3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
No Matches
cVec3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for cVec3, including all inherited members.

__getstate__() (defined in cVec3)cVec3
__repr__() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
__setstate__(const std::tuple< float, float, float > &state) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
Abs(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
AddWithWeight(cVec3 const &src, float weight) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Angle(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Angle(const cVec3 &p1, const cVec3 &p2, const cVec3 &p3, const cVec3 &normal) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
AreaSigned(const cVec3 &t0, const cVec3 &t1, const cVec3 &t2) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
AxisNegX (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
AxisNegY (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
AxisNegZ (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
AxisX (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
AxisY (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
AxisZ (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
BaryCentric(const cVec3 &t0, const cVec3 &t1, const cVec3 &t2, const float f, const float g) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Clamp(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Clear(void *=0) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Copy(const float *Src) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Cross(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
cross(const cVec3 &u, const cVec3 &v) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
cVec3() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
cVec3(const float S) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlineexplicit
cVec3(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
cVec3(const cVec2 &XY, const float Z) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
cVec3(const dVec3 &v) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
cVec3(const cVec3 &v) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Distance(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Distance(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
distance(const cVec3 &u) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Distance2(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Distance2(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
DistanceSq(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
distanceSq(const cVec3 &u) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Dot(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Dot(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
dot(const cVec3 &u) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Equals(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &, const float Eps=cMath::Epsilon) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
FixDegenerateNormal() (defined in cVec3)cVec3
FixDenormals() (defined in cVec3)cVec3
FromPolarXZ(const float Radius, const float Angle) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
GetDimension() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
GetOrthonormal() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
GetOrthonormalPair() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
GetPosition() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Infinity (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
IsNormalized(float Eps=cMath::Epsilon) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
IsValid() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
IsZero(float Eps=cMath::Epsilon) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Length() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Length(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Length2() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
LengthM() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
LengthSq() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
LengthSq(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Lerp(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &, const float) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Lerp05(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
MakeOrthonormalTo(const cVec3 &vec) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
Max(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Min(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Normalize() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Normalize(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Normalize2() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Normalize2(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
NormalizeSafe(const cVec3 &Fallback=cVec3::AxisZ) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
One (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
operator!=(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*(const float) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator* (defined in cVec3)cVec3friend
operator*(const cMat3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*(const cQuat &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
operator*(const cRotation &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
operator*=(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*=(const float) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*=(const cMat3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator*=(const cQuat &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
operator*=(const cRotation &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
operator+(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator+=(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator-() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator-(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator-=(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator/(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator/(const float) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator/=(const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator/=(const float) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator=(const cVec4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
operator==(const cVec3 &) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator[](const int Index) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
operator[](const int Index) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Perpendicular(const cVec3 &v1) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
PointInTriangle(const cVec3 &p, const cVec3 &t0, const cVec3 &t1, const cVec3 &t2) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
Project(const cVec3 &v1, const cVec3 &v2) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Rand(const cVec3 &Lo, const cVec3 &Hi) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
RandNormal() (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
RandRange1() (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
RayTri(const cVec3 &RayOrig, const cVec3 &RayDir, const cVec3 &t0, const cVec3 &t1, const cVec3 &t2, float &u, float &v, float &t, const bool BackFaceCull=false) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
Reflect(const cVec3 &RayDir, const cVec3 &Normal) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Refract(const cVec3 &RayDir, const cVec3 &Normal, const float Eta) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Rotate(const cQuat &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
Rotate(const cRotation &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3
Rotate(const cVec3 &, const cQuat &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
Rotate(const cVec3 &, const cRotation &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
Round() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Set(const float S) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Set(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Set(const cVec2 &XY, const float Z) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
SetCross(const cVec3 &, const cVec3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
SetOne() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
SetPosition(float aX, float aY, float aZ) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
SetRandRange1() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
SetZero() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Slerp(const cVec3 &n0, const cVec3 &n1, const float s) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
ToAngles() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
ToBaryCentric(const cVec3 &t0, const cVec3 &t1, const cVec3 &t2, float &f, float &g) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToFloatPtr() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToFloatPtr() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToNormal() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToPerp() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
ToPerps(cVec3 &X, cVec3 &Y) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
ToPolarXZ(float *Radius, float *Angle) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToString(const int Prec=2) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3
ToVec2() const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
ToVec2() (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Transform(const cMat3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Transform(const cVec3 &, const cMat3 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Transform(const cVec3 &, const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
TransformCoordinate(const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
TransformCoordinate(const cVec3 &, const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
TransformCoordinate(cList< cVec3 > *, const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
TransformCoordinate(cVec3 *Array, const int Count, const cMat4 &T) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
TransformNormal(const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
TransformNormal(const cVec3 &, const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
TransformNormal(cList< cVec3 > *, const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
TransformNormal(cVec3 *Array, const int Count, const cMat4 &T) (defined in cVec3)cVec3static
TransformNormalTransposed(const cMat4 &) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
TriProjectionSolidAngle(const cVec3 &a, const cVec3 &b, const cVec3 &c) const (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
Truncate(const cVec3 &u, const float MaxLen) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inlinestatic
Truncate(const float MaxLen) (defined in cVec3)cVec3inline
x (defined in cVec3)cVec3
y (defined in cVec3)cVec3
z (defined in cVec3)cVec3
Zero (defined in cVec3)cVec3static