3DCoatScripting  4.8.31β
С помощью скриптинга можно управлять возможностями Коута и расширять его функционал.
Класс coat::scripto::Builder

Fixture for builds the primitives. Подробнее...

Открытые члены

MeshCapsule capsule () const
 Builds a capsule. Подробнее...
MeshCone cone () const
 Builds a cone. Подробнее...
MeshCuboid cuboid () const
 Builds a cuboid. Подробнее...
MeshCylinder cylinder () const
 Builds a cylinder. Подробнее...
MeshEllipsoid ellipsoid () const
 Builds an ellipsoid. Подробнее...
MeshGear gear () const
 Builds a gear. Подробнее...
MeshNGon ngon () const
 Builds an ngon. Подробнее...
MeshSphere sphere () const
 Builds a sphere. Подробнее...
MeshTorus torus () const
 Builds a torus. Подробнее...
MeshTube tube () const
 Builds a tube. Подробнее...

Открытые статические члены

static Builderinstance ()

Подробное описание

Fixture for builds the primitives.

Builder builder;
Mesh a = builder.cone()
.radius( 50 )
.height( 120 )
.details( 0.1 )
SculptRoom room;
room += a;
Начиная с


MeshCapsule coat::scripto::Builder::capsule ( ) const

Builds a capsule.

Mesh a = builder.capsule()
.startPosition( Vec3( 0 ) )
.endPosition( Vec3( 40, 50, 60 ) )
.startRadius( 30 )
.endRadius( 50 )
MeshCone coat::scripto::Builder::cone ( ) const

Builds a cone.

Mesh a = builder.cone()
.radius( 50 )
.height( 120 )
MeshCuboid coat::scripto::Builder::cuboid ( ) const

Builds a cuboid.

Mesh a = builder.cuboid()
.side( Vec3( 100, 80, 60 ) )
MeshCylinder coat::scripto::Builder::cylinder ( ) const

Builds a cylinder.

Mesh a = builder.cylinder()
.positionTop( Vec3( 80, 0, 0 ) )
.positionBottom( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
.radiusTop( 40 )
.radiusBottom( 50 )
MeshEllipsoid coat::scripto::Builder::ellipsoid ( ) const

Builds an ellipsoid.

Mesh a = builder.ellipsoid()
.radius( Vec3( 80, 60, 40 ) )
MeshGear coat::scripto::Builder::gear ( ) const

Builds a gear.

Mesh a = builder.gear()
.startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
.endPoint( Vec3( 90, 90, 90 ) )
.topRadius( 30 )
.bottomRadius( 50 )
.relativeHoleRadius( 0.3 )
.depth( 0.5 )
.sharpness( 0.2 )
.teeth( 3 )
MeshNGon coat::scripto::Builder::ngon ( ) const

Builds an ngon.

Mesh a = builder.ngon()
.startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
.endPoint( Vec3( 90, 90, 90 ) )
.topRadius( 30 )
.bottomRadius( 40 )
.relativeHoleRadius( 0.3 )
.teeth( 3 )
MeshSphere coat::scripto::Builder::sphere ( ) const

Builds a sphere.

Mesh a = builder.sphere()
.radius( 70 )
MeshTorus coat::scripto::Builder::torus ( ) const

Builds a torus.

Mesh a = builder.torus()
.radiusRelation( 40 )
.side( Vec3( 90, 90, 90 ) )
MeshTube coat::scripto::Builder::tube ( ) const

Builds a tube.

Mesh a = builder.tube()
.startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
.endPoint( Vec3( 30, 50, 70 ) )
.topRadius( 30 )
.bottomRadius( 40 )
.relativeHoleRadius( 0.8 )
.topScale( 2.0 )
.bottomScale( 1.0 )