3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcoatThe coat namespace used for most 3DCoat API calls except low-level internal structures
 CboltBolt primitive
 CInfoHolds the general information about bolt parameters
 CboltHeadBolt head primitive
 CboxThe box
 CcapsuleThe capsule
 CconeThe cone
 CcylinderThe cylinder
 CdialogRich dialog. You may customize it, show your custom parameters and custom buttons
 CellipseThe ellipse
 CEyeParamsStruct of the EyeParams data
 CFontInfoHolds the general information about font
 CfreeformFreeform primitive
 CgearThe gear
 CHeadBaseParamsHeadBaseParams struct of the head data
 CHeadParamsClass HeadParams
 CImageThe image references. Look the cImage for the list of allowed operations
 CimageImage primitive
 CParamInfoHolds the general information about image parameters
 CioGeneral I/O access
 CLambParamsStruct of the LambParams data
 ClatheLathe primitive
 CMeshThe mesh reference
 CModelThe class that corresponds to the retopo/modeling rooms meshes. This is advanced version of the Mesh that allows essential topology changes on the fly. It is very similar to Mesh by basic functionality, may be easily converted to Mesh and vice versa. But it is more heavy structure, use Mesh if you don't need the advanced functionality
 CngonThe ngon
 CnutNut primitive
 CprimThe abstract prim class
 CresourceThis class represents different resources accessible in UI - alphas, strips, materials, models, etc
 CRimParamsStruct of the RimParams data
 CSceneReferes the roots of the scene graph
 CSceneElementThe scene element, like sculpt object or curve
 CscrewScrew primitive
 CInfoHolds the general information about bolt parameters
 CSlitClass of the slits
 CsphereThe sphere
 CSphericalCollisionThe class intended to place spheres in space and identify if there are spheres around. It is important for random objects generating and avoiding self-intersection of objects
 CspiralThe spiral
 CtextText primitive
 CthreadThread primitive
 CthreadStudThread stud primitive
 CtorusThe torus
 CTShapedParamsStruct of the TShapedParams data
 CtubeThe tube
 CuiOperate over the Coat's ui
 CuvThe UV API. The mesh is taken from the current room. If paint or UV rooms is active, the mesh is taken from the paint room, otherwise the mesh is taken from the Retopo room
 CVolumeThe class allows to operate over voxels/surface on the relatively low-level
 CwasherWasher primitive