Photogrammetry via the integration with RealityCapture introduced!
Possibility to perform volumetric boolean operations with additional shell. This is extremely important for 3D printing of matching parts of 3D models
Array tool is introduced in the Sculpt room: you can make different arrays of volume objects along the curves.
Surface Array tool is added in the Sculpt rool to make array of objects on the created surface or on the selected faces of the low-poly mesh
Normal Map to Mesh: The PPP scene with the normalmap can be converted into a true sculpt geometry using the Painting room.
Much faster PPP paintingover the big faces (that has big amount of pixels inside the single face).
Blender 4.2 applink supported.
Real-time non-modal search/filter for all items container : alphas, materials, objects, layers, presets, etc.
The contour around the selected sculpt objects can be enabled.
The scene save time for big sculpt scenes (with big objects tree) decreased drastically.
The rectangle, square or shape modes in Epanel can expand from the center, if needed; there is a new option in the Epanel. You can assign the hotkey if necessary.
The RAW voxels export/import (useful to bring voxel data to any your proprietary engine) improved, now it can export/import PBR data (color, gloss, metal).
The new option "Extended edge loops" in the edge tools tool (uv/retopo) useful if you have "approximate" edgeloops and need to mark seams.
Blender AppLink got own repository (
Folder selection dialog replaced with a more convenient one, similar to the file open dialog.
Connective (topologically constrained) painting works for voxels as well.
Retopo via decimation works for all selected objects, each selected object will be retopoloed into the separate group.
You can drag&drop multiple selected volumes.
Tweak room tools moved to the Paint room; the tweak room removed.
Noise tool works for volumes in multires/proxy mode.
Live Booleans na Voxels ewebata! Ọ gụnyere Tinye, Wepụ na Intersect ụdịdị, ọbụlagodi na ihe ụmụaka dị mgbagwoju anya, na arụmọrụ dị mma nke ukwuu
Vector Displacement Brush nkwado agbakwunyere site na obere ọba akwụkwọ nke VDM brushes, nyere na folda nchekwa Brush dị iche iche VDM n'ime panel "Alfas". Enwere ike ibubata faịlụ VDM EXR n'ime panel "Alfas" otu ụzọ dị ka ahịhịa grayscale ọkọlọtọ.
Vector Displacement Creation ngwá ọrụ , aha ya bụ "Pick & Paste," ka agbakwunyere iji nye ndị na-ese ihe ohere ngwa ngwa na ụzọ dị mma iji wepụ ọdịdị nke ihe fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ elu ọ bụla dị na ebe ahụ. Ịkwesighi ịgafe usoro na-agwụ ike nke ịme ụgbọ elu, wee na-akpụpụta ihe a chọrọ site na ncha, dị ka ngwa ndị ọzọ. Ị nwere ike iji ngwa Pick & Tapawa mee brushes VDM site na ụdị ọ bụla ị nwere ikike.
E mejuputala ihe mkpuchi Layers + Masks clipping yiri yana dakọtara na Photoshop. Ọ na-arụ ọrụ na Vertex Paint, VerTexture (Factures) na Voxel Paint!
Nkwalite UI na-aga n'ihu & na-abawanye na-aga n'ihu site na mbọ dị iche iche iji melite ọdịdị anya (na-enwe ike ịgụ mkpụrụedemede, oghere na nhazi), yana atụmatụ ọhụrụ na-enye aka agbakwunyere na UI.
Ọrụ Python nwere ọtụtụ modul akwadoro.
Usoro Addons ewebata iji jikọọ Python/C++ ndị mmepe na ndị ọrụ. Ọ na-enye ohere ikesa script dị mfe, inye ntuziaka na ịchọta ozi. Ụfọdụ mgbakwunye bara uru gụnyere, dịka ọmụmaatụ, mbibi ezi uche dị na ya na mgbawa enweghị usoro - "Tijie ntupu na cracks" addon.
Nkwado Blender 4 emelitere site na AppLink emelitere.
AI Assistant (3DCoat's specialized Chat GPT) ewebatara yana mgbanwe agba agba UI etinye na menu mmalite.
Ngwá ọrụ Scene Scale Master echerela ogologo oge maka nguzosi ike n'ihe nha nha nha n'etiti ngwa na Import ma ọ bụ Export.
Ngwa ọhụrụ "Edge Flow" dị n'ime ime ụlọ na-enye ndị ọrụ ohere ịgbakwunye ọkwa curvature a na-agbanwe agbanwe (na Edge-loop ahọpụtara) n'etiti geometry gbara ya gburugburu.
Ewebata View Gizmo. Enwere ike gbanyụọ ya na ntọala.
Njikwa UV karịa Python/C++ emelitere nke ọma
Export maka mbipụta 3D , maka imeghe na Cura, emelitere
Layers nwere ugbu a thumbnail preview Map Texture (dị ka Photoshop na ngwa ndị ọzọ)