced functionality. More...

#include <CoreAPI.h>

Public Member Functions

 Model ()
 construct the lowpoly mesh, it is completely independent on retopo/modeling/uv workspace. If you need to refer any of that workspace use static functions fromRetopo, fromModeling, fromUV
 Model (const Model &source)
 make a reference to the source mesh. No new Mesh allocated! Use MakeCopy if you need to make a copy of the mesh
 Model (const Mesh &source)
 construct model from the Mesh object.
Modeloperator= (const Model &source)
 the assignment operator. No new Mesh allocated! Use MakeCopy if you need to make a copy of the mesh
Modeloperator= (const Mesh &source)
Modeloperator+= (const Model &source)
Modeloperator+= (const Mesh &source)
Modeltransform (const mat4 &m)
 transform the whole Model with the matrix
Model MakeCopy () const
 make a copy of the source mesh. Pay attention, if you taken it from the retopo/uv context, it will no longer refer to the retopo/uv mesh, it will be independent copy
 ~Model ()
 destroy the mesh reference (the mesh itself will not be destroyed if it is the reference to retopo/modeling/uv workspaces)
void displayOptions (bool showWireframe=true, bool showColored=true, bool showSeams=true, bool showSharpEdges=true, bool smoothView=false)
 Set the display options for the retopo/modeling/uv meshes.
int getObjectsCount ()
 get the retopo groups count
int getCurrentObject ()
 get the index of the current group
void setCurrentObject (int index)
 set the current group index
const char * getObjectName (int group_index)
 get the retopo group name
void removeObject (int group_index)
 remove the group by index
void setObjectName (int index, const char *name)
 rename the group by index
void setObjectVisibility (int index, bool visible)
 set the group visibility
bool getObjectVisibility (int index)
 get the group visibility
int addObject (const char *name)
 add new retopo group
int addMaterial (const char *name)
 add the new UV set/Material
void removeUnusedMaterials ()
 remove all unused UV sets (not referred within the mesh)
vec4 getObjectReferenceColor (int group_index)
 get the group reference color
void setObjectReferenceColor (int group_index, vec4 color)
 set the group reference color
void selectedToObject (int group_index)
 move the selected faces to the group
Mesh getWholeMesh ()
 get the whole mesh from the retopo room
Mesh selectedToMesh ()
 get the selected faces as the Mesh object
Mesh visibleToMesh ()
 get the visible faces as the Mesh object
void addTransformed (const Mesh &mesh, const mat4 &Transform=mat4::Identity, BoolOpType b=BOOL_MERGE, bool select=false, bool snap_to_existing=false)
 insert the mesh to the retopo/modeling room, each object of the mesh treated as the new retopo layer
Mesh getObjectMesh (int group_index)
 get the mesh from some retopo group
void setObjectMesh (int group_index, Mesh &mesh, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity)
 replace the retopo layer with mesh
int duplicateObject (int group_index, const char *name=nullptr, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity, bool select=false)
 duplicate the object (retopo group)
std::string generateName (const char *base)
 generate unique name for the object, it will start as the string in base base
void clearObjectMesh (int group_index)
 remove all faces from the group
void clear ()
 clear the whole mesh
void dropUndo ()
 Drop the whole mesh to the undo queue, it is important if you want allow the user to undo your mesh changes, call it before your changes. It works for UV room too.
std::vector< int > getSelectedFaces ()
 get the list of selected faces
void getSelectedFaces (list< int > &faces)
void setSelectedFaces (std::vector< int > &faces)
 set the selected faces list
void setSelectedFaces (list< int > &faces)
void selectFace (int face)
 select the face by index
void selectObject (int group_index, bool add_to_selected=true)
 select all feces in the group
std::vector< int > getObjectFaces (int group_index)
 get the list of faces in the group
void getObjectFaces (int group_index, list< int > &faces)
bool isFaceSelected (int face)
 check if the face selected
void unselectAllFaces ()
 unselect all faces
void expandSelection ()
 expand the faces/vertices/edges selection to the connected geometry
void contractSelection ()
 contract the faces/vertices/edges selection to the connected geometry
void selectedToEdges ()
 convert faces/vertices selection to edges selection
void selectedToFaces ()
 convert edges/vertices selection to faces selection
void selectedToVertices ()
 convert faces/edges selection to vertices selection
std::vector< int > getSelectedEdges ()
 returns even amount of vertex indices, pairs os start and end vertices of the selected edges
void getSelectedEdges (list< int > &edges)
void setSelectedEdges (std::vector< int > &edges)
 set the selected edges list
void setSelectedEdges (list< int > &edges)
void selectEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 select the edge by vertex indices (add to selection)
bool isEdgeSelected (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 check if the edge is selected, order of vertices has no matter
void unselectAllEdges ()
 unselect all edges
std::vector< int > getSelectedVertices ()
 get the list of selected vertices
void getSelectedVertices (list< int > &vertices)
std::vector< float > getSelectedVerticesWeights ()
 get the soft selection weights of the selected vertices, 1 is maximum value
void setSelectedVertices (const std::vector< int > &vertices, const std::vector< float > &weights)
 set the selected vertices list
void setSelectedVertices (const list< int > &vertices, const list< float > &weights)
void selectVertex (int vertex, float weight=1.0f)
 add the vertex to the selection
bool isVertexSelected (int vertex)
 check if the vertex is selected
void unselectAllVertices ()
 unselect all vertices
int facesCount ()
 get the faces count
int vertsCount ()
 get the positional vertices count
int vertsUvCount ()
 get the uv vertices count
void removeFace (int face)
 remove the face by index
int createNewFace (int Group, int UVSet)
 create empty face, you need to call setFaceVertices to set the vertices, setFaceUVVerts to set the UV vertices
int getFaceVertsCount (int face)
 get the vertices count over the face
int getFaceVertex (int face, int vertex_index)
 get the vertex index over the face
std::vector< int > getFaceVerts (int face)
 get the list of UV vertex indices over the face, pay attention UV vertices are not same as position vertices
void getFaceVerts (int face, list< int > &vertices)
void setFaceVerts (int face, const std::vector< int > &vertices)
 set the list of positional vertex indices over the face
void setFaceVerts (int face, const list< int > &vertices)
bool getFaceVisibility (int face)
 get the face visibility
void setFaceVisibility (int face, bool visibility)
 set the face visibility
float getFaceSquare (int face)
 get the face square
float getFaceUVSquare (int face)
 get the face square in UV space
vec3 getFaceNormal (int face)
 get the face normal
int getFaceObject (int face)
 get the group index of the face
void setFaceObject (int face, int group)
 set the group index of the face
int getFaceMaterial (int face)
 get the UV set index for the face
void setFaceMaterial (int face, int uv_set)
 set the UV set for the face
int getFaceUvVertsCount (int face)
 get the amount of UV vertices over the face
int getFaceUvVertex (int face, int vertex_index)
 get the UV vertex index over the face
std::vector< int > getFaceUvVerts (int face)
 get the list of UV vertices indices over the face
void getFaceUvVerts (int face, list< int > &vertices)
void setFaceUvVerts (int face, const std::vector< int > &vertices)
 set the UV vertices for the face
void setFaceUvVerts (int face, const list< int > &vertices)
vec3 getVertex (int vertex)
 get the vertex position in space
void setVertex (int vertex, const vec3 &position)
 set the vertex position in space
int createNewVertex (const vec3 &position)
 create the positional vertex
vec2 getVertexUV (int uv_vertex)
 get the UV coordinates of the UV vertex
void setVertexUV (int uv_vertex, const vec2 &uv)
 set the UV for the UV vertex
int createNewUvVertex (const vec2 &uv)
 create new UV vertex to be used for faces
vec3 getVertexNormal (int vertex)
 get vertex normal, calculated as average of adjacent faces normals
void updateNormals (bool for_snapping=true)
 update the vertex normals
void updateTopology ()
 update the connectivity information, it should be called sometimes if you feel that the connectivity information lost due to some heavy operations
void cleanup ()
 complete cleanul from non-manifolds or other problems, some faces may be removed
std::vector< int > getVertsNearVertex (int vertex)
 get the list of vertices that are adjacent to the vertex
void getVertsNearVertex (int vertex, list< int > &vertices)
std::vector< int > getFacesNearVertex (int vertex)
 get the list of faces that are adjacent to the vertex
void getFacesNearVertex (int vertex, list< int > &faces)
std::vector< int > getFaceNeighbors (int face)
 get the list of faces that are adjacent to the face
void getFaceNeighbors (int face, list< int > &faces)
std::vector< int > getFacesNearEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 get the list of faces that are adjacent to the edge
void getFacesNearEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2, list< int > &faces)
bool isOpenEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 check if the edge is open
bool isSharpEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 check if the edge is sharp
void setEdgeSharpness (int vertex1, int vertex2, bool sharp)
 set the sharpness state for the edge
bool isSeam (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 check if edge is seam
void setEdgeSeam (int vertex1, int vertex2, bool seam)
 set or clear the seam state for the edge
void collapseEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 collapse the edge to the middle of the edge
int islandsCount (int uv_set)
 get the islands count over the current uv-set
Mesh islandToMesh (int uv_set, int island_index)
 get the mesh that contains the island, xy of each point is the UV coordinate. The mesh contains only one island
Mesh islandToMeshInSpace (int uv_set, int island_index)
 get the mesh that contains the island, each point is the coordinate in space (not the uv coordinate!). The mesh contains only one island. The faces correspond to the faces of the mesh that was got by islandToMesh
std::vector< int > getIslandVertexMapping (int uv_set, int island_index)
 get the mapping from the vertex index in the mesh that was got by islandToMesh to the vertex index in the original mesh
std::vector< int > getIslandBorder (int uv_set, int island_index)
 get unsorted list of edges on the border of the island
std::vector< int > getBorderBetweenIslands (int uv_set1, int island_index1, int uv_set2, int island_index2)
 get the border between two islands
vec2 getIslandVertexUv (int uv_set, int island_index, int vertex_index)
 get the uv coordinate of the positional vertex in the island
void meshToIsland (const Mesh &mesh, int uv_set, int island_index)
 use the mesh (that was previously got by islandToMesh) to replace the island in the current uv-set
void pack (int uv_set, bool rotate, bool shuffle)
 pack the islands in the current uv-set
void unwrap (int uv_set)
 unwrap the current uv-set
void toAbf (int uv_set, int island_index)
 unwrap the island using the ABF approach
void toLscm (int uv_set, int island_index)
 unwrap the island using the LSCM approach
void toGu (int uv_set, int island_index)
 unwrap the island using the GU (Globally Uniform) approach
void toPlanar (int uv_set, int island_index)
 unwrap the island using the Planar approach
void toStripe (int uv_set, int island_index)
 try to uwrap the island as the regular stripe
void extrudeSelected ()
 Extrude the selected edges or selected faces without the actual moving of the extruded elements. They stay selected, so you amy apply some transform to the selected elements.
void moveSelectedFacesAlongFacesNormals (float displacement)
 move selected faces along the faces normals, trying to keep faces parallel to the original direction
void moveSelectedFacesAlongVertexNormals (float displacement)
 move selected faces along the vertex normals, each vertex displace on the same distance
void subdivideSelectedFaces (bool apply_catmull_clark=false)
 subdivide the selected faces
void subdivide (bool apply_catmull_clark=true)
 subdivide the whole mesh
void transformSelected (const mat4 &transform, bool apply_symmetry)
 apply the transformation to the selected elements
void scaleSelectedFacesClusters (float scale, ClusterScale method=Uniform_Scaling)
 scale each selection cluster separately, to own center mass
void bevelOverSelectedVertices (float size)
 perform the bevel over the selected vertices. As result, new faces will be selected
void bevelOverSelectedEdges (float size, int segments=1, bool OldVariant=false)
 perform the bevel over the selected edges.
int splitEdge (int vertex1, int vertex2, float position)
 split existing edge somewhere between vertices.
bool connect (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 split existing edge somewhere between vertices.
bool checkConnectivity (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 check if connecting the two vertices is possible
void connectSelectedVerts ()
 connect selected vertices in smart way
void invertSelectedFacesTopoplogically ()
 invert selected faces only within the connective area, if some objects has no selected faces, the selection there will not change
void inset (float distance)
 perform the inset over the selected faces
void shell ()
 perform the shell operation over the selected faces. After calling the shell() you should call the moveSelectedFacesAlongFacesNormals or moveSelectedFacesAlongVertexNormals to give some thickness to the resulting figure
void intrude ()
 perform the intrude operation over the selected faces. After calling the intrude() you should call the moveSelectedFacesAlongFacesNormals or moveSelectedFacesAlongVertexNormals to give some thickness to the resulting figure
void relaxSelected ()
 relax selected vergtices
void selectPath (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 select all edges on the path from vertex1 to vertex2 (add to existing edges selection)
std::vector< int > getPath (int vertex1, int vertex2)
 get all vertices on the path from vertex1 to vertex2

Static Public Member Functions

static Model fromRetopo ()
 get the reference to the mesh in the retopo room
static Model fromModeling ()
 get the reference to the mesh in the modeling room, currently it is the same mesh as in the retopo room
static Model fromUv ()
 get the reference to the mesh in the uv room, pay attention that topology changes to that mesh may lead to instability!
static Mesh flattenSingleIsland (const Mesh &mesh, int method, bool optimize_rotation=true, bool scale_to_geometry=true)
 Flatten the mesh that consists of the single island.

Protected Member Functions

ClusteredMesh & _mctx ()
ClusteredMesh * _pmctx () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void inc_ref (ClusteredMesh *m)
static void dec_ref (ClusteredMesh *m)
static bool has_ref (ClusteredMesh *m)
static ClusteredMesh * allocate ()
static ClusteredMesh * allocate (ClusteredMesh *src)

Protected Attributes

ClusteredMesh * _mesh
bool _from_retopo
bool _from_uv

Static Protected Attributes

static std::vector< std::pair< ClusteredMesh *, int > > allocated_meshes


class Mesh

Detailed Description

The class that corresponds to the retopo/modeling rooms meshes. This is advanced version of the Mesh that allows essential topology changes on the fly. It is very similar to Mesh by basic functionality, may be easily converted to Mesh and vice versa. But it is more heavy structure, use Mesh if you don't need the advanced functionality.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Model() [1/2]

coat::Model::Model ( const Model & source)

make a reference to the source mesh. No new Mesh allocated! Use MakeCopy if you need to make a copy of the mesh

sourcethe source mesh

◆ Model() [2/2]

coat::Model::Model ( const Mesh & source)

construct model from the Mesh object.

sourcethe source Mesh object

Member Function Documentation

◆ addMaterial()

int coat::Model::addMaterial ( const char * name)

add the new UV set/Material

namethe name
the new UV set/Material index

◆ addObject()

int coat::Model::addObject ( const char * name)

add new retopo group

namethe group name
the index of new group

◆ addTransformed()

void coat::Model::addTransformed ( const Mesh & mesh,
const mat4 & Transform = mat4::Identity,
BoolOpType b = BOOL_MERGE,
bool select = false,
bool snap_to_existing = false )

insert the mesh to the retopo/modeling room, each object of the mesh treated as the new retopo layer

meshthe Mesh object
Transformthe transformation matrix
bthe boolean operation type
selectthe flag that indicates if we need to select faces of the the inserted mesh, used only if b is BOOL_MERGE
snap_to_existingthe flag that indicates if we need to snap the mesh to the existing sculpt/paint objects

◆ bevelOverSelectedEdges()

void coat::Model::bevelOverSelectedEdges ( float size,
int segments = 1,
bool OldVariant = false )

perform the bevel over the selected edges.

sizethe bevel width
OldVariantif true the older variant of the bevel (splits edges in strightforward way), in some cases it works more stable.

◆ bevelOverSelectedVertices()

void coat::Model::bevelOverSelectedVertices ( float size)

perform the bevel over the selected vertices. As result, new faces will be selected

sizethe bevel size

◆ checkConnectivity()

bool coat::Model::checkConnectivity ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

check if connecting the two vertices is possible

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
true if connection is possible

◆ clearObjectMesh()

void coat::Model::clearObjectMesh ( int group_index)

remove all faces from the group

group_indexthe group index

◆ collapseEdge()

void coat::Model::collapseEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

collapse the edge to the middle of the edge

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)

◆ connect()

bool coat::Model::connect ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

split existing edge somewhere between vertices.

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
true if succeeed to connect

◆ createNewFace()

int coat::Model::createNewFace ( int Group,
int UVSet )

create empty face, you need to call setFaceVertices to set the vertices, setFaceUVVerts to set the UV vertices

Groupthe face group index
UVSetthe UV set index
the new face index

◆ createNewUvVertex()

int coat::Model::createNewUvVertex ( const vec2 & uv)

create new UV vertex to be used for faces

uvthe texture coordinates
the index

◆ createNewVertex()

int coat::Model::createNewVertex ( const vec3 & position)

create the positional vertex

positionthe position
the positional vertex index

◆ displayOptions()

void coat::Model::displayOptions ( bool showWireframe = true,
bool showColored = true,
bool showSeams = true,
bool showSharpEdges = true,
bool smoothView = false )

Set the display options for the retopo/modeling/uv meshes.

showWireframeshow the wireframe
showColoredshow colored clusters
showSeamsshow seams
showSharpEdgesshow sharp edges
smoothViewsmooth view

◆ duplicateObject()

int coat::Model::duplicateObject ( int group_index,
const char * name = nullptr,
const mat4 & transform = mat4::Identity,
bool select = false )

duplicate the object (retopo group)

group_indexthe object/group index
namethe new name, if not passed the name will be generated automatically
transformthe additional transformation matrix
selectthe flag that indicates if we need to select the new object's faces (in addition to existing selection)
the new object index

◆ facesCount()

int coat::Model::facesCount ( )

get the faces count

the faces count

◆ flattenSingleIsland()

static Mesh coat::Model::flattenSingleIsland ( const Mesh & mesh,
int method,
bool optimize_rotation = true,
bool scale_to_geometry = true )

Flatten the mesh that consists of the single island.

meshthe mesh that consists of the single island
methodthe flattening method. 0 - flatten to the plane, 1 - LSCM, 2 - ABF, 3 - GU, 4 - Stripe (if possible)
optimize_rotationoptimize the rotation of the island, place it approximately horizontally or vertically
scale_to_geometryscale the island to keep average edge length equal to the average edge length of the original mesh
the flat mesh

◆ fromModeling()

static Model coat::Model::fromModeling ( )

get the reference to the mesh in the modeling room, currently it is the same mesh as in the retopo room

the reference to the mesh

◆ fromRetopo()

static Model coat::Model::fromRetopo ( )

get the reference to the mesh in the retopo room

the reference to the mesh

◆ fromUv()

static Model coat::Model::fromUv ( )

get the reference to the mesh in the uv room, pay attention that topology changes to that mesh may lead to instability!

the reference to the mesh

◆ generateName()

std::string coat::Model::generateName ( const char * base)

generate unique name for the object, it will start as the string in base base

basethe base name
the unique name

◆ getBorderBetweenIslands()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getBorderBetweenIslands ( int uv_set1,
int island_index1,
int uv_set2,
int island_index2 )

get the border between two islands

uv_set1the uv set index of the first island
island_index1the island index within the uv set of the first island
uv_set2the uv set index of the second island
island_index2the island index within the uv set of the second island
the list of edges that are common for both islands, even amount of elements, each pair of elements is the positional vertex indices of the original mesh

◆ getCurrentObject()

int coat::Model::getCurrentObject ( )

get the index of the current group

the index

◆ getFaceMaterial()

int coat::Model::getFaceMaterial ( int face)

get the UV set index for the face

facethe face index
the UV set index, -1 if out of range

◆ getFaceNeighbors()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getFaceNeighbors ( int face)

get the list of faces that are adjacent to the face

facethe face index
the list of adjacent faces

◆ getFaceNormal()

vec3 coat::Model::getFaceNormal ( int face)

get the face normal

facethe face index
the face normal

◆ getFaceObject()

int coat::Model::getFaceObject ( int face)

get the group index of the face

facethe face index
the group index

◆ getFacesNearEdge()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getFacesNearEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

get the list of faces that are adjacent to the edge

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
the list of adjacent faces

◆ getFacesNearVertex()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getFacesNearVertex ( int vertex)

get the list of faces that are adjacent to the vertex

vertexthe vertex index
the list of adjacent faces

◆ getFaceSquare()

float coat::Model::getFaceSquare ( int face)

get the face square

facethe face index
the square

◆ getFaceUVSquare()

float coat::Model::getFaceUVSquare ( int face)

get the face square in UV space

facethe face index
the square

◆ getFaceUvVertex()

int coat::Model::getFaceUvVertex ( int face,
int vertex_index )

get the UV vertex index over the face

facethe face index
vertex_indexthe vertex index over the face
the UV vertex index, -1 if the vertex/face index is out of range

◆ getFaceUvVerts()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getFaceUvVerts ( int face)

get the list of UV vertices indices over the face

facethe face index
the list of UV vertices indices

◆ getFaceUvVertsCount()

int coat::Model::getFaceUvVertsCount ( int face)

get the amount of UV vertices over the face

facethe face index
amount of vertices over the face, 0 if UV-s not assigned

◆ getFaceVertex()

int coat::Model::getFaceVertex ( int face,
int vertex_index )

get the vertex index over the face

facethe face index
vertex_indexthe vertex index over the face
the vertex index, -1 if the vertex/face index is out of range

◆ getFaceVerts()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getFaceVerts ( int face)

get the list of UV vertex indices over the face, pay attention UV vertices are not same as position vertices

facethe face index
the list of vertex indices

◆ getFaceVertsCount()

int coat::Model::getFaceVertsCount ( int face)

get the vertices count over the face

facethe face index
the vertices count

◆ getFaceVisibility()

bool coat::Model::getFaceVisibility ( int face)

get the face visibility

facethe face index
the visibility state

◆ getIslandBorder()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getIslandBorder ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

get unsorted list of edges on the border of the island

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set
the list of edges, even amount of elements, each pair of elements is the positional vertex indices of the original mesh

◆ getIslandVertexMapping()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getIslandVertexMapping ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

get the mapping from the vertex index in the mesh that was got by islandToMesh to the vertex index in the original mesh

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set
the list of the positional vertex indices of the original mesh in same order as the vertices in the mesh that was got by islandToMesh

◆ getIslandVertexUv()

vec2 coat::Model::getIslandVertexUv ( int uv_set,
int island_index,
int vertex_index )

get the uv coordinate of the positional vertex in the island

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set
vertex_indexthe positional vertex index
the uv coordinate of the vertex, vec2(0,0) if the vertex is not in the island

◆ getObjectFaces()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getObjectFaces ( int group_index)

get the list of faces in the group

group_indexthe group index
the list of faces

◆ getObjectMesh()

Mesh coat::Model::getObjectMesh ( int group_index)

get the mesh from some retopo group

group_indexthe group index
the Mesh object

◆ getObjectName()

const char * coat::Model::getObjectName ( int group_index)

get the retopo group name

group_indexthe group index
the name

◆ getObjectReferenceColor()

vec4 coat::Model::getObjectReferenceColor ( int group_index)

get the group reference color

group_indexthe group index
the (r,g,b,a) vector, 0..255

◆ getObjectsCount()

int coat::Model::getObjectsCount ( )

get the retopo groups count

the amount

◆ getObjectVisibility()

bool coat::Model::getObjectVisibility ( int index)

get the group visibility

indexthe group index
the visibility state

◆ getPath()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getPath ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

get all vertices on the path from vertex1 to vertex2

vertex1the first vertex
vertex2the second vertex

◆ getSelectedEdges()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getSelectedEdges ( )

returns even amount of vertex indices, pairs os start and end vertices of the selected edges

the list of vertex indices (pairs)

◆ getSelectedFaces()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getSelectedFaces ( )

get the list of selected faces

the list of selected faces

◆ getSelectedVertices()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getSelectedVertices ( )

get the list of selected vertices

the list of selected vertices

◆ getSelectedVerticesWeights()

std::vector< float > coat::Model::getSelectedVerticesWeights ( )

get the soft selection weights of the selected vertices, 1 is maximum value

the list of weights, the size of the list is equal to the size of the selected vertices list

◆ getVertex()

vec3 coat::Model::getVertex ( int vertex)

get the vertex position in space

vertexthe vertex index
the position

◆ getVertexNormal()

vec3 coat::Model::getVertexNormal ( int vertex)

get vertex normal, calculated as average of adjacent faces normals

vertexthe vertex index
the normal

◆ getVertexUV()

vec2 coat::Model::getVertexUV ( int uv_vertex)

get the UV coordinates of the UV vertex

uv_vertexthe uv vertex index
teh UV coordinates

◆ getVertsNearVertex()

std::vector< int > coat::Model::getVertsNearVertex ( int vertex)

get the list of vertices that are adjacent to the vertex

vertexthe vertex index
the list of adjacent vertices

◆ getWholeMesh()

Mesh coat::Model::getWholeMesh ( )

get the whole mesh from the retopo room

the Mesh object

◆ isEdgeSelected()

bool coat::Model::isEdgeSelected ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

check if the edge is selected, order of vertices has no matter

vertex1the first vertex index
vertex2the second vertex index
true if the edge is selected

◆ isFaceSelected()

bool coat::Model::isFaceSelected ( int face)

check if the face selected

facethe face index
the selection state

◆ islandsCount()

int coat::Model::islandsCount ( int uv_set)

get the islands count over the current uv-set

uv_setthe uv-set index
teh islands count

◆ islandToMesh()

Mesh coat::Model::islandToMesh ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

get the mesh that contains the island, xy of each point is the UV coordinate. The mesh contains only one island

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set
the flat mesh

◆ islandToMeshInSpace()

Mesh coat::Model::islandToMeshInSpace ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

get the mesh that contains the island, each point is the coordinate in space (not the uv coordinate!). The mesh contains only one island. The faces correspond to the faces of the mesh that was got by islandToMesh

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set
mesh the 3D mesh

◆ isOpenEdge()

bool coat::Model::isOpenEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

check if the edge is open

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
true if open

◆ isSeam()

bool coat::Model::isSeam ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

check if edge is seam

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
true if seam

◆ isSharpEdge()

bool coat::Model::isSharpEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

check if the edge is sharp

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
true if sharp

◆ isVertexSelected()

bool coat::Model::isVertexSelected ( int vertex)

check if the vertex is selected

vertexthe vertex index
true if the vertex is selected

◆ meshToIsland()

void coat::Model::meshToIsland ( const Mesh & mesh,
int uv_set,
int island_index )

use the mesh (that was previously got by islandToMesh) to replace the island in the current uv-set

meshthe mesh that was previously got by islandToMesh
uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ moveSelectedFacesAlongFacesNormals()

void coat::Model::moveSelectedFacesAlongFacesNormals ( float displacement)

move selected faces along the faces normals, trying to keep faces parallel to the original direction

displacementthe displacement value

◆ moveSelectedFacesAlongVertexNormals()

void coat::Model::moveSelectedFacesAlongVertexNormals ( float displacement)

move selected faces along the vertex normals, each vertex displace on the same distance

displacementthe displacement value

◆ operator=()

Model & coat::Model::operator= ( const Model & source)

the assignment operator. No new Mesh allocated! Use MakeCopy if you need to make a copy of the mesh

sourcethe source mesh
the Mesh reference

◆ pack()

void coat::Model::pack ( int uv_set,
bool rotate,
bool shuffle )

pack the islands in the current uv-set

uv_setthe uv set index
rotateallow rotation while packing
shuffleshuffle the identical islands to avoid the exact overlapping

◆ removeFace()

void coat::Model::removeFace ( int face)

remove the face by index

facethe face index

◆ scaleSelectedFacesClusters()

void coat::Model::scaleSelectedFacesClusters ( float scale,
ClusterScale method = Uniform_Scaling )

scale each selection cluster separately, to own center mass

scalethe scale coefficient

◆ selectEdge()

void coat::Model::selectEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

select the edge by vertex indices (add to selection)

vertex1the first vertex index
vertex2the second vertex index

◆ selectedToMesh()

Mesh coat::Model::selectedToMesh ( )

get the selected faces as the Mesh object

the Mesh

◆ selectedToObject()

void coat::Model::selectedToObject ( int group_index)

move the selected faces to the group

group_indexthe group index

◆ selectFace()

void coat::Model::selectFace ( int face)

select the face by index

facethe face index

◆ selectObject()

void coat::Model::selectObject ( int group_index,
bool add_to_selected = true )

select all feces in the group

group_indexthe group index

◆ selectPath()

void coat::Model::selectPath ( int vertex1,
int vertex2 )

select all edges on the path from vertex1 to vertex2 (add to existing edges selection)

vertex1the first vertex
vertex2the second vertex

◆ selectVertex()

void coat::Model::selectVertex ( int vertex,
float weight = 1.0f )

add the vertex to the selection

vertexthe vertex index
weightthe soft selection weight, 1 is maximum value

◆ setCurrentObject()

void coat::Model::setCurrentObject ( int index)

set the current group index

indexthe index

◆ setEdgeSeam()

void coat::Model::setEdgeSeam ( int vertex1,
int vertex2,
bool seam )

set or clear the seam state for the edge

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
seamthe seam state

◆ setEdgeSharpness()

void coat::Model::setEdgeSharpness ( int vertex1,
int vertex2,
bool sharp )

set the sharpness state for the edge

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
sharpthe sharpness state

◆ setFaceMaterial()

void coat::Model::setFaceMaterial ( int face,
int uv_set )

set the UV set for the face

facethe face index
uv_setthe UV set index

◆ setFaceObject()

void coat::Model::setFaceObject ( int face,
int group )

set the group index of the face

facethe face index
groupthe group index

◆ setFaceUvVerts()

void coat::Model::setFaceUvVerts ( int face,
const std::vector< int > & vertices )

set the UV vertices for the face

facethe face index
verticesthe UV vertices list

◆ setFaceVerts()

void coat::Model::setFaceVerts ( int face,
const std::vector< int > & vertices )

set the list of positional vertex indices over the face

facethe face index
verticesthe list of vertex indices

◆ setFaceVisibility()

void coat::Model::setFaceVisibility ( int face,
bool visibility )

set the face visibility

facethe face index
visibilitythe visibility state

◆ setObjectMesh()

void coat::Model::setObjectMesh ( int group_index,
Mesh & mesh,
const mat4 & transform = mat4::Identity )

replace the retopo layer with mesh

group_indexthe group index
meshthe Mesh object to insert
transformthe transformation matrix

◆ setObjectName()

void coat::Model::setObjectName ( int index,
const char * name )

rename the group by index

indexthe group index to rename
namethe new name

◆ setObjectReferenceColor()

void coat::Model::setObjectReferenceColor ( int group_index,
vec4 color )

set the group reference color

group_indexthe group index
colorthe (r,g,b,a) vector, 0..255

◆ setObjectVisibility()

void coat::Model::setObjectVisibility ( int index,
bool visible )

set the group visibility

indexthe group index
visiblethe visibility state

◆ setSelectedEdges()

void coat::Model::setSelectedEdges ( std::vector< int > & edges)

set the selected edges list

edgesthe edges indices list (should be even amount of indices)

◆ setSelectedFaces()

void coat::Model::setSelectedFaces ( std::vector< int > & faces)

set the selected faces list

facesthe faces indices list

◆ setSelectedVertices()

void coat::Model::setSelectedVertices ( const std::vector< int > & vertices,
const std::vector< float > & weights )

set the selected vertices list

verticesthe list of vertices indices
weightsthe list of soft selection weights, the size of the list should be zero or equal to the size of the vertices list. If it is empty, the vertices will be selected with the maximal weight

◆ setVertex()

void coat::Model::setVertex ( int vertex,
const vec3 & position )

set the vertex position in space

vertexthe vertex index
positionthe position

◆ setVertexUV()

void coat::Model::setVertexUV ( int uv_vertex,
const vec2 & uv )

set the UV for the UV vertex

uv_vertexthe uv vertex index
uvthe UV coordinates

◆ splitEdge()

int coat::Model::splitEdge ( int vertex1,
int vertex2,
float position )

split existing edge somewhere between vertices.

vertex1the positional vertex index (1)
vertex2the positional vertex index (2)
positionthe position to split the edge, [0..1], 0 - near the vertex1, 1 - near the vertex2
the new vertex index

◆ subdivide()

void coat::Model::subdivide ( bool apply_catmull_clark = true)

subdivide the whole mesh

apply_catmull_clarkapply the catmull-clark subdivision

◆ subdivideSelectedFaces()

void coat::Model::subdivideSelectedFaces ( bool apply_catmull_clark = false)

subdivide the selected faces

apply_catmull_clarkapply the catmull-clark subdivision

◆ toAbf()

void coat::Model::toAbf ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

unwrap the island using the ABF approach

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ toGu()

void coat::Model::toGu ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

unwrap the island using the GU (Globally Uniform) approach

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ toLscm()

void coat::Model::toLscm ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

unwrap the island using the LSCM approach

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ toPlanar()

void coat::Model::toPlanar ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

unwrap the island using the Planar approach

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ toStripe()

void coat::Model::toStripe ( int uv_set,
int island_index )

try to uwrap the island as the regular stripe

uv_setthe uv set index
island_indexthe island index within the uv set

◆ transform()

Model & coat::Model::transform ( const mat4 & m)

transform the whole Model with the matrix

mthe transformation matrix
the reference to the Model

◆ transformSelected()

void coat::Model::transformSelected ( const mat4 & transform,
bool apply_symmetry )

apply the transformation to the selected elements

transformthe transformation matrix
apply_symmetryapply the global symmetry

◆ unwrap()

void coat::Model::unwrap ( int uv_set)

unwrap the current uv-set

uv_setthe uv set index

◆ updateNormals()

void coat::Model::updateNormals ( bool for_snapping = true)

update the vertex normals

for_snappingif true, the normals will lay in the middle of faces, ne respecting the faces square.

◆ vertsCount()

int coat::Model::vertsCount ( )

get the positional vertices count

the vertices count

◆ vertsUvCount()

int coat::Model::vertsUvCount ( )

get the uv vertices count

the uv vertices count

◆ visibleToMesh()

Mesh coat::Model::visibleToMesh ( )

get the visible faces as the Mesh object

teh Mesh

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: