3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
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 * Output to the log file, writing to the text file

// Output to the log file, writing to the text file
#include <CoreAPI.h>
//If you need the release build at full speed please change the Debug below to Release
//@config: Debug
// Logging is important part of debugging. First, you need to specify where the logging will be performed
// Generally, coat::logger may be use for the regular text-file output, not just for logging.
// In this case you may declare the coat::logger object within any function, output there and then call close()
coat::logger dbg("mylog.txt");
int main(){
dbg << "Hello world!";
// the vector just as example
coat::vec3 v(1, 2, 3);
// we start from the new line, so we cal newline(), the we pass all arguments one-by-one
dbg.newline() << "Float output: " << 0.1234f << " Integer output: " << 123 << " \nVector: [ " << v << "]";
// logging may be used for the profiling. Now we calculate time in microseconds spent for some operation
double s = 0;
for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++) {
s += i;
// the endTimer() writes the time passed since the last startTimer(), so you may estimate the execution time
dbg.newline().endTimer() << "(microseconds)";
// as soon as we call flush the text will be written to the file.
// You may call the close(), it this case file wil be closed and all further attempts to pass data there
// will overwrite all previous data.
// open() opens the default text editor to see your results
// other was is showMessage() - it triggers the dialog in the 3DCoat
return 0;
Definition CoreAPI.h:5738
comms::cVec3 vec3
3D - float vector, see the cVec3
Definition CoreAPI.h:50